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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 12.08.2018

FOX News: Antifa Is Reporting They Are Blocking Camera Lenses and Cutting Cords to TV Cameras (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The racist ‘Unite the Right’ rally is being held today on the one year anniversary of the deadly Charlottesville race riots. Last year Heather Heyer was killed in the race rioting in Charlottesville, Virginia. On Sunday the ‘Unite the Right’ protesters are marching to the White House. THOUSANDS of Angry counter protesters and Trump bashers […]

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FOX News: Antifa Is Reporting They Are Blocking Camera Lenses and Cutting Chords to TV Cameras (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The racist ‘Unite the Right’ rally is being held today on the one year anniversary of the deadly Charlottesville race riots. Last year Heather Heyer was killed in the race rioting in Charlottesville, Virginia. On Sunday the ‘Unite the Right’ protesters are marching to the White House. THOUSANDS of Angry counter protesters and Trump bashers […]

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“LOCK HER UP!” Calls For Omarosa to be Prosecuted Grow After She Releases Secret Recording of Chief of Staff John Kelly (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Social media was set ablaze Sunday after Omarosa released a secret recording of Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her. Sunday morning on “Meet the Press,” Omarosa released a secret recording of CoS John Kelly firing her from the White House. “We’re going to talk to you about leaving the White House,” John Kelly says […]

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Rudy Giuliani: Mainstream Media Is Hysterical – “Remind Me of Peter Strzok. They’re Probably texting the Same Things” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Howard Kurtz Sunday morning on Media Buzz. Howard Kurtz asked Rudy how he would describe the over all media coverage on the Mueller case so far. Here was Rudy’s response. Rudy Giuliani: Hysterical. At times taking things that are totally unimportant or relatively unimportant and driving it into all kinds […]

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Devin Nunes: Dossier Was Created by Russian Propaganda Arm for Democrats to Spy on Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning. Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria by phone today from the country of Georgia. Nunes discussed the importance of the release of the DOJ and FBI documents on the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign. Devin Nunes: The […]

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SHOCK CLAIM–> VIDEO Shows Democrat Party Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Physically Abusing Woman, Screaming “F*cking Bitch!”

The Gateway Pundit 

Karen Monahan is an organizer for the far left Sierra Club. This weekend Karen warned that she was going to break her silence and share a story about a very powerful man who abused her. @keithellison pic.twitter.com/6Hl0j8CFvO — Karen Monahan (@KarenMonahan01) August 8, 2018 On Saturday Karen’s son Austin posted this report on Facebook describing […]

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What Double Standard? Bill Maher Posts Photos Comparing GOP Politician to ‘Planet of the Apes’ Monkey – NO MEDIA OUTRAGE

The Gateway Pundit 

In late May Roseanne Barr tweeted out a joke in poor taste directed at failed President Barack Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett. Roseanne was immediately fired by ABC. Meanwhile Trump-basher Jimmy Kimmel posted a homophobic tweet attacking President Trump and still has a job. Only conservatives are banished from ABC. Remember this long-forgotten tweet from […]

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Ascending: Legacy Media Spotlight Propels QAnon Movement

The Gateway Pundit 

Via Assistant Editor Over the last week the Washington Post, NYT, CNN. NBC News. CBS News, Bloomberg, The New Yorker, Vox, Daily Beast have all written a plethora of over 20 articles on the Qanon Movement all using highly similar talking points to marginalize the movement. Instead it’s just pushing it into the cultural mainstream– […]

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Democrat Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Ends Speech in Hawaii, Walks Off Stage, Forgets to Introduce Endorcee Kaniela Ing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

>t was a rough week for Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio endorsed several far-left candidates in the previous weeks who were as ignorant on economic policy as she is. Kaniela Ing, Hawaii Kerri Harris, Delaware Brent Welder and James Thompson, Kansas Abdul El-Sayed and Rashida Tlaib, Michigan Cori Bush, Missouri Zephyr Teachout, New York Ayanna […]

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New Twist to the Deep State Assault on Trump: Papadopoulos Told Aussie Spy Alexander Downer that Russians Had HILLARY DOSSIER not HILLARY EMAILS!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The real truth – Russia had a Hillary dossier too! The FBI has been under pressure to identify the exact date that they started spying on Candidate Trump.  Congress has requested this date.  This date is important because the FBI and DOJ must show the reason for why they spied […]

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VIDEO: Liberals Repeatedly Attack NBC Reporter in Charlottesville at Black Lives Matter Protest

The Gateway Pundit 

NBC reporter Cal Perry was repeatedly attacked by protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, Saturday night while covering a Black Lives Matter protest marking the one year anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally. Screen images show a liberal protester approach and then attack NBC reporter Cal Perry as he filmed the protest. Perry posted several […]

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Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Considering 2020 Run Against President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

He couldn’t take President Trump down with his washed up porn star client so now he’s considering a political run against him. Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti told reporters this weekend he is considering a political run against Donald Trump. Avenatti was visiting the Iowa State Fair this weekend. CNN reported: Michael Avenatti made it […]

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Trump-Hating Useful Idiot Travels to Iran to Bash Trump and Denigrate America for the Pleasure of the Brutal Regime

The Gateway Pundit 

Meet ‘Rhode Island Kate” or Girl with Kaeidoskopeeyez — This Trump-hating leftist recently traveled to Iran. Kate posted these photos on her Instagram page apologizing to the Iranian regime for President Donald Trump. Kate is a modern day useful idiot. The people in Iran are suffering under one of the most abusive regimes in the […]

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“SHE’S A LOWLIFE” President Trump Slams Omarosa After She Accuses Him of Using N-Word ‘Several Times’ in New Book (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump called Omarosa Maginault-Newman a “lowlife” on Saturday in response to a reporter who asked him if he “felt betrayed” by the former White House aid. Earlier this week, Omarosa slammed Trump in her soon-to-be-released book titled, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.” Omarosa accused Donald Trump of using various racial […]

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