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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 12.01.2018

CNN’s Jake Tapper Admits Trump’s ‘Sh*thole’ Statement Was Twisted by Fake News Reporters

The Gateway Pundit 

Media was set ablaze Thursday after President Trump reportedly responded to the ‘gang of 6’ immigration proposal with some fiery language. President Trump went on a tweet storm Friday morning and said the reports of the language he used is fake news. It didn’t go down the way it’s being reported. Shocker! POTUS denied having […]

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Oh Brother… Democrat Dick Durbin Told Trump “Chain Migration” Was Racist Because It Reminds Blacks of Chains (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Oh Brother. Now they want to ban the term “chain migration”! Democrat Dick Durbin says he told President Trump that “chain migration” was hurtful because it reminded black people of slaves in chains. It makes you wonder what Dick thinks of “chain smokers”? Durbin actually said this with a straight face. Sen. Durbin: “I said […]

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Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump ‘Ignorant’, ‘Racist’ Over Reported ‘S***hole’ Immigration Comments

The Gateway Pundit 

Hillary Clinton, the failed Democratic Party presidential nominee defeated by President Donald Trump lashed out at him on Twitter Friday afternoon, calling him “ignorant” and “racist” over his alleged ‘s***hole countries’ comments regarding immigration made in the Oval Office during a private meeting with lawmakers on Thursday. Clinton (or an aide) posted: “The anniversary of […]

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Drunk Detectives, Lawless Wardens Mar Marine Gun Case

The Gateway Pundit 

Thursday, The Gateway Pundit brought you the story of an active duty Marine, Joey Nelson, who was arrested and charged with multiple felonies for defending himself, his family, his friends, and his home from an armed intruder. Damning information has now surfaced regarding the Westland Police and the jail guards regarding their treatment of Joey […]

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James Comey Channels His Inner ‘Jim Acosta’ With Latest Tweet Attacking POTUS’s Immigration Stance

The Gateway Pundit 

Media was set ablaze Thursday after President Trump responded to the ‘gang of 6’ immigration proposal with some fiery language. And THAT’S why we love him! The New York Times reported: WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday balked at an immigration deal that would include protections for people from Haiti and African countries, demanding to know […]

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Chelsea Clinton – the Woman Who Used Embezzled Haiti Disaster Cash to Pay for Her Wedding – Lectures Trump on Haiti

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations. It was a good question. But Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe the global community’s failed states. […]

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Sneaky Dianne Feinstein Confirms She Leaked Glenn Simpson Transcript at the Request of Fusion GPS’s Lawyers

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) unilaterally released Fusion GPS’s full testimony from an August 2017 interview Tuesday. Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley’s spox responded immediately Tuesday to Feinstein’s unilateral move: “It’s totally confounding that Senator Feinstein would unilaterally release a transcript of a witness interview in the middle of an ongoing investigation..Her decision was made without […]

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Video=> Reporter Yells ‘S***hole’ at President Trump at MLK Day Proclamation Signing, April Ryan Repeatedly Yells, ‘Are You a Racist?’

The Gateway Pundit 

At Friday morning’s MLK Day proclamation signing at the White House, reporters started screaming questions at President Donald Trump about reports, which Trump denies, that he used the word “s***hole” to describe troubled countries during an immigration debate with lawmakers in the Oval Office on Thursday. Pres Trump signs and displays Dr Martin Luther King […]

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St. Louis Alt-Left Militia Leader Calls On Radicals To “Dox” and “Show Up” At Legislator’s Houses

The Gateway Pundit 

The far Alt-Left is growing more brazen and radical by the day, with new groups springing up around the nation each month. Based out of St. Louis Missouri, the People’s Revolutionary Defence Coalition (PRDC) is self-described as a “militant leftist organization dedicated to armed self-defense.” While the right to self-defense is a constitutional guarantee, this […]

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BOOM! Top US Economist: Expect Stock Market to Pick Up ANOTHER 10-20 Percent in Value in Next 6 Mos. (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Peter Morici is an American economist and Professor of International Business at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. Morici is regarded as one of the top economists in the US today. On Friday Peter Morici joined Stuart Varney to discuss the current stock market rally. The US stock market hit […]

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CNN Goes Off on a Sh*thole Sh*tstorm: Mentions “Sh*thole” at least 36 Times in One Night (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations. It was a good question. But Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe the global community’s failed states. […]

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Lost in the Sh*thole Sh*tstorm: State Department Issues Level 3 Travel Warning to Haiti This Week

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations. It was a good question. But Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe the global community’s […]

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President Trump Tweetstorm on DACA and Immigration: “Because of Democrats – DACA Has Now Taken a Big Step Backwards”

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft President Trump went on a tweet storm this morning concerning immigration.  In all there were five tweets from the President on this subject – The so-called bipartisan DACA deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of Republican Senators and Congressmen was a big step backwards. Wall was not properly […]

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President Trump Tweetstorm on DACA and Immigration: “Let’s Take care of our Military, and our Country. FIRST!”

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft President Trump went on a tweet storm this morning concerning immigration.  In all there were five tweets from the President on this subject – The so-called bipartisan DACA deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of Republican Senators and Congressmen was a big step backwards. Wall was not properly […]

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Outraged CNN Expert: “I’m a Proud Sh*tholer!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s settled. CNN terror expert comes out as proud sh*tholer. Thanks for sharing. On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations. It was a good question. But the Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged […]

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FOX Host Jesse Watters on Trump’s Sh*thole Remark: This Is How “The Forgotten Men and Women” Talk (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday afternoon President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti, Central America or African nations. It was a good question. But the Democrats, liberal media and global community were outraged that the president would use such an offensive term to describe such poor […]

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REPORT: Journalists Bribe Ecuadorian Embassy Staff For Photo of Julian Assange — Without Success

The Gateway Pundit 

Ecuador has granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange both diplomatic status and a passport for international travel. The move has prompted a frenzy of speculation concerning Assange’s potential future travel plans. Will the WikiLeaks founder soon leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the city of Quito? While it’s unclear what comes next for Assange, news organizations are […]

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REPORT: Journalists Bribing Ecuadorian Embassy Staff For Photo of Julian Assange — Without Success

The Gateway Pundit 

Ecuador has granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange both diplomatic status and a passport for international travel. The move has prompted a frenzy of speculation concerning Assange’s potential future travel plans. Will the WikiLeaks founder soon leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the city of Quito? While it’s unclear what comes next for Assange, news organizations are […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

POTUS Trump Tweets After ‘S***hole’ Storm: ‘Dems Intent on Having People, Drugs Pour Across Border’, ‘My Duty to Protect All Americans’

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump posted his first comments about immigration reform on Twitter late Thursday night since the Washington Post reported on his allegedly saying he wanted less people from “shithole countries” let in the U.S. during an immigration meeting with lawmakers earlier Thursday in the Oval Office. Screen image, Drudge Report, January 11, 2018. “The […]

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President Trump Goes Scorched Earth on Dianne Feinstein For ‘Possibly Illegally’ Releasing Fusion GPS Transcript

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) unilaterally released Fusion GPS’s full testimony from an August 2017 interview Tuesday. Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley’s spox responded immediately Tuesday to Feinstein’s unilateral move: “It’s totally confounding that Senator Feinstein would unilaterally release a transcript of a witness interview in the middle of an ongoing investigation..Her decision was made without […]

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Haiti Formally Summons US Official to Come Before Government and Explain “Sh*thole”

The Gateway Pundit 

Oh my. That’s our president. Earlier today President Donald Trump asked a group of pro-amnesty senators why the US should welcome migrants from “sh*tholes” like Haiti or Central America. Ouch. Tonight Haiti formally summoned a US official to come before the government and explain what Trump meant by “sh*thole.” You just can’t make this stuff […]

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Presidential Poll A Potential Game Changer For Czech Defiance On EU, Migrants and Russia

The Gateway Pundit 

Prague, Czech Republic Voters in the Czech Republic go to the polls this weekend to elect the president that will represent their country for the next five years. For many, the vote is a referendum on outspoken president, Miloš Zeman, the pro-Trump, media-bashing and anti-migrant incumbent detested as much by Czech sophisticates as the EU […]

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Democrat Govorner McAuliffe Threatens to Knock President Trump to Floor – MSNBC Host Can’t Stop Laughing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe threatened to knock President Trump to the floor. And MSNBC host Chris Matthews can’t stop laughing. Chris Matthews: He intimidates his opponents. He takes people like Jeb Bush and makes them look weak. He says “Low energy Jeb” and it works. He refers to somebody as ‘Little Marco’ because […]

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Democrat Govorner McCauliffe Threatens to Knock President Trump to Floor – MSNBC Host Can’t Stop Laughing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday Virginia Governor Terry McCauliffe threatened to knock President Trump to the floor. And MSNBC host Chris Matthews can’t stop laughing. Chris Matthews: He intimidates his opponents. He takes people like Jeb Bush and makes them look weak. He says “Low energy Jeb” and it works. He refers to somebody as ‘Little Marco’ because […]

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