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Новости за 27.05.2018

VIDEO: John Kerry’s Peace Partner Iranian FM Javad Zarif Caught on Video Chanting “Death to America!”

The Gateway Pundit 

John Kerry’s peace partner, Iranian foreign minister Zarif, was caught on tape on Thursday chanting “Death to America! Death to Israel!” during a holy sermon by Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Javad Zarif is seen clearly in the video sitting in front chanting “Death to America!” during the holy sermon. Zarif is reportedly a “moderate” official. […]

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Donald Trump Jr: Tommy Robinson’s Imprisonment is Reason #1776 for the Original Brexit

The Gateway Pundit 

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the imprisonment of activist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson on Sunday, referring to it as “reason #1776 for the original Brexit.” Reason #1776 for the original #brexit. Don’t let America follow in those footsteps. https://t.co/6QLejT61i4 — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 27, 2018 The son of the president warned not […]

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Rudy Giuliani: The Spying on Trump by the Obama Administration “Completely Taints” the Entire Mueller Probe (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rudy Giuliani made the rounds this morning on the Sunday talk shows. Rudy told FOX News Sunday that the spying on Trump by the Obama administration and deep state players comletely taints the investigation. Rudy Giuliani: The whole thing with this investigation that was going on which we consider spying was done before Mueller got […]

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Oops!… Hillary Campaign Official Accuses Trump of Offering Children to Human Traffickers …But It Was an Obama Policy!

The Gateway Pundit 

Zac Petkanas was the director of the “Trump War Room” for the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election. Petkanas is still very active in Democrat politics after Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss. This weekend liberals and their media accused President Trump of losing track of almost 1,500 juvenile aliens who have been “lost” in the […]

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A NEW LOW=> Hillary Campaign Official Accuses Trump of Offering Children to Human Traffickers

The Gateway Pundit 

Zac Petkanas was the director of the “Trump War Room” for the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election. Petkanas is still very active in Democrat politics after Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss. This weekend liberals and their media accused President Trump of losing track of almost 1,500 juvenile aliens who have been “lost” in the […]

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CHELSEA CLINTON tells The Guardian: I’d Protest Trump in Great Britain – He has Mainstreamed and Mainlined Hate

The Gateway Pundit 

Chelsea Clinton echoed her mother this weekend in an article in the far left Guardian newspaper insisting that President Trump has “mainstreamed hate.” Her mother Hillary Clinton used the same insult in August 2016. And it didn’t help her mother either. Chelsea also told The Guardian that she would protest Trump in Great Britain if […]

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Deep State Confession: 2017 UK Article Indicates Obama’s Spygate Started in 2015 – Much Earlier than Currently Reported

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Another Internet sleuth (REX) put together some more pieces to Spygate over the weekend.  The sleuth’s analysis shows that Obama’s Spygate scandal started much earlier than expected and Deep State leaks support this claim. On April 13, 2017, the far left Guardian posted an article about Trump and Russia collusion […]

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Wonderful! Senator Orrin Hatch Heaps Praise on President Trump After Release of US Hostage Josh Holt (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump announced on Saturday morning that US hostage Josh Holt would be released from prison in Venezuela. Josh Holt was in prison for two years since 2016 in Venezuela. Looking forward to seeing Joshua Holt this evening in the White House. The great people of Utah are Celebrating! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May […]

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Corrupt Obama Appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson Does It Again: Puts Politics Before Law in Manafort Case – Should be Removed

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft It sure seems like every Obama appointed judge is a far left radical who puts their own distorted interpretation of reality ahead of the US Constitution.  In this respect, US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson is a case study.  This past week she again showed that she puts politics before […]

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Lindsey Graham: We’re Calling on Comey, McCabe, Lynch and Ohr to Testify This Summer (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Lindsey Graham told Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday the Senate will be calling Comey, McCabe, Lynch and Ohr to testify before committee this summer. Judge Jeanine: When is this going to happen? Sen. Lindsey Graham: There’s two lanes. Congress can tell you about what happened. But we can’t prosecute people. We’re not an adequate substitute […]

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ANOTHER HOSTAGE FREED! Josh Holt Joins President Trump at White House – Thank you President Trump!

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump announced on Saturday morning that US hostage Josh Holt would be released from prison in Venezuela. Josh Holt was in prison for two years in Venezuela. Looking forward to seeing Joshua Holt this evening in the White House. The great people of Utah are Celebrating! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 26, 2018 […]

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Fitton Blasts Anti-Gun Protesters: ‘Hey Publix, Facts Show that Police Failures Contributed to Parkland Massacre!’

The Gateway Pundit 

Gun control activists are being used by leftist politicians to promote “irrelevant gun measures,” when they should be focused on the whether law enforcement are trained adequately to confront shooters, warns the president of the government watch dog Judicial Watch. Following David Hogg, dozens of anti-gun protesters staged “die ins” at two locations of the […]

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WOW: Moronic NYU Professor Compares American National Anthem To Nazi Salute

The Gateway Pundit 

If you weren’t already disgusted with how far left the American university system has gotten, this should pretty much set you over the edge. You may remember former Drexel and present NYU ‘scholar-in-residence’, Professor George Ciccariello-Maher, from his now infamous “All I want for Christmas is white genocide” tweet that went viral last year and ultimately sparked enough backlash […]

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Oops! Thanks to David Hogg’s Die-In Stunt – Publix Cancels Donations to Planned Parenthood

The Gateway Pundit 

When David Hogg organized a die-in at a Publix supermarket over their donations to an NRA-supported candidate, he caused them to cancel all political donations — including to organizations that fund Planned Parenthood. The level of liberal self own is truly awe-inspiring. He's right! David's attempted extortion convinced Publix to stop all political donations, which […]

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“Reparations Happy Hour” Is The New Trend

The Gateway Pundit 

Are you a guilty, rich white liberal with a kush government job getting paid to shuffle around papers in some useless bureau for $90,000 a year and harbors internalized racism? Well now you can absolve your white guilt with the new Reparations Happy Hour. That’s right, the aforementioned guilty white liberals can show up to […]

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Florida-Based Publix Grocery Store Chain Intimidated by Teen Tyrant David Hogg’s ‘Die-ins,’ Suspends Political Contributions

The Gateway Pundit 

Publix grocery store chain is a longtime supporter of conservative causes and has publicly announced its support of Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam, who strongly backs the National Rifle Association. However, shortly before anti-gun activist David Hogg and other anti-gun protesters staged “die-ins” in Orlando and Coral Springs, Florida on Friday, Publix announced it would […]

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