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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 29.08.2018

Jim Jordan on Deep State Dossier-Spying Scandal: “This is the Biggest Abuse of Power I Have Ever Seen” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. jim Jordan (R-OH) joined Lou Dobbs on Tuesday to discuss the deep state corruption and the upcoming election. Jordan started off the conservation telling Lou Dobbs Congress should go back to Congress next week and pass funding for the Trump border wall. Jim Jordan and the Freedom Caucus led the efforts to investigate the […]

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FAKE NEWS CNN Burns Lanny Davis – ‘Stands By’ Cohen Trump Tower ‘Bombshell’

The Gateway Pundit 

Lanny Davis Twitter avatar Fake News CNN burned Lanny Davis Tuesday after the network came under fire for another botched Trump-Russia ‘bombshell’ story. As previously reported, Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis admitted he lied to the media when he claimed he confirmed a CNN report (with anonymous sources) about President Trump’s foreknowledge of the infamous […]

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South African Parliament Withdraws Bill to Steal White Owned Land Following President Trump’s Tweet

The Gateway Pundit 

Remember: The liberal fake news media said this was not happening. On Wednesday President Donald Trump tweeted out his concern over the racist South Africa land and farm seizures and killings of farmers. I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large […]

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