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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 28.01.2018

True Feminism: Brave Iranian Woman Defies Regime! Climbs Light Pole in Skirt and Does the Splits (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

One month ago Vida Movahed, a young Iranian mother, stood in public on top of a treet post, removed her hijab and waved a white flag. Vida Movahed was later arrested and sent to prison. After international pressure and dread of negative public reaction the regime released Vida this month. Via Banafsheh Zand: Now this… […]

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Trump White House Assistant Marc Short: Trump Supports Transparency – Wants Memo Released (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Marc Short, the White House Director of Legislative Affairs and Assistant to the President for U.S. President Donald J. Trump, went on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the Mueller witch hunt and the explosive FISA Memo that may be released this week. Short told Chris Wallace the president supports its release. Marc […]

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Cherokee Woman TORCHES Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren ‘We’ve Asked Her to Stop’ Claiming Our Ancestry (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A Cherokee woman named Rebecca Nagle of Oklahoma joined Fox News’ Jesse Watters to discuss fake Indian Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Rebecca Nagle blasted Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren for lying about her Native American ancestry in order to advance her career. Elizabeth Warren lied about her Cherokee heritage in order to get a lucrative six-figure paying […]

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Ex-Secret Service Agent Warns Democrats Set To Wage “Scorched Earth Campaign” Against FISA Memo

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino warned Saturday that the Democrats will embark on a “scorched earth campaign,” after Republicans release the FISA memo.  “After they #ReleaseTheMemo you can absolutely count on the Dems embarking on a scorched earth campaign to lie their way through this epic scandal. There’s no lie they won’t tell, no […]

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Democrat Kamala Harris Compares US Treatment of Muslims to Holocaust Victims on Holocaust Memorial Day

The Gateway Pundit 

Saturday was International Holocaust Memorial Day. The global community January 27 to commemorate the tragedy of the Holocaust during the Second World War. At least six million Jews were murdered during World War II by the German Nazi regime. This year on Holocaust Memorial Day California Democrat compared US treatment of Muslims to the Jewish […]

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DUMB AS A BRICK=> Chelsea Clinton Says ‘Women’s Reproductive Health Rights Are Connected to Climate Change’ – Twitter Responds

The Gateway Pundit 

The liberals have managed to connect all of the world’s problems to Climate Change.  Islamic terrorism? Oh that’s because of Climate Change. Poverty affecting only minorities in the United States? Climate Change, again. Women’s ‘reproductive health rights’? Well, that is also connected to Climate Change. Chelsea Clinton promoted a Washington Post op-ed written by the […]

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In Must-See Interview, Trey Gowdy Hints FISA Memo Will Expose Hillary Clinton’s TRUE ROLE In Steele Dossier Scandal (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In a must see interview with “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Trey Gowdy hinted, by way of asking a series of rhetorical questions to host Christopher Wallace, that the FISA abuse memo will expose Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee’s true role in obtaining the Steele dossier.  Credit: Chuck Ross Partial transcript provided by Chuck Ross of […]

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DUMB: Multi-Millionaire Jay Z Trashes Trump, Calls Him a “Superbug” – Says Blacks Don’t Care About Making Money (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rapper Jay Z trashed President Trump in a weekend interview with community activist Van Jones on CNN. Van Jones mentioned to Jay Z that black unemployment is at the lowest rate in generations under President Trump. The Bureau of Labor Statistics in January reported that the unemployment rate for black workers was 6.8 percent in […]

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It’s Official=> President Trump Decreases the Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The higher a country’s debt to GDP ratio, the less healthy the country’s economy.  With the GDP numbers released yesterday, President Trump’s policies have officially decreased the Debt to GDP ratio by 1.2% in the President’s first year in office. In contrast, President Obama increased the US Debt to GDP ratio his first year in […]

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Coulter Gets Results! Lindsey Graham Banned and Booted from White House Immigration Discussions

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday conservative best-selling author and columnist Ann Coulter wrote her weekly column on Lindsey Graham and his disastrous record and complete insanity on immigration policy. LINDSEY GRAHAM, THE UNINVITED GUEST January 24, 2018 Why does Sen. Lindsey Graham have a seat at the table on immigration? Are Jorge Ramos and Vicente Fox unavailable? Graham’s […]

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Dan Bongino Goes Scorched Earth on “Slimy” Adam Schiff and It’s Glorious #ReleaseTheMemo (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

 Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino went scorched earth on suspected leaker Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Saturday morning on Fox & Friends. Dan Bongino, along with many patriotic Americans are fed up with ranking member of the House Intel Committee and Democrat hack, Adam Schiff obstructing Chairman Nunes’ quest to get the truth out about […]

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BREAKING: NOW FBI Says They Can’t Find Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Text Messages! (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

The world’s premier intelligence agency just lost another batch of text messages! Does anyone believe this? Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton joined Judge Jeanine Pirro on her FOX News program Saturday night. Tom Fitton told Judge Jeanine how difficult it was dealing with the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Then Tom Fitton dropped this bomb– The […]

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Twitter Claims Sean Hannity’s Account Was “Briefly Compromised” – Refuses to Elaborate

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter was abuzz Friday night after Sean Hannity’s account vanished following a series of cryptic tweets. Those who attempted to access his feed were met with a blank account or an error message that read “Sorry, that page does not exist.” Hannity tweeted a series of cryptic tweets prior to his account vanishing. Hannity tweeted, […]

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HE’S BACK! SEAN HANNITY Breaks Silence After Twitter Account Disappears — Warns Monday is a ‘BIG DAY’

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News host Sean Hannity made his triumphant return to Twitter Saturday night. The conservative firebrand thanked all his followers for their support and warned Monday was going to be a “big day.” Hannity then warned “Monday’s a big day…tick tock.” “I’m baaaccckk… a lot to say- Thanks for the support all you deplorable, irredeemables. […]

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SHOCK VIDEO=> Democrat Councilman Calls U.S. Marines “Lowest of the Low” & “Bunch of Dumb Sh*ts”

The Gateway Pundit 

In a series of videos going viral over the weekend, High School teacher and Democrat Pico Rivera councilman Gregory Salcido told his Pico Rivera High School students this week that U.S. Marines are a “bunch of dumb s**ts” and the “lowest of the low.” Salcido’s shocking rant was triggered after seeing a student wearing a U.S. Marines sweater.  […]

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Facebook to Change How Conservative Sites Appear in Your Newsfeed: HERE’S HOW YOU CAN SEE OUR POSTS…

The Gateway Pundit 

Facebook is to going to be rolling out major changes to its newsfeed which will impact every user and dramatically change the type of content they see. Facebook is focusing on your nexus, friends and family, as well as what they dub “trusted sources”. Facebook plans to make those “trusted sources” not exactly what you […]

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James Woods Pounds Hillary Clinton Into Dirt After Bizarre Video Of Her ‘Thanking Activist Bitches’ Goes Viral

The Gateway Pundit 

A bizarre video of twice-failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ‘thanking feminists and activist bitches’ went viral this weekend. As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported, the video was posted by Alex Mohajer to Twitter and shows Hillary Clinton seated with a woman to her right at what appears to be a restaurant or bar, speaking directly […]

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Tom Fitton Hints “Deep State Effort” To “Destroy” POTUS Trump At “Tipping Point” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In his weekly social media update, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton hinted “Deep State” efforts to destroy President Trump have reached a tipping point. “[It all seems to be coming to a head,” tweeted Fitton Saturday.  Tipping point on Deep State effort to destroy @RealDonaldTrump? Between text messages, #ReleasetheMemo, etc it all seems to be […]

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REPORT: Congress Left In The Dark After Robert Mueller Makes Redactions To Strzok-Page Texts

The Gateway Pundit 

In a move that will likely leave Congressional investigators aghast, the Justice Department handed over a batch of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to special counsel Robert Mueller’s office and are unlikely to find out what the contents are — at least until the Russia probe wraps up. Once […]

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