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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 08.03.2018

Juanita Broaddrick Gives Hillary Clinton Hell on ‘International Women’s Day’

The Gateway Pundit 

Crooked Hillary Clinton unleashed a tweetstorm on International Women’s Day and Juanita Broaddrick gave her hell. Hillary Clinton, who bullied her husband’s sexual assault victims had the nerve to boast about women ‘shining the light on sexual assault.’ This didn’t go over well with Juanita Broaddrick. Juanita Broaddrick accused former President Bill Clinton of raping […]

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Stanford University Rejects College Republicans’ Logo Because It Includes The American Flag (PHOTO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Stanford University administrators have rejected College Republicans’ proposed logo because it includes a portion of the American flag.  Credit: College Fix FOX News reports: “We find the idea that flags are off limits ridiculous,” the Stanford College Republicans told Fox News, “and especially the American flag shouldn’t be off limits.” The group was told the patriotic look doesn’t meet […]

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Trump Sticks With Tariffs Despite Opposition from Republican party

The Gateway Pundit 

Last weekend President Trump dropped a bomb that the US would place a tariff on steel and aluminum imports. On Tuesday Jesse Gary, the Executive Vice President at Century Aluminum, told Trish Regan on FOX Business Network that Century Aluminum will hire 300 new employees in western Kentucky thanks to Donald Trump’s announcement on tariffs […]

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Trump on Gary Cohn: ‘He’s Seriously a Globalist, There’s No Question’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

During Gary Cohn’s final White House meeting, President Donald Trump drew big laughs after he stated that while he “still likes him,” he’s “seriously a globalist.” “There’s no question,” the president added. VIDEO: President Trump on Gary Cohn: "This is Gary Cohn’s last cabinet meeting. He’s been terrific. He may be a globalist, but I […]

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Project Veritas Action Seeks DOJ Criminal Investigation Into Bernie Sanders Campaign For Colluding With Australian Labor Party

The Gateway Pundit 

It is well documented that the Australian Labor Party sent staffers to work against Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign. In February 2016 Project Veritas released video of Australian Labor Party activists assisting Democrats in the US. The activists are seen assisting the Bernie Sanders campaign. This is a clear violation of FEC laws. Bernie […]

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Republican Lawmaker: Robert Mueller Is Running Out Of Time

The Gateway Pundit 

Is special counsel Robert Mueller running out of time to prove President Trump colluded with Russia to win the White House? While many argue the probe should have never existed, one Republican Congressman is saying he believes Mueller’s time is nearly up.  Washington Times reports: Rep. Francis Rooney said Thursday he believes it could soon be […]

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Communist Group Vandalizes University of Texas Fountain, Calls for Violence on International Women’s Day

The Gateway Pundit 

The Communist Revolutionary Student Front has vandalized the fountain at Austin’s University of Texas campus and called on followers to stress the “necessity of organizing women for revolutionary violence” on International Women’s Day. Along with spray painting the Communist hammer and sickle on the fountain, the group dyed the water red to represent blood. “This […]

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TRUMP WARNS CRACKPOT OAKLAND MAYOR: She’s “Protecting Criminals” – We’re Looking at Response to her “Dangerous Act” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf warned the illegal immigrant community of upcoming raids just hours before the agency began knocking on doors, which Thomas Homan, acting director of ICE has likened to a “gang lookout yelling ‘police.’ Schaaf attacked U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, demanding that they are “racist” for doing their jobs to […]

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Here we go… HuffPo Declares War on the Word “Globalist” – Says it’s a Racist and ‘Anti-Semitic’ Word

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats and GOP elites LOVE globalism. They love trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP that kill US jobs and move manufacturing overseas. They tell Americans to shut up and take it. They love their globalism. On Wednesday Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about replacing Trump Democratic economic adviser globalist Gary Cohn. This was after OMB […]

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Women’s March ‘Feminist’ Organizers Silent on Jailing of Iranian Woman Who Became an Icon for Removing Her Hijab

The Gateway Pundit 

The organizers and participants of the Women’s March have remained silent regarding the Iranian woman who has been sentenced to two years in prison for protesting in December against the mandatory hijab. This comes as no surprise as Western feminists have decided to stand with women like Linda Sarsour, a staunch advocate for Sharia law, […]

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POPULAR DEMOCRAT Smokes Pot in Campaign Ad, Lied About Being Iraq War Vet, Lied About Being in FBI, Beat Girlfriend… Perfect!

The Gateway Pundit 

Benjamin Thomas Wolf is running for Congress in Illinois. Benjamin smoked pot in an ad, faked being an Iraq War veteran, lied about being in the FBI, and was accused of beating and doxxing a former girlfriend. Benjamin sounds like like future of the Democrat Party. Watch the latest video at foxnews.com What’s not to […]

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Poll: Five Senate Democrats Would Lose Re-Election Today Including Skunk McCaskill

The Gateway Pundit 

If elections were held today Democrats would lose at least five senate seats according to a recent poll by SurveyMonkey. These Democrats are in big trouble come November. Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) Jon Tester (D-Mont.) Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) Claire McCaskill has consistently voted with coastal elites and against the […]

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Confirmed: Conservative Publishers Hit Hard By Facebook Algorithm Changes – Gateway Pundit Hit the Hardest

The Gateway Pundit 

Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media. In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. This was after […]

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Obama’s Secret Friend Farrakhan: ‘FBI Worst Enemy of Blacks; Jews Control Those Agencies of Government’

The Gateway Pundit 

Former President Barack Obama’s secret friend and ally, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, denounced Jews as controlling government agencies that keep Black people down in a video clip posted Wednesday from a Saviours’ Day speech Farrakhan gave in late February. Secret 2005 photo of then Sen. Barack Obama with Louis Farrakhan. Photo taken by […]

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MYSTERY: Kim Jong Un To Have ‘Very Unconventional & Unusual’ Message Delivered To POTUS Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

A day after North Korea signaled it is willing to discuss giving up its nuclear weapons, the South China Morning Post reports that South Korea officials will deliver a “very unconventional” message from Kim Jong Un to the Trump administration.  SCMP reports: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un may propose sending his sister, Kim Yo-jong, to […]

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Lou Dobbs: If Ryan and McConnell Continue to Battle Trump – They Will See Largest Loss of Seats by Majority Party in a Century

The Gateway Pundit 

Lou Dobbs: If GOP Leaders Ryan and McConnell Continue to Battle Trump They Will See Largest Loss of Seats by Majority Party in a Century Lou Dobbs slammed Republican Congressional leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell for fighting President Trump on trade. According to Lou, RINOs who reject President Trump’s tariff plan care more about […]

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Devin Nunes: Deep State FBI and DOJ Fought Hard to Hide from Congress that Hillary and DNC Paid for Crap Dossier

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intel Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday to discuss the unprecedented resistance by Deep State FBI and DOJ to hide the truth about the Russian dossier. For months the deep state refused to cooperate with Congressional leaders on who funded the poorly written Russian hit-piece on Donald Trump. Rep. […]

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Dems Hunt Down Erik Prince – Mueller Gathers Evidence That 2017 Seychelles Meeting Was Effort to Set Up Back Channel to Kremlin

The Gateway Pundit 

Mueller is on the march. Dirty cop Robert Mueller is now investigating if founder of the security firm Blackwater, Erik Prince misled the House Intel Panel over a meeting he had in the Seychelles islands in January of 2017. That’s right. Mueller is investigating a meeting that took place during the Trump transition which of […]

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

GOP Rep. Zeldin Slams House Intel Dems For ‘Out of Control’ Leaks Amid Report Of Hope Hicks Email Hack

The Gateway Pundit 

In yet another leak from the House Intelligence Committee, outgoing Trump aide Hope Hicks revealed to Congressional investigators that her email account was hacked. “Her assertion of a hack raises the questions of who might have compromised her account, when, why and what information could have been obtained,” reports NBC News.  Hope Hicks told the House Intelligence Committee […]

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HANNITY To Drop BOMBSHELL Involving The FBI, FISA Judges And Spy Warrant Targeting Carter Page 

The Gateway Pundit 

Sean Hannity is set to drop a bombshell on his program Wednesday evening. According to the Fox News host, the ‘FBI lied to the FISA judge in order to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page.’ AG Sessions announced a lawsuit to stop California’s interference with federal immigration enforcement… Plus a stunning new revelation that the […]

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Baltimore School District Can’t Heat Schools But Are Sending 60 Busloads of Kids to Anti-Gun March with Free T-Shirts and Meals

The Gateway Pundit 

The Baltimore city school system could not heat the schools this past winter. Parents stormed the school system headquarters in January to demand the schools raise the temperature in the classrooms. But that didn’t stop Baltimore Mayor from offering to send 60 busloads of kids to an anti-gun rally in Washington DC later this month. […]

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Is Something Brewing? Sessions Says He Appointed Someone “Outside of Washington” to Look at Allegations House Judiciary Committee Sent DOJ

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney General Jeff Session sat down with Fox News’ Shannon Bream for an exclusive interview set to air Wednesday evening at 11 PM EST. Fox News’ Jake Gibson gave a sneak peek into the interview prior to the release. Shannon Bream tweeted out a preview of what we should expect from her interview with AG […]

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‘We’re on the Verge of Something Really Big’: Oprah Winfrey on Parkland High School Anti-Gun Student Activists

The Gateway Pundit 

Student activists and their leftist astroturf leaders are planning a march against guns on March 24th. The rally will not be held in the National Mall after a scheduling conflict with a film crew. The Parkside anti-gun student activists have been hailed as heroes by the liberal press after the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman […]

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LEAK: Hope Hicks Revealed To House Intel Committee Her Old Email Account Was HACKED

The Gateway Pundit 

In yet another leak from the House Intelligence Committee, outgoing Trump aide Hope Hicks revealed to Congressional investigators that her email account was hacked. “Her assertion of a hack raises the questions of who might have compromised her account, when, why and what information could have been obtained,” reports NBC News.  Hope Hicks told the House […]

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