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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 22.03.2018

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: I’m a Dreamer. How About You?

The Gateway Pundit 

Wayne Allyn Root By Wayne Allyn Root Liberals talk all day about dreamers. I’m a dreamer too. Actually, I’m a California dreamer. My dream is to help California secede. California is a part of America. But it’s no longer American. It is a foreign state. It is a fugitive state. The US Constitution and the […]

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President Trump Imposes New Tariffs On China Over Continued US Intellectual Property Theft

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump just announced a new series of tariffs on roughly $50 billion in Chinese imports. These new tariffs are the result of a seven-month investigation into China’s continued theft of US intellectual property. “We have a tremendous intellectual property theft problem. It’s going to make us a much stronger, much richer nation,” President Trump told reporters this […]

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Facebook Refuses to Disclose Secret List of Media Outlets They Are Suppressing

The Gateway Pundit 

A Facebook spokesman refuses to disclose which media outlets the tech giant is suppressing and which outlets they deem “trusted” sources of news. We already know Facebook is suppressing conservative media outlets. Facebook has launched at all out assault on conservatives with their algorithm changes. Conservative voices are being snuffed out on Facebook while liberal […]

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City of Atlanta Computer Systems Hit With Massive Ransomware Attack (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday, the City of Atlanta’s computer systems were hit with a massive ransomware attack. BREAKING NEWS: @Cityofatlanta facing computer outages; @FBI is aware of situation. pic.twitter.com/9cLBXx6sYq — Fox News (@FoxNews) March 22, 2018 The City of Atlanta is currently experiencing outages on various customer facing applications, including some that customers may use to pay bills […]

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SARA CARTER=> Nunes’ Russia Report: Leaks “Potentially Endangered Lives” and “Damaged National Security”

The Gateway Pundit 

As previously reported, former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper allegedly leaked information to CNN, an investigation has revealed. On Thursday, Chairman Nunes submitted the House Intel Committee’s Russia report to the Intelligence community for a declassification review in order to provide a redacted version to the public. According to Nunes’ Russia report, leaks to […]

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GOP House Intel Members Block Adam Schiff’s Attempt to Issue Subpoenas and Hold Steve Bannon in Contempt

The Gateway Pundit 

GOP House Intel members came through Thursday morning and served leaker Adam Schiff a nice dose of reality. On Thursday morning, ranking member of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff attempted to issue subpoenas and hold Steve Bannon in contempt, but House Majority rejected all of the Democrat motions, bringing Schiff’s Russia probe to a […]

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REPORT: ‘March For Our Lives’ Launch New Nonprofit With Shadowy Dark Money

The Gateway Pundit 

Back in February, TGP reported that behind the Parkland student-activists, working as the string-pullers, are the same people behind the Women’s March. and a number of other Alt-Left radicalized groups. On March 14th, 2018, these organizes planned the #Enough National School Walkout, where they injected far left ideology into the American public school system and punished students who […]

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GOP Senator Unloads On Spending Bill: It’s A ‘Great Dane-Size Whiz Down The Leg Of Every Taxpayer!’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) unloaded on the omnibus spending bill Thursday, labeling it a Great Dane-size whiz down the leg of every taxpayer in America.  Reporter: "Can I ask you about the omnibus?" Sen. Kennedy: "Yeah, it sucks." pic.twitter.com/R7yIMpJCaZ — NBC News (@NBCNews) March 22, 2018 REPORTER: “Can I ask you about the omnibus?” KENNEDY: “Yeah, […]

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HERE WE GO=> House Intel Members Accuse James Clapper Of Providing ‘Inconsistent Testimony’ About Contact With Media

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intelligence Committee members are accusing former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper of providing ‘inconsistent testimony,’ about his contacts with the media.  House Intel Republican report alleges that James Clapper gave "inconsistent testimony" about his media contacts. Here's what Clapper told CNN's Don Lemon last week. Source tells me this will be a "problem" […]

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Trump Lead Lawyer in Russia Witch Hunt Resigns

The Gateway Pundit 

John Dowd resigned as President Trump’s lead lawyer fighting Robert Mueller’s Russia witch hunt.   Pictured: Attorney John Dowd Bloomberg reported: John Dowd resigned as President Donald Trump’s lead attorney countering Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe as the inquiry into possible collusion in the 2016 election intensifies. “I love the president and wish him well,”’ […]

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#ConfirmGrenell: Dem Senator Admits Confirmation Of Trump Pick For U.S. Amb To Germany Has ‘Dragged On Far Too Long’

The Gateway Pundit 

A leading Democrat Senator admitted Thursday that the slow pace of confirming President Trump’s nominees for key Ambassadorships is a “significant problem.” The Hill reports: A Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee expressed frustration Thursday over the slow pace of confirmations for President Trump’s ambassador nominees, saying he would push Senate minority leader Charles Schumer (D –N.Y.) to bring them […]

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FIGURES: Broward County Teacher Caught Coaching Kids — Says Pelosi Will Introduce Them at #MarchForOurLives Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Figures. Far left Parkland teachers were caught on tape coaching Parkland, Florida students who are attending the #MarchForOurLives rally in Washington DC this weekend. This follows earlier video that revealed top student activist David Hogg being coached for the cameras after the shooting. Laura Loomer leaked exclusive audio from the planning session in Parkland before […]

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FIGURES: Broward County Teachers Caught Coaching Kids — And Mocks Jews Before #MarchForOurLives (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Figures. Far left Parkland teachers were caught on tape coaching Parkland, Florida students who are attending the #MarchForOurLives rally in Washington DC this weekend. This follows earlier video that revealed top student activist David Hogg being coached for the cameras after the shooting. Laura Loomer leaked exclusive audio from the planning session in Parkland before […]

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RUSH LIMBAUGH: Rod Rosenstein Exonerated Hillary Clinton From Whitewater Scandal (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On his nationally-syndicated radio show Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh reminded listeners that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein once exonerated Hillary Clinton from the Whitewater scandal.  Rush Limbaugh reminds us who Rod Rosenstein truly is: He exonerated Hillary Clinton from Whitewater scandal, then his wife represented Bill Clinton in little-known civil case pic.twitter.com/MPLIop9AwC — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) March […]

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Paul Ryan’s Omnibus Bill Provides More Money to New York to New Jersey Tunnel than to Trump Border Wall

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the second largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. The budget funds all of the Democrat priorities including sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood. The bill will also funnel billions of dollars to Obamacare markets. Paul Ryan’s omnibus only allows $1.57 billion […]

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Leftie Comedienne Samantha Bee Trashes B*tch Hope Hicks, Christians and Whites (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

For some reason the leftie comedians on late night television believe ugly political attacks on conservatives and Christians make good humor. Comedienne Samantha Bee is the latest far left hack to use this stage excuse for humor. On Wednesday Bee attacked Hope Hicks, Christians and whites. Via Mediaite: “Hope Hicks, thanks to your force field […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

Julian Assange Smacks Down MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell: WikiLeaks Has Nothing to do With Russia

The Gateway Pundit 

Fake News media outlets are now obsessing over Cambridge Analytica and Facebook’s data mining during the 2016 presidential election. On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton’s creepy campaign manager John Podesta whined like a baby to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell over the fact that his leaked emails eclipsed the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape of Donald Trump’s locker room talk. Maybe […]

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House Freedom Caucus Will Oppose Paul Ryan’s $1.3 Trillion Double-Crossing Omnibus Bill

The Gateway Pundit 

House Freedom Caucus will not support Paul Ryan’s Omnibus Boondoggle Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the second largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. The budget funds all of the Democrat priorities including sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood. The bill will also funnel billions of dollars […]

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Creepy John Podesta Complains Leaked DNC Emails Eclipsed the Hollywood Access Tape (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Fake News media outlets found a new shiny button–Facebook data mining during the 2016 presidential election. On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton’s creepy campaign manager John Podesta whined like a baby to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell over the fact that his leaked emails eclipsed the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape of Donald Trump’s locker room talk. Maybe because no one […]

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CORRECTION: Paul Ryan’s $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Will Only Offer $641 Million to Border Barriers and ZERO DOLLARS for Trump Wall

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the second largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. The budget funds all of the Democrat priorities including sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood. The bill will also funnel billions of dollars to Obamacare markets. Now this… It’s even worse than we […]

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Huma Wept “He Is Going to Kill Me” After FBI Re-Opened Crooked Hillary’s Investigation a Week Before Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Jennifer Palmieri revealed the moment Hillary found out the FBI reopened her email investigation after finding classified information on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Former FBI Director James Comey announced he reopened Hillary’s criminal email investigation on October 28th, 2016. This was the same time Hillary Clinton […]

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Ex-Clinton Aide Reveals Moment Hillary Learned FBI Reopened Her Email Investigation One Week Before Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Director of Communications for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Jennifer Palmieri revealed the moment Hillary found out the FBI reopened her email investigation after finding classified information on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Former FBI Director James Comey announced he reopened Hillary’s criminal email investigation on October 28th, 2016. This was the same time Hillary Clinton […]

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Guardian: Скрипали отказались участвовать в расследовании отравления в Британии