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Новости за 30.11.2015

The Reinvention of Paris Hilton Is Upon Us


Welcome to our new world of po-mo-po-mo ouroboros, in which 2015 has warped into some kind of psychedelic sick joke: Donald Trump is dominating the headlines, Chipotle gives you e.coli, The Walking Dead still hasn’t killed off Carl (or, in Rick parlance, COORAL). Thankfully, there has been at least one constant in American popular culture since the turn of the century, and that constant is Paris Whitney Hilton.

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Kate Hudson's Fabletics Targets Lululemon, Visible 'Pussy' in New Commercials


Years ago (or perhaps just months ago) Fabletics commercials were just footage of Kate Hudson laughing about something and doing yoga outdoors. But because I’m one of the only people on the planet who would buy a piece of clothing exclusively because Kate Hudson laughed a little and told me I look great in it, they’ve decided to adjust their marketing plan.

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This Is Not Your Creepy Wall Street Grandpa's Pirelli Calendar


The notoriously nudie Pirelli Calendar—known for depicting models and their ilk in various states of pin-up-style undress and being shipped off to an exclusive list of high-end clientele who presumably smell like scotch and cigars and laugh maniacally in their top-floor corner offices—has undergone a revamp this year and, lo! It’s a revamp that respects women for their accomplishments, not their boobies.

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Here Is Your 2015 King of the Thanksgiving Leftovers Sandwich


Something dark happened the day after Thanksgiving, and it wasn’t the realization that Black Friday is indeed a thing that people you love and care about might love and care about. In some households, still-very full individuals awoke to find that the band of teen boys attending their Thanksgiving dinner had thrown out the gravy and the cranberry sauce. Now there was no garnish with which to garnish their post-Thanksgiving sandwiches.

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Новости России

Более 230 работодателей Москвы и Московской области получили субсидии за трудоустройство новых сотрудников по программе субсидирования найма

Belfast High Court: Northern Ireland's Abortion Laws 'Incompatible with Human Rights'


In a historic ruling, a High Court in Belfast, Northern Ireland has ruled that the country’s anti-abortion laws violate human rights. The current law, which forbids abortions in the case of fatal fetal abnormalities, rape or incest, imposes, according to the judge, “an intolerable burden” on women who have to travel to England for abortion care.

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The Best Cyber Monday Apparel Deals 


By now, you know the drill: Hunker down, find a dependable wi-fi connection, and call your boss and tell them you’re too damn sick to come in. It’s Cyber Monday—a.k.a. the internet’s annual discount bacchanalia. Below, we’ve amassed the cream of the crop, separated by price point and ranked by sale. From 50% off at select retailer at Nasty Gal to 85% off at Barneys Warehouse, just remember to pace yourself as you stock up on fine leather goods, vibrators, and cashmere scarfs.

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Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Ради Жизни For Life: ведущие специалисты мира собрались в Москве для обсуждения перспектив ядерной медицины

Успенская отсудила у обозвавшего её "попрошайкой" Киркорова 90 тысяч рублей

Причиной отравления семьи под Красноярском мог стать аэрозоль от насекомых

Обвиняемые по делу о стрельбе у офиса Wildberries обжаловали арест