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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 18.08.2018

WOW! Facebook Sued After Blocking Housing Ads to Blacks and Minorities

The Gateway Pundit 

It’s like what was once old is new again! HUD and Director Ben Carson sued Facebook after finding the social media giant was blocking housing ads to blacks, minorities. So now Facebook censors blacks, minorities and conservatives! Via the HUD website: HUD FILES HOUSING DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT AGAINST FACEBOOK Secretary-initiated complaint alleges platform allows advertisers to […]

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Netflix Cancels Gutter ‘Comedian’ Michelle Wolf’s Show After Less Than Three Months Due to Lack of Viewership

The Gateway Pundit 

Netflix cancelled gutter comedian Michelle Wolf’s talk show, “The Break With Michelle Wolf,” after the first season, Deadline reported on Friday. According to sources who spoke to Deadline, the show was cancelled because of the lack of viewership to secure a renewal after only three months. Nearly everyone was appalled over the nasty, vile insults ‘comedienne’ […]

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Netflix Cancels Gutter ‘Comedian’ Michelle Wolf’s Show After Three Months Due to Lack of Viewership

The Gateway Pundit 

Netflix cancelled gutter comedian Michelle Wolf’s talk show, “The Break With Michelle Wolf,” after the first season, Deadline reported on Friday. According to sources who spoke to Deadline, the show was cancelled because of the lack of viewership to secure a renewal after only three months. Nearly everyone was appalled over the nasty, vile insults ‘comedienne’ […]

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Top Senate Investigator: After 19 Months, Still No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia to fix the 2016 presidential election, told the Associated Press in an interview published Saturday that after nineteen months of investigation, “there is “no factual evidence today that we’ve received” on collusion or conspiracy […]

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OUTRAGEOUS: Louisiana Deputy FIRED for Being a Proud Boy After Being Targeted by Anti-Cop Facebook Page

The Gateway Pundit 

The Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office has thrown one of their deputies under the bus and fired him after an Antifa Facebook page began a harassment campaign against him over his ties to the Proud Boys. The Sheriff’s Office claimed that deputy Brian Green’s termination was because of how his involvement with the pro-America group would […]

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OUTRAGEOUS: Louisiana Police Officer FIRED for Being a Proud Boy After Being Targeted by Anti-Cop Facebook Page

The Gateway Pundit 

The Plaquemines Parish Sheriff’s Office has thrown one of their deputies under the bus and fired him after an Antifa Facebook page began a harassment campaign against him over his ties to the Proud Boys. The Sheriff’s Office claimed that deputy Brian Green’s termination was because of how his involvement with the pro-America group would […]

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TECH GIANT TYRANNY: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

The Gateway Pundit 

Tech Giants Google and Facebook are purging conservative content from their platforms — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on Facebook and Twitter. In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. The algorithm change caused President […]

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John Brennan: I Didn’t Mean That Trump Committed Treason When I Said That Trump Committed Treason (VIDEOS)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Obama CIA Director and alleged puppet master of the Trump-Russia conspiracy accused President Trump of acting treasonous after the president met with Vladimir Putin in Finland. The left argued that President Trump was too nice to Putin. On Friday night Brennan told Rachel Maddow he didn’t mean that Trump committed treason when he accused […]

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Bill Maher Defends Alex Jones While His Audience Cheers End of Free Speech Like Barking Hyenas (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week liberals cheered the news that the US tech giants colluded together and banned Alex Jones and Infowars from their platforms within a 12 hour period. Apple, Spotify, Google-YouTube, and Facebook all banned Alex Jones and Infowars in a 12 hour period. On Friday night Bill Maher defended Alex Jones and his right as […]

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Bill Maher Defends Alex Jones While His Audience Cheers End of Free Speech Like Babbling Babboons (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week liberals cheered the news that the US tech giants colluded together and banned Alex Jones and Infowars from their platforms within a 12 hour period. Apple, Spotify, Google-YouTube, and Facebook all banned Alex Jones and Infowars in a 12 hour period. On Friday night Bill Maher defended Alex Jones and his right as […]

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TRUMP’s Sensible Advice to the SEC

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Ted Malloch co-author of Common Sense Business President Trump urged his Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) yesterday to study revising the practice of quarterly financial statements by publicly listed companies. He said, ““I’d like to see twice, but we’re going to see,” Trump told reporters when asked about his tweet. He said […]

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BREAKING: Poland Deports Top Soros Organizer and Agitator back to Ukraine

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday August 14, 2018, Poland deported top Soros organizer Lyudmyla Kozlovska from the Schengen (EU) area without an explanation. The George Soros Open Dialog Foundation called this an “act of political nature carried out by the Polish authorities in order to stop the activities of the organisation in the country and abroad.” Kozlovska’s husband, […]

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TRUMP GOES OFF On Social Media ‘Censorship’ and ‘Discrimination’ Against Conservative Voices

The Gateway Pundit 

2017 was a very challenging year for TGP.  Facebook and Twitter often altered their platforms to prevent TGP stories from being shared.  They have employed far left operatives who deem which stories are acceptable and others they kill off before they go viral. Stories like ‘Hillary is going to win in a landslide’, ‘Hillary is […]

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“A Fish Rots from the Head” and Every Day the Current Leadership of the DOJ and FBI Remain – They Become More Corrupt

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were organizations that we once admired. Under the Obama Administration they were totally corrupted and this has an impact on these organizations as a whole. Chris Farrell from Judicial Watch reminded us in July 2018 that a fish […]

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Rep. Gaetz: Rosenstein Won’t Tell Us When He Learned Nellie Ohr Was Working For Fusion GPS… There’s a Real Smoking Gun There (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

New emails reveal Christopher Steele, the British author of the junk Russia dossier, was communicating with Dirty Cop Robert Mueller through Bruce Ohr. Sara Carter obtained emails this week that show British operative Chris Steele was communicating with Mueller Special Counsel in 2017 during their investigation on Trump based on Steele’s junk dossier. Friday night […]

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Emails Show Junk Dossier Author Chris Steele Was Communicating with Mueller Special Counsel Well Into 2017

The Gateway Pundit 

New emails reveal Christopher Steele, the British author of the junk Russia dossier, was communicating with Dirty Cop Robert Mueller through Bruce Ohr. Sara Carter obtained emails this week that show British operative Chris Steele was communicating with Mueller Special Counsel in 2017 during their investigation on Trump based on Steele’s junk dossier. As Cristina […]

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Corrupt Democrat Senator Mark Warner to Introduce Amendment to Block Trump From “Arbitrarily Revoking Security Clearances”

The Gateway Pundit 

Vice Chair of the Senate Intel Committee Mark Warner (D-VA) President Trump revoked former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance on Wednesday and hinted Bru Ohr and other corrupt Obama operatives are next on the chopping block. John Brennan immediately lashed out at President Trump and vowed “I will not relent.” The fake news media […]

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Interior Secretary Zinke: “Radical Environmentalists Would Rather See the Entire Forest Burn Down Than Harvest a Single Tree” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Wildfires in California are getting worse each year. The Mendocino Complex is now the largest blaze in state history. US forests are loaded with dead lumber thanks to radical policies by far left environmentalists. During an interview with Breitbart News this week Trump Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said the “environmental terrorist groups” were behind the […]

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Socialist (Communist) Ocasio-Cortez Defends BARRING PRESS From Public Speaking Event

The Gateway Pundit 

Communist Socialist rising Dem star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez banned the press from a public town hall event–then defended her decision to do so. This did not sit well with reporters and Ocasio-Cortez received a huge backlash. Ocasio-Cortez refused to let any reporters into her public speaking event and said the town hall was “designed for residents […]

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PAUL MANAFORT Is Treated Worse Than SADDAM HUSSEIN or GITMO DETAINEES — Democrats Are Thrilled!

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats were OUTRAGED at the treatment of the Islamist killers at Gitmo describing the Caribbean prison as a medieval dungeon rife with human rights violations and horrifying conditions. But the reality was totally different as Katie Pavlich reported in 2015: The real GITMO is quite another story, with detainees regularly watching movies and cable TV, […]

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BANANA REPUBLIC: Paul Manafort Is Being Held in Tiny Prison Cell with No Reading Material or TV During Trial (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

America is officially a banana republic. Thanks Democrats. You’ve managed to ruin the greatest country in world history. Paul Manafort was Donald Trump’s campaign manager for two months. Now he must be punished. The US government is holding Paul Manafort in a tiny prison cell during his trial with no reading material and no television. […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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