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Новости за 29.10.2018

EXCLUSIVE: Alternative for Germany MP Petr Bystron Responds to Angela Merkel’s Plan to Step Down in 2021

The Gateway Pundit 

Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Petr Bystron is not satisfied with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s announcement that she will be stepping down in 2021. Bystron told The Gateway Pundit that she should have stepped down in 2017, after her party’s dramatic losses in the federal elections. On Monday, Merkel announced during a press conference in Berlin […]

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How the International Media Willfully Plays Along with Erdogan’s Hypocrisy

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Iranian-American activist Sophie Baron How the international media willfully plays along with Erdogan’s hypocrisy. Since the day Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, almost all of Western media has parroted the Turkish government’s narrative and accusations against Saudi Arabia. The media assumes that the Erdogan regime is a credible […]

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CNN’s White House Activist Jim Acosta Begs Sarah Sanders to Name Which Outlets Are the ‘Enemy of the People’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

CNN’s resident White House activist attempted to make a spectacle during the White House briefing once again, begging Press Secretary Sarah Sanders to name which journalists or publications President Donald Trump considers to be an “enemy of the people.” Acosta must have been going through attention withdrawal since there hadn’t been an official briefing for […]

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Bernie Sanders Goes Against the Democratic Party Line, Says President Trump Isn’t to Blame for Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack

The Gateway Pundit 

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders does not blame President Donald Trump for the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, unlike many of his leftist peers. “I’m not going to sit here and blame the president,” Senator Sanders said on Monday, according to a report from the Washington Examiner. Like President Trump, Senator Sanders had a […]

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Flashback: Hispanic Caucus Refuses Bobby ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Membership Because He Lacks Hispanic Heritage

The Gateway Pundit 

Amazing. Back in July 2013 Rep. Bobby “Beto” O’Rourke tried to join the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the House of Representatives. But the Hispanic Caucus refused to let him join saying he lacked Hispanic heritage. Bobby “Beto” O’Rourke Fast forward to 2018 — And Beto O’Rourke is still a pretender and now is running for […]

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Four Bullets Fired Into Republican Headquarters in Florida

The Gateway Pundit 

Photo: WFTV Another day, another act of terror from violent leftists. Orlando, Florida – Four bullets were fired into Volusia County Republican headquarters, police say. According to police, on Monday morning a worker noticed damaged windows and called authorities. WFTV reported that according to police, at least four bullets were shot through the window of […]

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WATCH–>Caravan Migrants Chuck Rocks at Mexican Border Police for FOUR STRAIGHT HOURS (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

They’re not sending their best. The second illegal migrant caravan was held up at the border between Mexico and Guatemala this weekend. The illegal caravan migrants heading to the US southern border to claim asylum. The caravans are mostly men, around 80%. The angry migrants started chucking rocks at Mexican police at the border. They […]

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In Epic Tweet, President Trump Trolls Leftist Clean Energy Hedge Fund Billionaire Tom “Need To Impeach” Steyer – Exposing His True Motives

The Gateway Pundit 

In a Legendary Tweet, President Trump Trolls Leftist Clean Energy Hedge Fund Billionaire Tom “Need To Impeach” Steyer Exposing His True Financial Motives It would seem that clean-energy hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer never misses an opportunity to repeat his mantra, “need to impeach,” particularly as it relates to the Democratic Party’s beset climate change […]

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HUGE! Despite Constant Media Attacks Trump Approval Hits 50% – 6 Pts. Higher Than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

What Blue Wave? Trump approval hits 50% after tumultuous week of violent attacks that shook the nation. The latest Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove. President Barack Obama had an approval rating of 44% on October […]

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Ugh. Paul Ryan Goes on “Face the Nation”, Trashes GOP Under Trump for Embracing “Tribal Identity Politics” Like “Alinsky” (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

This guy is so awful. Speaker Paul Ryan decided to jump on “Face the Nation” and trash Trump supporters just in time for the midterm elections. What the hell, Paul? Ryan told liberal hack John Dickerson the GOP under President Trump is like “Alinsky” and embraces “tribal identity politics.” What a horrible thing to say […]

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George Papadopoulos Says He Knows the Name of the Deep State Spy Inside Trump Campaign — Says It Will Be Revealed Soon (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft George Papadopoulos on FOX and Friends last week stated he uncovered additional information that led him to believe that he was framed!  Yesterday he announced that he knows who the spy was in the Trump campaign. George Papadopoulos was on FOX and Friends last week and he stated that based […]

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Guatemalan Caravan Mob Busts Through Customs Gate with Mexico (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Several hundred Central American migrants busted through the customs gate at the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman on Sunday. Just Pinned to Immigration: Thousands of Honduran migrants rush across the border toward Mexico, in Tecun Uman, Guatemala, Friday, October 19. https://t.co/JaffVWhcEN pic.twitter.com/y3dWBBKnJj — Lisa Briedwell McBee (@LisaMcBee) October 21, 2018 The caravan of young […]

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Leaked Documents Prove Soros’s Open Society Is Working with UN in Supporting Current Illegal Migrant Crisis

The Gateway Pundit 

The United Nations admitted on Sunday that they were assisting the illegal immigrants and caravans from Central America making their way to the US southern border. The UN admitted in today’s news article that they have mobilized extra staff and resources to assist the illegal immigrants in the caravans. UN News reported: A priority for […]

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Hillary Clinton Considering 2020 Rematch Against President Trump: ‘I’d Like to Be President’

The Gateway Pundit 

Twice-defeated Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton still wants to be president–enough that she will decide after the mid-term elections whether to mount a rematch against President Donald Trump who defeated her in 2016. Clinton was beaten by Barack Obama for the 2008 Democrat nomination in her first bid for the presidency. Clinton was interviewed […]

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Midterm 2018 – PENNSYLVANIA House: Brian Fitzpatrick (R) vs. Scott Wallace (D) – Wallace Reportedly Belonged to Anti-Semitic Club in South Africa

The Gateway Pundit 

This House race in Pennsylvania should be a no-brainer. Republican Brian Fitzpatrick holds a slim lead but maybe that’s because not enough people know what an awful candidate Democrat Scott Wallace is. According to a recent report from FOX News, Wallace was once part of a club in South Africa which is anti-Semitic and anti-black: […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

HORRIBLE! Raging, Screaming Leftists Interrupt Moment of Silence for Tree of Life Victims – Screaming Insults at Marsha Blackburn and Lindsey Graham (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

How awful! An angry, leftist mob interrupted a moment of silence for the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting and screamed at GOP Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn and Senator Lindsey Graham. LEFTIST PROTESTERS HECKLE Marsha Blackburn During Moment of Silence for Synagogue Victims [Video] pic.twitter.com/SofYh79Hve — republocratist (@republocratist) October 29, 2018 Graham joined Blackburn for a […]

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Disgusting: AP Publishes Long Screed Comparing President Trump to Failed Package “Bomber” Cesar Sayoc

The Gateway Pundit 

The Associated Press published a long screed on Sunday comparing President Trump to failed package “bomber” Cesar Sayoc. AP writer Raphael Satter accuses the failed “bomber” Sayoc and President Trump of sharing the same conspiracy theories. This is the same news organization that pushed the most notorious and egregious conspiracy in history for two years […]

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Mexico Offers Migrant Caravan Jobs, Asylum and Medical Care — They REFUSE

The Gateway Pundit 

The migrant caravan that is making it’s way to the southern border of the United States has been offered “shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs” if they remain in the southern Mexico states of Chiapas or Oaxaca — but they have refused the generous offer. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced he would be launching a program […]

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Midterm 2018 – FLORIDA House: Carlos Cubelo (R) Leads Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D)

The Gateway Pundit 

When it comes to the midterms, Florida is a state the Republicans really need to hold. Luckily, Republican incumbent Carlos Cubelo is holding his own against Democrat challenger Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. It’s a slim lead but a lead, nonetheless. The Miami Herald reports: Independent poll shows Carlos Curbelo with a slim lead over Debbie Mucarsel-Powell An […]

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Anti-Communist “Trump of the Tropics” Jair Bolsonaro Wins Brazilian Presidential Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Anti-Communist lawmaker Jair Bolsonaro won the Brazilian presidential election on Sunday. The new Brazilian leader promises to fight corruption and crime in the world’s fourth-largest Democracy. Brazil’s “Trump” Jair Bolsonaro Wins Presidential Election: Trump is a global phenomenon. https://t.co/4wJWDVaCss pic.twitter.com/X5xuXr34wR — Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) October 28, 2018 Jair Bolsonaro is the next President of Brazil. […]

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PHOTO ESSAY–> An Unholy Alliance – American Democrats and Louis Farrakhan: From Maxine Waters to Barack Obama and More

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday morning Trump-hating Nazi Robert Bowers walked into the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue and opened fire. Eleven Jews were murdered in the vicious attack. For too long the Democratic Party has been given a pass for associating with notorious Jew hater Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam. As part of the renewed […]

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Welt: Премьер Госсовета Китая отменил встречу с вице-канцлером ФРГ

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