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Новости за 10.05.2018

DEVELOPING: Nunes, Gowdy Had “Productive Discussion” With DOJ Officials Amid Russia Probe Standoff

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy met with Rosenstein and other officials Thursday in a classified briefing amid a standoff over pertinent ‘Mueller-Russia’ documents being withheld by the swamp.  Facing contempt charges, Justice Department officials agreed to sit down with Nunes and Gowdy to come to a resolution. Fox […]

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Stormy’s Lawyer Denies He’s Being Funded by Left-Wing Political Interests “Utter Bullsh*t”

The Gateway Pundit 

Michael Avenatti denies he’s being funded by left-wing political interests, or any political interests or PACS for that matter. He says those claims are “utter bullsh*t.” So who’s paying Stormy Daniels’ lawyer?  The Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson spoke to Avenatti and asked him who is paying for his legal battle against President Trump. Avenatti grew […]

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Some Things Never Change… #NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro Argues the Future of Republican Party is Anti-Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Ben Shapiro has an article posted in The Weekly Standard (a GOP elitist magazine that was staunchly anti-Trump) this month. The article titled: “How Conservatives Can Win Back Young Americans” is the latest hit piece against President Donald Trump. Shapiro argues that Trump supporters are like the man jumping off the Empire State Building. Older […]

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JUDICIAL WATCH: Newly Released Emails Show FBI Advised Comey to Consult With Mueller Before June 2017 Testimony

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained new emails that show the FBI advised James Comey to consult with Mueller’s team prior to his June 2017 testimony. According to previous news reports, James Comey’s testimony was ‘closely coordinated’ with Mueller. Via Judicial Watch: An email chain dated May 18 and 19, 2017, with the subject line […]

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Insane! Sexuality “Expert” Says Babies Should Give Consent for Diaper-Nappy Changes (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sexuality “expert” says babies should give consent to diaper-nappy changes. This is the insanity coming from the left today. This unhinged loon says to leave a space and wait for body language before changing a dirty diaper. Via Raheem: "Sexuality expert" says babies should give consent to diaper/nappy changes. OMG I AM DEAD ???? pic.twitter.com/lte31ex0PI […]

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Jimmy Carter Says Withdrawal from Iranian Nuke Agreement is “Worst Mistake” – Forgets He Was Behind Khomeini

The Gateway Pundit 

Former President Jimmy Carter called President Donald Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal a “serious mistake.” Carter said the decision, “May be the worst mistake Trump has made so far.” Cartr joined CNN to discuss the decision on Thursday. Former President Jimmy Carter calls the US exit from the Iran nuclear […]

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Mad Maxine: Trump’s Exit from Iran Deal Means Impeachment Is the Only Answer

The Gateway Pundit 

Sorry, Auntie Maxine. It doesn’t work that way. Democrat party mouthpiece Rep. Maxine Waters called again for President Trump’s impeachment following his exit from the Iranian nuclear deal. Maxine Waters tweeted out her latest call for impeachment on Wednesday. Trump, further isolating the United States, thinks he knows better than our negotiators and all of […]

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John McCain Trashes Gina Haspel for Endorsing “Torture” of Islamist Terrorists – Forgets He Voted for Brennan Who Has Same “Torture” Record

The Gateway Pundit 

CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel testified before the Senate on Wednesday on her qualifications to lead the CIA. During questioning Haspel was grilled on her previous participation in the waterboarding “torture” of Islamist mass killers. The CIA reportedly waterboarded a handful of top terrorists after the 9-11 attacks and was able to obtain information that […]

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Trump DHS Secretary Schools Democrat Senator On Immigration: “It’s A Law…” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Via Michael LaChance at American Lookout: Trump’s DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen recently gave an education to Democrat senator Patty Murray. They were talking about illegal immigration and Murray was pushing for more ‘humane’ treatment for people who are arrested for illegally crossing into the country. Nielsen said that they treat people humanely but reminded Murray […]

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Small Business Owner Calls on Porn Star’s “Hotshot Lawyer” To Pay Up on the $160,179 He Owes Him

The Gateway Pundit 

David J. Morris is the CEO of Dillanos Coffee Roasters in Tacoma, Washington. Morris strusted Michael Avenatti to provide his business with a service. Avenatti, who is porn star Stormy Daniels’ attorney, reniged on the agreement. Now that Michael Avenatti is gaining 100% of the US liberal media’s attention David Morris posted a tweet calling […]

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Michael Cohen Takes Aim at Porn Star’s Attorney for Illegal Leak of His Bank Records

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump Attorney Michael Cohen filed charges on Wednesday against porn star attorney Michael Avenatti for illegal leak of his bank records. This comes after Avenatti published Michael Cohen’s bank records. On April 9, 2018 FBI agents raided the office of one of Trump’s personal lawyers Michael Cohen at the request of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. […]

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Oregon Gun Ban Petition Meets MASS RESISTANCE

The Gateway Pundit 

The Oregon gun confiscation ballot initiative, petition #43, has passed the first hurdle with the Oregon Secretary of State. After gathering 3400 signatures during the weekend of the “March For Our Lives” astroturf photo op “protests”, not even 1000 of the signatures were valid. In Oregon, 1000 “sponsorship” signatures are required for a proposed ballot […]

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Retired FBI Agent Says Impending IG Report on FBI’s ‘7th Floor’ Under Comey Is “Worse Than Expected”

The Gateway Pundit 

The Office of Inspector General is very close to completing a comprehensive report on how the FBI and DOJ handled Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.  According to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, IG Horowitz will have his report completed in the next couple weeks. Retired FBI agent and CNN analyst James Gagliano says sources are saying […]

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Deep State Stooge John McCain Defends Turning Junk Russia Dossier Over to Comey: “Duty Demanded I Do It”

The Gateway Pundit 

In January 2017 Senator John McCain admitted on FOX News Channel that he was the one who turned the bogus Trump-Russia dossier over to the FBI. McCain made the comments during an interview with Brian Kilmeade. In his latest book Senator John McCain (R-AR) argued that he turned over the ridiculous dossier to James Comey […]

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Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

DEEP STATE DON’T PLAY=> Andrew McCarthy: Michael Cohen’s Banking Statements Were Leaked by Government Officials (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Stormy Daniels, alleged on Tuesday that a Russian oligarch paid Trump Attorney Michael Cohen $500,000 for “insights” into the Trump administration. The deposits were made in the months following the 2016 election. After significant investigation, we have discovered that Mr. Trump’s atty Mr. Cohen received approximately $500,000 in the mos. […]

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US Prisoners Freed From North Korea Release Statement Thanking God, Trump, Pompeo “God Bless America, The Greatest Nation In The World”

The Gateway Pundit 

The three US prisoners held in North Korea are on their way back to the United States. The freed prisoners will arrive at Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington at 2:00 AM. President Trump made the announcement this morning. The freed Americans touched down in Alaska Wednesday evening, Fox News reported. They released a […]

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VIDEO: Iraqi Police Intercept 31 Boxes Full of $100 Bills from Iranian Regime to Promote Their Favorite Iraqi Puppet

The Gateway Pundit 

The Islamic State of Iran Crime Research Center released video on Wednesday of an Iraqi police bust. The Iraqi Police intercept 31 boxes filled with stacks of $100 bills, smuggled from Iran, into Iraq, to be delivered to Hadi Al-Amari, head of the pro-Khomeiniist regime Badr militia. The Badr Militia, previously known as the Badr […]

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BREAKING: Iranian Forces Fire 20 Rockets into Israel – Iron Dome Defense System Deployed — VIDEO

The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING NEWS. Iranian forces have fired over 20 rockets at Israeli military bases. Several of the missiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome. The Times of Israel reported: Some 20 rockets were fired at Israeli military bases by Iranian forces in southern Syria late Wednesday night, with some of the incoming missiles being intercepted by […]

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FOX News Liberal Attacks Donald Trump Jr. with Crude and Evil Tweet about His Wife’s Sex Life

The Gateway Pundit 

Two weeks ago Former Hillary Clinton presidential campaigns adviser and Clinton State Department official Philippe Reines attacked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with profane and sexist language. This was following the controversial personal attacks on Sanders at the liberal media’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Reines also attacked First Lady Melania Trump and the Trump […]

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BREAKING: DOJ Agrees to Give Chairman Nunes Secret Rosenstein Memo Detailing Mueller’s Scope

The Gateway Pundit 

Fox News has learned Chairman Nunes will have access to Rosenstein’s memo detailing Mueller’s scope. Chairman Nunes previously threatened AG Sessions with contempt if he didn’t hand over this pertinent document. Nunes and Gowdy were invited to the DOJ Thursday for a classified briefing. Fox News producer Jake Gibson reported Chairman Nunes and Rep Trey […]

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