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The Daily Dot

Новости за 14.03.2024

People love Trump’s mental picture of Hillary Clinton pouring ‘acid that will destroy everything within ten miles’ on her server

The Daily Dot 

Former President Donald Trump claimed in a TV interview on Wednesday that Hillary Clinton “hammered her phones” and used “essentially acid that will destroy everything within ten miles” to get rid of email on a personal server she kept as Secretary of State while discussing an investigation into President Joe Biden over alleged improper handling of classified documents.

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‘I fumbled the $21 an hour’: Jobseeker says Panda Express ended her interview after 7 minutes over her answer to this question

The Daily Dot 

Sometimes, job interviews are just as much about your personal self as they are about your professional self. One TikToker learned this the hard way with an awkward Panda Express job interview where they left unsure if they would get a call back after some questionable responses to the interviewer's questions.

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