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Real Clear World

Новости за 05.09.2016

A Shaky Holding Operation in Afghanistan

Real Clear World 

Ahmed Rashid, Financial Times
Afghanistan is in the grip of chaos caused not only by the advance of the Taliban and its foreign terrorist allies during their summer offensive but also by a leadership crisis in Kabul that has permeated down to the regular and irregular armed forces deployed by the government, widened the country's ethnic and political divide and helped worsen the economic meltdown.

How Both Sides Got Cambodia Wrong

Real Clear World 

Donald Beachler, The Daily Beast
Never was there a finer example of ideologues seeing what they wanted to see than the era of Cambodian genocide. Only Orwell, prescient as ever, got it right.

Life in Apple's Ireland

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Jennifer Duggan, Foreign Policy
The strange nature of living in a tax haven, where 26 percent GDP growth is accompanied by austerity and a homelessness crisis.

China Heads West: Beijing's New Silk Road to Europe

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Erich Follath, Der Spiegel
China is building new roads, railroads and pipelines from Central Asia to Europe in an effort to build new connections to the rest of the world. The results may be good for the Chinese -- but less so for the other countries involved.

Forget Containment: Saudi Arabia Wants to Roll Back Iran

Real Clear World 

Arash Reisinezhad, TNI
Internally, Saudi Arabia's aggressive new policy attempts to pose threats to Iran by activating several opposition groups, including the MEK as well as ethnic militant groups in Iran's Kurdistan and Baluchistan. This is the internal aspect of Saudi Arabia's new roll-back policy.

Rouhani May Be Iran's First One-Term President

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Saeid Jafari, Al-Monitor
Despite fulfilling his key campaign pledge of resolving the nuclear issue, Hassan Rouhani is still far from guaranteed a second term as Iran's president.

Desire for Independence Alive and Well in Hong Kong

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Emily Rauhala, Wash Post
In 2014, tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents took to the streets in a defiant challenge to China. They called for full democracy, universal suffrage and the protection of their way of life.But few spoke of independence -- until now.

Why Mexico's Outreach to Trump Was Smart

Real Clear World 

Laura Ingraham, LifeZette
Imagine that representatives of Canada, New Zealand, Austria, Finland, and Portugal expressed an interest in meeting with the president of Mexico, in hopes of improving economic and political ties. Wouldn't it be smart for the president to meet with those people? In fact, wouldn't it be political malpractice to refuse such a meeting —Â and then to go on TV and publicly denounce their representatives as evil, as some commentators have suggested he do with Trump? Of course it would. Читать дальше...

Mapping Britain's Exit From Europe

Real Clear World 

Clive Crook, Bloomberg View
In the two months since Britain voted to leave the European Union, its government has done little to clarify where this project is going. It would be wrong to expect a detailed plan, because the terms of exit and whatever arrangements follow must be negotiated. But surely a statement setting out priorities and basic principles wasn't too much to expect by now.What should such a statement say? To begin with, it ought to make a clear distinction between long-term goals... Читать дальше...

Labour Is Poised to Back Corbyn Again, Even if Britain Isn't

Real Clear World 

Steven Erlanger, NYT

Labour members of Parliament who survived the 2015 debacle fear worse to come under Mr. Corbyn, 67, whose election as leader was entirely unexpected. He was the beneficiary of weak opponents and of a strong vote from new party members and anyone who was willing to pay three pounds to vote, member or not.

A U.S. History Lesson for Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Real Clear World 

Stephen Kinzer, Boston Globe
Violently intervening in the affairs of other countries has brought the United States much grief over the last century. We are hardly the only ones who do it. The club of interventionist nations has a shifting membership. During the current round of Middle East conflict, two new countries have joined: Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Both have succumbed to the imperial temptation. Both are paying a high price. They are learning a lesson that Americans struggle to accept: Interventions... Читать дальше...

Merkel's Fight Against Europe's Far-Right Begins at Home

Real Clear World 

Peter Foster, Telegraph
Without a serious rival for the Chancellorship, Mrs Merkel remains hot favourite to run and win again in 2017, and this result doesn't fundamentally change that.But the result does serve as yet another warning - if it were needed - that the grievances that are fuelling the rise of nativist parties like AfD all across Europe need to be addressed, not ignored or Europe's spiral of dysfunction will only tighten.

Nationalists Overtake Merkel's Party in German State Vote

Real Clear World 

Geir Moulson, AP
A nationalist, anti-immigration party performed strongly in a state election Sunday in the region where German Chancellor Angela Merkel has her political base, overtaking her conservatives to take second place amid discontent with her migrant policies.

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