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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 11.03.2018

HAH! Elizabeth Warren Asked if She’ll Take a Spit Test on FOX News Sunday – Dodges Question (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren went on FOX News Sunday today and was grilled on her phony Indian heritage. Elizabeth Warren lied about her heritage to jump over qualified minority candidates and land a position at Harvard University. Elizabeth Warren was listed as Harvard Law’s “first woman of color” in 1997 law review piece on diversity and affirmative action! Elizabeth […]

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“What The F*ck Is That Thing?”: Mysterious Object Zooming Over Atlantic Ocean Stuns U.S. Navy Pilots (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Footage from 2015 of a mysterious object flying over the Atlantic Ocean was revealed this week. “The sensational two-minute clip, shot on an infra-red camera, captures the moment military personnel aboard a US Navy F/A 18 jet flying at 25,000 feet spotted the bizarre craft,” reports the Sun UK.  FOX News reports: “What the f— […]

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California High School Students and Staff Beat President Donald Trump Piñata During Spanish Class

The Gateway Pundit 

Students and staff beat a Trump piñata during Spanish class at Laguna Hills High School. The local district announced they have launched an inquiry into footage that showed students and staff members at an Orange County high school hitting a piñata designed to look like President Trump. The district would not say if a staff […]

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Longtime Hillary Clinton Advisor Admits POTUS Trump Knocked It Out The Park In Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines admitted on Fox News Saturday night that President Trump’s rally in Moon Township, PA was a success.  Mediaite reports: Reines first noted that he didn’t enjoy the speech — which was very reminiscent of Trump’s 2016 campaign speeches — as much as fellow panelist David Bossie (a former Trump staffer.) “I thought […]

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PRESIDENT TRUMP Hits “Hillary Flunky” Maggie Haberman After Latest #FakeNews Report — And He’s Right!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump went to Twitter on Sunday to attack the #FakeNews New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. This was after his wild rally last night in Pennsylvania where he hit “low IQ” Maxine Waters and “Son-of-a-bitch” Chuck Todd. The Failing New York Times purposely wrote a false story stating that I am unhappy with my […]

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APRIL RYAN Goes on Unhinged Rant Against POTUS Trump, ‘White’ Founding Fathers, Trump Supporters after His PA Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a rally on Saturday evening in Moon Township, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh airport hangar. It was a barn-burner — The president took on everyone and everything from Low IQ Maxine Waters, to Son-of-a-bitch Chuck Todd, to Fake News CNN. It was too much to take for some of the elitist liberal media […]

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HUGE! Steelworkers Union President Strongly Suggests Members Will Flip To Vote Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout: Trump’s recent moves on steel have made him some new friends in the industry. Leo Gerard of United Steelworkers recently told NBC’s Chuck Todd that steel workers are going to remember what Trump did for them. Real Clear Politics has the story: United Steelworkers’ Leo Gerard: Members […]

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Low IQ Maxine Waters Responds to Trump: Says Jared Kushner Was Laundering Money with Paul Manafort …(That was Stupid)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a rally on Saturday evening in Moon Township, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh airport hangar. President Trump ripped Low IQ Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. Here’s the video: On Saturday night Low IQ Maxine Waters responded to President Trump by accusing his son-in-law of Jared Kushner of laundering money with Paul Manafort. That […]

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UPDATE: US Conservative Activist Brittany Pettibone Is Being Held in London’s Colnbrook Bypass Prison as Political Prisoner

The Gateway Pundit 

As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks at The Gateway Pundit — American conservative Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend Austrian activist Martin Sellner of Génération Identitaire were detained and imprisoned in London. They are being held in prison for planning an interview with activist Tommy Robinson. An American citizen is being unlawfully detained by the British […]

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Chuck Todd Responds to Trump’s ‘Sleepy-Eyed Son of a Bitch’ Jab

The Gateway Pundit 

TRUMP Rips “Sleepy Eyes” Chuck Todd: “He’s a Sleepy Son-of-a-Bitch” President Trump held a rally on Saturday evening in Moon Township, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh airport hangar. Trump is speaking on behalf of Republican candidate Rick Saccone. This was EPIC Trump speech— President Trump: “It was 1999. I was on “Meet the Press” a show […]

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Trump Rips “Very Low IQ” Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump held a rally on Saturday evening in Moon Township, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh airport hangar. Trump is speaking on behalf of Republican candidate Rick Saccone. This was EPIC Trump speech— Right after President Trump ripped “Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd” he laid into Nancy Pelosi and Auntie Maxine Waters! “We have to defeat Nancy […]

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VIDEO: Trump Rips Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd “He’s a Sleepy Son of a Bitch, I Tell You”

The Gateway Pundit 

TRUMP Rips “Sleepy Eyes” Chuck Todd: “He’s a Sleepy Son-of-a-Bitch” President Trump held a rally on Saturday evening in Moon Township, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh airport hangar. Trump is speaking on behalf of Republican candidate Rick Saccone. This was EPIC Trump speech— President Trump: “It was 1999. I was on “Meet the Press” a show […]

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BUSTED: Random ‘Steelworker’ Making the Rounds for PA Democrat Lamb… IS A TOP UNION OFFICIAL (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

What a shock! — It’s not like Democrats do this in every election! Pennsylvania “steelworker” Danny Cregut went on FOX News on Saturday to say he publicly supports Democrat Conor Lamb in the Congressional race next week. Lamb is the latest Democrat to run as if he’s conservative but liberal policies are opposed by everyone […]

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Trump Just Got Re-Elected

The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root I’m the guy who predicted a Trump victory against all odds in the 2016 election. I also predicted a “Trump Miracle” for the economy. I called Trump “Reagan Part Deux.” Here’s my new prediction: President Trump guaranteed his re-election this week. Liberals have got to be sick to their stomachs. No […]

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Parkland High School DNC Activist Lauren Hogg Deletes Tweet After James Woods Schools Her on History of Armbands

The Gateway Pundit 

These kids may want to spend a little more time studying their history books and a little less time stumping for the DNC. Parkland student activist David Hogg and his sister Lauren Hogg encouraged students to start wearing #armbandsforchange to push Democrat talking points. Hogg said his little sister who also wants to be a […]

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Людмила Самсонова

Людмила Самсонова не отдала голландскую траву // Она продолжила серию российских побед на теннисном турнире в Хертогенбосе

В декабре 2024 года ВМФ РФ передадут подлодку «Князь Пожарский»

83 года назад, 22 июня 1941 года на территорию СССР напала нацистская Германия, началась Великая Отечественная война

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