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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 04.10.2018

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT TARGETED FOR BANNING in New Study About Influence of Alleged ‘Fake News’ and Bots on Twitter

The Gateway Pundit 

Now that Big Tech has seen it can get away with banishing Infowars, a study about the influence of Russian and non-Russian Twitter bot accounts on the 2016 election and beyond is now targeting The Gateway Pundit for banishment, supposedly as a means to diminish the influence of bots because The Gateway Pundit was one […]

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JUST IN: Doxxer Jackson Cosko Threatened to Leak GOP Senators’ Children’s Health Information

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat staffer and doxxer Jackson Cosko Nothing is too low for the left. On Wednesday, Capitol Police arrested 27-year-old Jackson Cosko of DC for “allegedly posted private, identifying information (doxxing) about one or more United States Senators.” It’s worse than we thought. Accused doxxer 27-year-old Jackson Cosko threatened to leak Republican Senators’ children’s health information […]

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GRASSLEY ERUPTS! — GOES OFF on Far Left Media Hacks for Bias Against Brett Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell along with Republican Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and several Republican senators held a press conference this afternoon on Capitol Hill. After the initial statements the GOP senators took a few questions. Senator Chuck Grassley went off on the liberal reporters after the several negative questions on Judge Kavanaugh and this […]

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Shrieking Fake-Blood Faced Activists Protest Kavanaugh – Block Streets With “DIE-IN” At Federal Courthouse (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

  With “bloody” handprints over their mouths and signs that say they are being “silenced” by the Senate, a gaggle of wacked out protesters in Portland (duh, of course, where else) staged a screaming die-in protest in front of the Hatfield federal courthouse. Ladies, gentlemen, and those of non-conforming gender, we present you today’s modern […]

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VIDEO=> Women’s March Leader Criticizes “White Wives with Their White Husbands” — Calls for Attacks on Trump Supporters

The Gateway Pundit 

Women’s March Leaders held a rally on Thursday outside the Supreme Court. One of the speakers lashed out at “white women with their white husbands” and called on Democrats and far left activists to attack Trump supporters at their tables when they are out eating. Via Benny Johnson: Women’s March leader just criticized “white wives […]

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SHE’S DONE=> Red State Dem Senator Heidi Heitkamp to Vote NO on Kavanaugh

The Gateway Pundit 

Heidi Heitkamp She’s done. Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) announced Thursday afternoon that she will vote “no” on Brett Kavanaugh. Heitkamp is fighting for re-election this fall–it looks like she’s toast. A new Mason Dixon poll from North Dakota found incumbent Democrat Heidi Heitkamp down 10 points following the disgusting attacks by the Democrat Party on […]

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BREAKING: GOP Senators Hold Presser on FBI Investigation on Judge Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell along with Republican Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and several Republican senators today on Capitol Hill. Chuck Grassley immediately began attackind Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for his dirty attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his delay tactics against the SCOTUS nominee. Senator Orrin Hatch apologized to Brett Kavanaugh for the disgusting […]

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With Today’s Sham Russian Indictments – More than 80% of Individuals Indicted by Anti-Trump ‘Witch Hunt’ Will Never Face US Justice

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The Mueller witch hunt is reaching new heights. With the seven Russians indicted today (three of which were previously indicted), the corrupt Mueller team has now indicted 35 individuals and 3 companies, with more than 80% of the indictments related to Russians who we really don’t even know if they […]

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GOP Fundraising Through the Roof After Appalling Liberal Smears on Judge Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Americans saw right through the last minute political attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Not only have Republicans narrowed the enthusiasm gap with Democrats but GOP fundraising is through the roof. Stuart Varney reported on the numbers on Thursday morning. ** This last week compared to the same week in August […]

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BREAKING: Swing Senator Susan Collins: Latest FBI Investigation Is “Very Thorough” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Swing Senator Susan Collins just announced that the latest FBI investigation on Judge Brett Kavanaugh is “very thorough.” Collins is considered a swing GOP senator along with Sen. Murkowski from Alaska and Jeff Flake from Arizona. Senator Susan Collins told CNN: “It appears to be a very thorough investigation. But I’m going to go back […]

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Mitch McConnell: FBI Could Not Find ANY WITNESS to Corroborate Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke on the Senate Floor on Thursday morning following the release of the FBI investigation on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The supplemental FBI investigation was delivered to the US Senate early Thursday morning. Sen. Mitch McConnell: The fact is none of these allegations have been corroborated by the FBI. Neither […]

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Grassley: FBI Report Clears Kavanugh: No Corroboration, ‘No Hint of Misconduct…Time to Vote’

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a statement Thursday morning on the FBI supplemental report on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Grassley said the report has no corroboration of the allegations of sexual abuse by Kavanaugh at decades ago school parties. Grassley: With FBI Work Complete, It’s Time to Vote “I’ve […]

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Breaking: DOJ Indicts 7 Russian Intel Officers as Part of “Influence and Disinformation” Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

The Department of Justice indicted seven more Russian intelligence officers on Thursday. The officers will likely never be tried in the United States. Three of the men were already charged back in July in connection to the Mueller witch hunt against President Trump. Here is the indictment. Via Eric Bass: JusticeDept says Russian GRU operatives […]

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Activist Anti-Trump Attorney Debra Katz Now Says Christine Ford has Witnesses to Corroborate Her Testimony

The Gateway Pundit 

More lies by anti-Trump activists– Christine Ford’s attorney Debra Katz is an anti-Trump “resistance” leader. On Thursday morning US Senators were invited to read the final report by the FBI in their investigation of groping and sexual assault charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The Senate will vote on Judge Kavanaugh on Saturday. The White House […]

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FOX and Friends SHREDS Dem Senator Coons – Who Claims There Was “Evidence” of Abuse Against Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Senator Chris Coons joined FOX and Friends on Thursday morning to discuss the Kavanaugh investigation. Coons defended Senator Feinstein (D-CA) who sat on the Christine Ford letter and then someone in her staff leaked it to the press on the 11th hour. Coons also claimed there he saw “evidence” of abuse against Brett Kavanaugh […]

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Janice Atkinson: The State of Our Disunion: The United Kingdom

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Janice Atkinson, United Kingdom MEP This week was the end of the UK party conference season. Each political party brings its members together to rally and articulate future policy. Last week saw the red flag flying with Marxism’s finest, the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. The party of Nye Bevan and Clement Attlee […]

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Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

University of Southern Maine Offers College Credit to Travel to DC and Harass Susan Collins

The Gateway Pundit 

The University of Southern Maine if offering credit hours to students if they travel to Washington DC and harass Senator Susan Collins in the hallways and elevator. Students will receive one credit hour for their political action. Via The Maine Republican Party Facebook page. However there’s a catch. Only anti-Kavanaugh protesters will be rewarded the […]

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University of Maine Offers College Credit to Travel to DC and Harass Susan Collins

The Gateway Pundit 

The University of Maine if offering credit hours to students if they travel to Washington DC and harass Senator Susan Collins in the hallways and elevator. Students will receive one credit hour for their political action. Via The Maine Republican Party Facebook page. However there’s a catch. Only anti-Kavanaugh protesters will be rewarded the extra […]

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Dershowitz: If Evidence Shows Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Committed Perjury – She Belongs in Prison (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Noted author and attorney Alan Dershowitz joined Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the evolving charges against Brett Kavanaugh by accuser Julie Swetnick. Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick spoke with NBC News on Monday about the claims she brought forth against Brett Kavanaugh. Julie Swetnick spoke to NBC’s Kate Snow and curiously, her […]

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BREAKING: McConnell Files Cloture to End Debate on Kavanaugh Nomination – Sets Up Saturday Confirmation Vote

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) filed cloture to end debate on Kavanaugh’s nomination Wednesday evening right before the midnight deadline. McConnell made an announcement from the Senate floor Wednesday night–he is moving forward to set up the confirmation vote on Saturday. The Senate Majority Leader said there will be plenty of time for Senators […]

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BREAKING ON HANNITY=> No New Information From FBI Investigation on Judge Kavanaugh (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sean Hannity opened his very popular FOX News show on Wednesday telling his audience the FBI investigation on Judge Kavanaugh is now complete and in the hands of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The FBI has completed its background check on Judge Kavanaugh. Hannity also announced that, according to his sources, there is NO NEW INFORMATION […]

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IT’S HAPPENING=> Comey Confidant James Baker Gives ‘Explosive’ Testimony on ‘Abnormal’ Handling of Trump-Russia Probe

The Gateway Pundit 

James Baker Top FBI lawyer James Baker gave an explosive testimony in a closed-door deposition Wednesday, according to FOX News’s Catherine Herridge. James Baker was very close to fired FBI Director James Comey, so this is a very significant development. Comey’s confidant, Mr. Baker resigned from his position in May of this year. FOX News […]

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