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The Daily Dot

Новости за 15.03.2024

‘These aren’t issues we can ignore’: Gen Z is ‘climate quitting.’ Here’s what that is

The Daily Dot 

While older generations may see climate change as an abstract concern, the younger people among us perceive climate change as an immediate, and terrifying, issue. In fact, in October 2018, the American Psychological Association published a study that found that 68% of Gen Z were anxious about their future—a stress motivated, in part, by the threat of climate change.

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Deplatformed: Clinton cannibal gangs

The Daily Dot 

Deplatformed is a weekly column that looks into the nether reaches of the internet—outside the big few that everyone already covers—to tell you the political discourse online. It runs on Thursdays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

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Елена Рыбакина

Камбэком обернулся матч вундеркинда из России перед стартом Еленой Рыбакиной в Мадриде

The Telegraph сообщила о планах Британии создать собственные ракеты к 2030 году

Байден: США делают все возможное для возвращения Гершковича и Уилана

Силовики задержали вместе с 12-м фигурантом дела «Крокуса» Курбоновым его брата

52 диплома завоевала команда Подмосковья на школьной олимпиаде по 4 предметам