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Новости за 22.05.2018

POTUS Trump Smacks Down Reporter Asking About Rod Rosenstein “What’s Your Next Question, Please?” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday, President Trump hosted South Korean President Moon Jae-In at the White House and took questions from reporters. One reporter decided that it was a good time to ask a question about Rod Rosenstein which prompted President Trump to scold her. “Do you have confidence in Rod Rosenstein?” a reporter rudely asked the President […]

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BREAKING: Active Shooter in Panama City, Florida — SHOTS RING OUT During Live Interview (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Florida Police are investigating an active shooter situation in Panama City, Florida. Dozens of shots were fired as My Pan Handle reporter was interviewing a man at the scene. CNN reported: Authorities are on the scene of an active shooting Tuesday afternoon at an apartment complex in Panama City, Florida, according to a Bay County […]

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Jazz Legend Wynton Marsalis: Hip-Hop Is “More Damaging Than A Statue Of Robert E. Lee”

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaking on the latest episode of Washington Post’s Cape Up with Jonathan Capehart podcast, jazz legend and Pulitzer Prize winner, Wynton Marsalis derided modern rap and hip-hop music as “more damaging than a statue of Robert E. Lee.” The issue came up when Capehart asked Marsalis about what it was like to play jazz in America because America is just a terrible […]

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GOP Lawmakers Unveil Resolution Officially Calling For Second Special Counsel to Investigate the Investigators

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday, House Republicans unveiled a resolution officially calling for a second special counsel to investigate misconduct at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) stands at the lectern flanked by House Republicans Fearless warriors in the Freedom Caucus are demanding a second special counsel to investigate the FBI and […]

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Democrats Yesterday: Trump’s Claim of Embedded Spy Is Nonsense… Democrats Today: The Use of Embedded Spy is a Vital Technique

The Gateway Pundit 

This sure moved fast… Democrats Yesterday– Rep. Adam Shiff tweeted this on Sunday: Trump’s claim of an embedded “spy” is nonsense. Trump’s claim of an embedded “spy” is nonsense. His “demand” DOJ investigate something they know to be untrue is an abuse of power, and an effort to distract from his growing legal problems. Never […]

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Weiner Laptop Comes Back to Haunt FBI Brass in IG Report on Hillary Case

The Gateway Pundit 

The Inspector General is set to release his much-anticipated report on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation and Weiner’s laptop has come back to haunt the FBI brass. According to the Associate Press, inside sources say Inspector General Horowitz’s much-anticipated report set to be released in the next couple of weeks will fault […]

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VIDEO: Watch Alan Dershowitz Smackdown CNN Legal Analyst Over FBI Spying on Trump Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz defended President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice demand while appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on Monday. Dershowitz faced off against CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin regarding the FBI spying on the Trump campaign. “I have to tell you, if this had happened to Hillary Clinton, the ACLU would be […]

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DRAIN THE SWAMP=> Sinkhole Appears in White House Lawn

The Gateway Pundit 

We President Trump was a man of action but we never would have expected this… President Trump campaigned on Draining the DC Swamp. Trump wasn’t kidding. A sinkhole appeared in the White House lawn overnight. Via Charlie Spiering: Sinkhole appears in the White House lawn. Right behind @hogangidley45 office! pic.twitter.com/DRCLkNQBw7 — Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) May […]

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O’KEEFE STRIKES AGAIN=> Ohio Teachers Union Presidents Defend Physical, Sexual, Verbal Abuse of Children “Sh*t Happens” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

O’Keefe strikes again! On Tuesday, Project Veritas released undercover video of Ohio Teachers Union Presidents defending physical, sexual and verbal abuse of children. This is a part of a larger, nationwide investigation Project Veritas is conducting. Via Project Veritas: (Ohio) Project Veritas has released undercover video of Bill Siegferth, Tom Schmida, and David Romick – all […]

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Nobel Recipient Jimmy Carter Says Trump May Be Worthy of Same Prize

The Gateway Pundit 

Former President and Nobel Prize recipient Jimmy Carter believes that President Donald Trump may be worthy of the same prize if he is successful at easing tensions on the Korean peninsula. “If President Trump is successful in getting a peace treaty that’s acceptable to both sides with North Korea, I think he certainly ought to […]

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Antifa Anarchists Release Thousands of Insects into New HQ of Immigration Prison Architect’s Firm

The Gateway Pundit 

An Antifa group is claiming credit for releasing thousands of crickets into a newly constructed headquarters of an architecture firm that is building new immigration detention centers in Canada. The group claims to have pulled a sheet of plywood off of a wall at the headquarters of the Montreal architecture company Lemay and funneled in […]

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Deep State James Clapper: Embedding Spy Inside Trump Campaign Is “Standard Investigative Practices – Goes On All the Time”

The Gateway Pundit 

The Deep State got caught spying on Candidate Trump — Now they’re spinning this as a good thing and normal procedure. Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper said Thursday evening on CNN, “It’s a good thing,” the Deep State FBI was spying on Trump’s campaign. This was after Clapper initially denied the intelligence community was […]

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VIDEO: Commies Crash Oregon Special Session For Tax Cut

The Gateway Pundit 

Communist groups from around Portland stormed the Oregon capitol building on Monday to protest Governor Kate Brown’s special legislative session. Brown called the special session to carve out a specific tax cut for sole proprietor owned businesses, whom she just raised taxes on last month. Many are calling Brown’s stunt out for what it is, […]

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Sen. Ron Johnson Sends Letter to FBI – Discovers Secret Deep State “Sensitive Matter Team” Behind Phony Dossier

The Gateway Pundit 

On Monday Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to the FBI Director regarding phony Steele Russia dossier. Explosive new e-mails show FBI brass discussed dossier briefing details with CNN. Senator Johnson accused the FBI of having a “sensitive matter team” as reference by FBI Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki in an January 6, 2017 […]

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Trump Economy Sets More Records: 1st Quarter Profits, Earnings Reach All-Time Highs – Largest Monthly Surplus in History – Far Left Media Silent

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The biggest lies from the Mainstream Media are not only what they tell us, the biggest lies are what they don’t tell us! The liberal MSM is obsessed with the fake “Trump-Russia Collusion” story and have been for nearly two years.  They love everything about this sham story because it […]

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BREAKING=> Former Trump Aide Michael Caputo Drops Bombshell: ‘I Was Approached by SECOND Informant’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo appeared on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle Monday evening and dropped a bombshell–he says he was approached by a SECOND informant during the 2016 election. Caputo said he’s waiting for clearance from his attorney before he offers more details. Michael Caputo unleashed on Obama’s Deep State spy campaign Monday night. […]

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге

Carter Page Says Obama Spy Stefan Halper Didn’t Groom Him But He Doesn’t Remember How They Met (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page joined Laura Ingraham on Monday to discuss his interactions with Obama Deep State spy Stefan Halper. Halper is accused of infiltrating and spying on the Trump Campaign during the 2016 election. Carter Page told Laura Ingraham he was not sure when he met Stefan Halper. But Page did tweet […]

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Vandals Destroy Veterans Memorial In Texas

The Gateway Pundit 

Residents of the sleepy, rural town of Brownwood, Texas (population 19,000) awoke Sunday to find four monuments at a local veterans memorial knocked over and shattered on the ground. The memorials were en-scripted with the names of local area veterans who have served. BrownwoodNews.com reports: The damage was discovered by President of the Memorial Harold […]

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HUGE!! IG Has NO POWER TO SUBPOENA Former Obama Employees — That’s Why Rosenstein Asked Him to Investigate Spying on Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

On Sunday evening, Justice Department Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asked Inspector General Horowitz to investigate whether there was “impropriety or political motivation” into the FBI’s infiltration of Trump’s campaign. This came just hours after President Trump demanded a review of whether Obama’s Deep State FBI did indeed spy on his campaign. I hereby demand, […]

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Rep. Meadows SLAMS Rosenstein’s Referral to Inspector General ‘He Knows Exactly What the FBI Did, This is a Ruse’

The Gateway Pundit 

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) ripped Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein on Monday for requesting the Inspector General investigate irregularities with the FBI’s and DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign. It’s a “ruse”, says Chairman Meadows. Rosenstein has known all along what is in these documents so his belated referral to the Inspector General is not […]

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Grassley Turns Up The Heat – Sends Letter to DOJ Demanding Communications Between Bruce Ohr and Dossier Author Christopher Steele

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to the Department of Justice Monday afternoon demanding communications between former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr and dossier author, former British spy, Christopher Steele. In addition to asking for communications from Bruce Ohr, Grassley requested the DOJ arrange for the former Associate Deputy AG to […]

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