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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 15.01.2018

Hawaiian Emergency Management Officials Hold Interview – Have Post-It Notes of Legible Passwords on Their Computer Screens

The Gateway Pundit 

The Boston Herald interviewed the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency in July 2017 on incoming threats. The report included several photos from inside the operations room. The fourth photo over shows Hawaii Emergency Management Agency’s current operations officer, Jeffrey Wong, in front of computer screens monitoring hazards at the agency’s headquarters in Honolulu on Friday, July […]

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TOM FITTON: Judicial Watch Has ‘Document After Document’ Proving Clintons Have Been ‘Looting and Abusing’ Haiti For Years (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Prompted by President Trump’s alleged comments about Haiti being a “s***hole,” Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton took to YouTube this week to go over “document after document,” proving the Clintons have been “looting and abusing,” Haiti for years. Fitton’s report underlines the country has been going through strife, in part, due to the Clinton Foundation’s role […]

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Frederica ‘Rodeo Clown’ Wilson Joins Other Black Democrat Lawmakers in Boycotting Trump’s State of the Union Address

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) AKA the ‘Rodeo Clown‘ said she would not be attending President Trump’s State of the Union address. Who cares. Other black Democrats who won’t be attending Trump’s SOTU speech include Rep. Maxine Waters and Rep. John Lewis. In a statement to the Tampa Bay Times, Rep. Frederica says she will not […]

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Trump Doubles Support Among Blacks Since 2016 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump continues to gain support among black voters despite the constant accusations of racism from white liberals. Black employment in the US is currently at an all-time high under President Trump. President Trump has doubled his support from black voters according to a recent poll. Breitbart.com reported: Two new polls show President Donald Trump’s […]

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Are Twitter Employees Viewing Dick Pics and Naked Shots of Minor Users?… Or Just Adults?

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter Engineer: “I’ve seen dozens of dick pics.” Project Veritas set Twitter ablaze last week with back to back bombshell undercover videos exposing the social media giant for their ‘big brother’ practices and censorship of Trump supporters.  New undercover footage reveals Twitter pays hundreds of employees to view everything you post in private messages including “sex messages” […]

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Are Twitter Employees Viewing Dick Picks and Naked Shots of Minor Users?… Or Just Adults?

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter Engineer: “I’ve seen dozens of dick pics.” Project Veritas set Twitter ablaze last week with back to back bombshell undercover videos exposing the social media giant for their ‘big brother’ practices and censorship of Trump supporters.  New undercover footage reveals Twitter pays hundreds of employees to view everything you post in private messages including “sex messages” […]

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Crazy Pelosi Slams Trump Tax Cut Bonuses as”Crumbs” and “Pathetic” — But Praised Obama for $40 Tax Break

The Gateway Pundit 

Last Thursday Walmart stores announced one million workers will get bonus earnings thanks to the Trump tax cuts. That means the total number of Americans receiving Trump tax cut bonuses is now over 2,000,000! But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed the bonuses. She said $1,000 bonuses are just crumbs. Pelosi called them “crumbs” […]

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BREAKING: O’Keefe Drops 3rd Twitter Undercover Video – Reveals Employees Paid to View ‘Dick Pics’ and ‘Private Sex Messages’ of Users

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas set Twitter ablaze last week with back to back bombshell undercover videos exposing the social media giant for their ‘big brother’ practices and censorship of Trump supporters.  New undercover footage reveals Twitter pays hundreds of employees to view everything you post in private messages including “sex messages” and nude photos. On Friday, James O’Keefe put […]

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BREAKING: O’Keefe Drops 3rd Twitter Undercover Video – Reveals Employees Paid to View ‘Dick Picks’ and ‘Private Sex Messages’ of Users

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas set Twitter ablaze last week with back to back bombshell undercover videos exposing the social media giant for their ‘big brother’ practices and censorship of Trump supporters.  New undercover footage reveals Twitter pays hundreds of employees to view everything you post in private messages including “sex messages” and nude photos. On Friday, James O’Keefe put […]

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BREAKING: O’Keefe Drops Undercover Video Revealing Twitter Pays Employees to View ‘Private Sex Messages’ and Nude Pics

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas set Twitter ablaze last week with back to back bombshell undercover videos exposing the social media giant for their ‘big brother’ practices and censorship of Trump supporters.  New undercover footage reveals Twitter pays hundreds of employees to view everything you post in private messages including “sex messages” and nude photos. On Friday, James O’Keefe put […]

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Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Stood With Trump: He Didn’t Want Migrants From The Third World Here Either

The Gateway Pundit 

This weekend, the media was imploding over the unconfirmed “s**thole countries” comment that President Trump was accused of making by two far left Democrats who took part in an immigration meeting with the President. Sen. Dick Durbin claimed that the President used ‘hate-filled, vile and racist’ language in immigration meeting. Now, to clarify, even if the dubious and […]

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Democrats Lied=> Trump Homeland Security Chief: I Don’t Recall Trump Making “Sh*thole Countries” Comments (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday President Donald J. Trump reportedly suggested to lawmakers that Haiti and several Central American and African nations may be sh*thole nations. The first reports of the comment were reportedly by liberal Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who has a history of lying about private meetings. Republican senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue were also […]

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Wall Street Whistleblower: Bill Gates & Warren Buffett Should Worry About FBI Investigating Clinton Foundation

The Gateway Pundit 

Former investment banker and Wall Street whistleblower Charles Ortel warns billionaire titans such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett should worry about the FBI investigating the Clinton Foundation.  Charles Ortel writes in LifeZette: The FBI agents and forensic accountants probing the Clinton Foundation must go all the way back to Oct. 23, 1997, and examine precisely how a […]

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VIDEO: Israel Gives African Migrants 3 Months Leave Or Face Arrest And Prison

The Gateway Pundit 

Isreal is offering African African migrants, many of whom are there illegally, a choice: leave or face arrest and prison time. “Every country must guard its borders,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Wednesday. “The infiltrators have a clear choice — cooperate with us and leave voluntarily, respectably, humanely and legally, or we will have […]

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Obama Lied and Argued Against Executive Amnesty, Then Lied and Said DACA Only Temporary, Now Lies and Calls Trump Racist for Scrapping DACA!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft You just couldn’t trust a word Obama said!  Lying was his way of life. As reported by Carter at TGP in September, Obama argued against Executive Amnesty at least 22 times – But Obama lied.  He didn’t really believe what he was saying, he only hoped  Americans believed him. A […]

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BOOK: Justice Antonin Scalia Praised Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

Prior to his untimely death, Justice Antonin Scalia revealed to Bryan Garner, author of the book “Nino and Me,” that he “spoke favorably” of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Wall Street Journal reports: “Justice Scalia thought it was most refreshing to have a candidate who was pretty much unfiltered and utterly frank,” said the late jurist’s literary collaborator, […]

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Новости России

Триумфальное возвращение Льва Лещенко на сцену спустя месяцы затишья. Артист презентовал дуэт с солистом группы “Парк Горького” Сергеем АРУТЮНОВЫМ

RINO Jeff Flake to Deliver Senate Speech Comparing President Trump to Joseph Stalin – Flake is a Republican (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Jeff Flake compared President Donald Trump to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Flake is reportedly a Republican. Flake believes he is a historian. Sen. Flake says Pres. Trump is like Stalin by calling news media the "enemy of the people." https://t.co/ZPrz1GgRwv #ThisWeek pic.twitter.com/yt8OBGzBsz — ABC News (@ABC) January 15, 2018 […]

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RINO Jeff Flake Compares Trump to Communists Mao and Joseph Stalin – Plans Senate Speech (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Jeff Flake compared President Donald Trump to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Flake is reportedly a Republican. Flake believes he is a historian. Sen. Flake says Pres. Trump is like Stalin by calling news media the "enemy of the people." https://t.co/ZPrz1GgRwv #ThisWeek pic.twitter.com/yt8OBGzBsz — ABC News (@ABC) January 15, 2018 […]

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Liberal Prof Declares Meritocracy a Sign of White Supremacy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Let’s be honest. The Democrat Party is now openly pushing Communism on US campuses. English professor Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt put together a checklist for white supremacy. Dutt-Ballerstadt tells students that if you believe in meritocracy – or awarding people according to their accomplishments or excellence – is a sign of white supremacy. Of course, this is […]

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President Trump Awarded Medal of Bravery by Afghan Elders for Standing Up to Pakistan

The Gateway Pundit 

Afghan elders from Logar Province awarded President Donald Trump a Medal of Bravery for his recent comments calling out Pakistan for its duplicity in the war on terror. “President Donald J.Trump awarded by Gold medal of bravery and appreciation letter from Well known Tribal Elders in Afghanistan due to his strong and straight engagement with […]

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Video=> President Trump Speaks to Press in West Palm Beach: ‘I’m Not a Racist’

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump spoke to reporters Sunday evening at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy accompanied Trump for a dinner meeting at the club, but stayed silent as Trump spoke to the press. Trump answered questions about DACA and the Democrats, the alleged ‘s***hole countries’ remark, […]

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Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Blames US for North Korea Nuclear Weapons Threat

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) blames the United States for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Speaking in response to the Hawaiian government’s bogus ballistic missile warning on Saturday that terrified residents and tourists, Gabbard blamed the U.S. in comments to ABC News on Sunday morning and expounded later on Twitter, saying, “We’ve got to understand that […]

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