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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.08.2018

PRESIDENT TRUMP Destroys “Open Borders Extremists” “Leading Democrats Want to Abolish ICE – They Want to Abolish Borders”

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump held a special ceremony at the White House today in support of ICE officers who every day put their lives on the line to keep America safe. During his remarks the president slammed the “open borders extremists” and “leading Democrats who want to abolish ICE and want to abolish borders.” This was […]

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DC Candidate Amanda Beale Deletes Twitter Account After Gateway Pundit Report on Her Campaign Fundraising Off of Brutal Beating of White Woman

The Gateway Pundit 

Amanda Beale, a candidate for the Washington, D.C., Advisory Neighborhood Council 8E02, deleted her Twitter account following a report by The Gateway Pundit about her tweets cheering and fundraising off of the brutal beating of an elderly white woman who was attacked by passengers on the X2 Metrobus last Tuesday and then beaten bloody after […]

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Judicial Watch Sues Defense Department on Behalf of Whistleblower Who Lost Security Clearance After Raising Questions About Trump Camp Spy Halper

The Gateway Pundit 

Stefan Halper As previously reported, in the fall of 2016, Pentagon analyst Adam Lovinger complained to his bosses about Trump campaign spy Stefan Halper’s exorbitant contracts. In May 2017 Adam Lovinger was stripped of his security clearance for speaking out against the questionable contracts to Stefan Halper. Adam Lovinger was dispatched to the NSC from the Pentagon […]

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In July Obama Praised South African Leader for “Inspiring Great Hope” …On Monday the South African Leader Seized White-Owned Farms

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama traveled to South Africa in July and delivered a speech at the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg. During the speech Obama called for guaranteed income. Obama also praised South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for quote, “Inspiring great hope in this country.” Tucker Carlson pointed out these stunning comments on his show. […]

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SWAMP. Claire McCaskill’s Family Made Over $131 MILLION in Govt. Subsidies Since She’s Been in DC

The Gateway Pundit 

$131,000 Million In July The Kansas City Star reported on how businesses tied to Claire McCaskill’s family received $131 MILLION in federal dollars since she’s been in Washington DC. In an interview with Politically Speaking, Claire McCaskill complained about TV ads informing Missouri voters that their Senator has made millions off of taxpayer subsidized housing, […]

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JAMES O’KEEFE TAUNTS=> Project Veritas to Drop ‘October Surprise’

The Gateway Pundit 

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has been taunting fake news media about his next undercover video sting coming this fall. Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have been fawning over Omarosa and her selectively edited secret recordings of Trump and his inner circle. Stormy Daniels is yesterday’s news. O’Keefe taunted CNN’s Chris Cillizza […]

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Hah! President Trump Dares John Brennan to Sue Him -“I Hope John Brennan, the Worst CIA Director in Country’s History, Brings a Lawsuit”

The Gateway Pundit 

Former New York City Mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures yesterday morning. Rudy went off on John Brennan accusing him of launching the fraudulent Russian conspiracy against Donald Trump. Rudy added that he would like to be the person to depose John Brennan for the president if Brennan […]

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Trump Takes Another Shot at AWOL Jeff Sessions – A Total Disgrace Who Refuses to Do His Job

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump went off on a tirade earlier this month against AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump tweeted out to Sessions to end the corrupt Mueller witch hunt. Sessions continues to serve as Attorney General in name only as corrupt Rod Rosenstein runs a perverted witch hunt to take down President Trump. Sessions should […]

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SHOTS FIRED at US Embassy in Turkey in Drive-by Shooting (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Shots were fired at the US Embassy in Ankara, Turkey overnight. There was a drive-by shooting attack on the US Embassy building in Turkey’s capital Ankara around 5 AM local time. Four to five shots were fired at the security gate, one hit the bullet-proof window. Suspected attackers reportedly fled in a white sedan. Drive-by […]

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Top Far Left Organizations Bragged About Working with Facebook and Twitter to Censor and Eliminate Conservative Content

The Gateway Pundit 

In January 2017 after Hillary Clinton was shellacked in the November 2016 election top Democrat operatives at Media Matters, Share Blue, American Bridge, and CREW came together and released their two-year plan to take back power in Washington DC. Share Blue is a far left website that works with the Democrat party and claims to […]

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Top Democrat Activist Organizations Admitted to Working with Facebook and Twitter to Eliminate Conservative Content

The Gateway Pundit 

In January 2017 after Hillary Clinton was shellacked in the November 2016 election top Democrat operatives at Media Matters, Share Blue, American Bridge, and CREW came together and released their two-year plan to take back power in Washington DC. Share Blue is a far left website that works with the Democrat party and claims to […]

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Top Democrat Lawmaker and Former Impeached Judge Cracks ‘Joke’ About Trump Drowning in the Potomac (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

In 1988 Alcee Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury. Hastings was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate, becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate. In 2011 Hastings was sued for sexual harassment. Today Rep. Alcee Hastings is a top Democrat […]

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DC Candidate Cheers, Fundraises Off of Brutal Beating of Elderly White Woman For Using Racial Slur After Being Attacked on Bus

The Gateway Pundit 

An elderly white woman riding the X2 Metrobus in Washington, D.C. last Tuesday was videotaped complaining of being harassed attacked by black passengers while on the bus, calling her harassers the ‘n-word’ as she walked off the bus to get away from them and then shown lying in a bloody heap on the sidewalk after […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Новости тенниса

Лучший теннисист Казахстана узнал позицию в обновленном рейтинге ATP

Ефимов: стал известен победитель торгов на право реорганизации территорий в Строгине

Сборная Самарской области - победитель ЧР по современному пятиборью в командном первенстве

В Москве 27 июля состоятся соревнования по бегу

Макгрегор: Весь мир смеется над США после стратегического соглашения России и КНДР