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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 12.10.2018

Facebook Cleans House – Purges Several Top Conservative Pages FOUR WEEKS BEFORE ELECTION

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday Facbeook announced the company took action on 559 Pages and 251 accounts that violated their “spam” and coordinated “inauthentic behavior” policies. Facebook said most of those affected were political pages. This year, we’ve enforced this policy against many Pages, Groups and accounts created to stir up political debate, including in the US, the […]

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Unhinged Protester Uses Kids as Political Props in Senate Hallway — GOP Senator Ruins Her Day (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A protester confronted Republican Senator Bill Cassidy on Tuesday demanding that he apologize to her children for ruining their futures — and his response was absolutely brutal. Alethea Torrellas Shapiro has been bringing her children to Capitol Hill all week to use her children as political props while she harasses senators. This time, she happened […]

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Protester Attempts to Use Her Children as Political Props — Gets CALLED OUT By GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A protester confronted Republican Senator Bill Cassidy on Friday demanding that he apologize to her children for ruining their futures — and his response was absolutely brutal. Alethea Torrellas Shapiro has been bringing her children to Capitol Hill all week to use her children as political props while she harasses senators. This time, she happened […]

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Antifa Mob Vandalizes New York Republican Headquarters

The Gateway Pundit 

ANTIFA FORCES VANDALIZE NEW YORK REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS The far left activists spray painted the Antifa symbol on the doors to the Metropolitan Republican Club. Several windows were broken. NYGOP Chairman Cox, Others Call on Democrats to Defuse Rhetoric The New York Republican New York City headquarters at the Metropolitan Republican Club was physically vandalized last […]

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‘Have a great weekend everyone!’ Mitch McConnell Posts Epic Troll of Kavanaugh Elevator Protesters

The Gateway Pundit 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posted a series of tweets Thursday touting the success of the GOP-controlled Senate in approving President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees which culminated with the confirmation of 15 judges on Thursday that was preceded by the confirmation–after a scorched earth battle by liberals–of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. With those […]

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Far Left Teacher Who Smeared Top Trump Official Stephen Miller for ‘Eating Glue’ Is Suspended

The Gateway Pundit 

The far left teacher who smeared top Trump official and speechwriter Stephen Miller for allegedly “eating glue” was suspended. Nikki Fiske is a registered Democrat who supports liberal causes. She was placed on “home assignment” after the release of personal information. The LA Times reported: A teacher who recounted how a senior aide to President […]

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Susan Rice’s Son Presses Battery Charges Against Violent Leftist Who Assaulted Him at Pro-Kavanaugh Debate Table

The Gateway Pundit 

Jake Rice – Stanford Daily Stanford conservative students were attacked Tuesday after promoting an “innocent until proven guilty” debate table. The signs said, “Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty. Prove me wrong.” It was too much for the local leftists — who attacked the conservative students. The cops were called after one physical attack. Had […]

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Innocent People Don’t Act This Way: DAG Rosenstein Declines House Interview, Fusion’s Simpson Pleads the 5th

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft This past week we saw the current Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein refuse to provide Congress requested documents and refuse to speak to Congress under oath about his activities while DAG.  Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson’s attorney sent Congress a letter stating that Simpson will plead the 5th rather than […]

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Apologies for the recent change….

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday we moved to a different commenting system. We received hundreds of emails after implementing the change. Today we decided to move back to Disqus. In the future we will be more open with our changes and improvements. As you know The Gateway Pundit is under constant assault by the left. Like most conservative […]

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Dem Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema: “Arizona Is the Meth Lab of Democracy” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Speaking to progressive Democrats at Netroots Convention in 2010, Kyrsten Sinema told the far left audience, “Indeed, As We See In This Very Quote, That States Are The Laboratories Of Democracy And Then My State, Arizona, Is Clearly The Meth Lab Of Democracy.” KYRSTEN SINEMA: “Good morning, and I’m so glad Jefferson that you ended […]

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Uber Pulls Out of Saudi Arabian Conference Over Suspected Murder of WaPo Contributor Jamal Khashoggi

The Gateway Pundit 

Uber is cancelling their involvement in a Saudi Arabian conference amid the controversy over the disappearance of Washington Post Contributor Jamal Khashoggi. The Turkish police have claimed that they have evidence proving that Khashoggi was tortured and murdered by the Saudi government inside their Consulate in Istanbul. According to a report from The Hill, Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi announced on […]

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Antifa Website Promotes HOME ABORTION CLASSES to ‘Dismantle White Supremacist Bio-Medical Patriarchy’ In Response to Kavanaugh

The Gateway Pundit 

A popular Antifa website is promoting home abortion classes in order to “dismantle the white supremacist bio-medical patriarchy” in response to the swearing in of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The website claims that “autonomous pelvic care” is a “radical alternative to state sanctioned reproductive health.” This October, learn about Autonomous Pelvic Care!In the tradition of gynepunk […]

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FED JUST SCREWED TRUMP & AMERICA: Raising Rates Hurts Real Estate Most — Which Just Had Its Worst Number Since Financial Crisis

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump enjoyed his 102nd stock market record last week. Then Fed Chairman Jerome Powell raised the interests rates AGAIN under President Trump. Now the Dow Jones is down 1500 1,743 1,501 points in the last week. President Trump said the “Fed is crazy.”  He’s right. Trump has been saying for the past year, with […]

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

Democrat Senator’s Hurricane Relief Ads Link to His Campaign Website and to the Soros-Funded Act Blue Fundraising Page

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) is running for reelection against Governor Rick Scott in Florida. On Thursday after the devastation of Hurricane Michael Senator Nelson posted a link to help people impacted by #HurricaneMichael. That link brings you to his campaign website where you are asked to donate. Another post for hurricane relief brings you to […]

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CAUGHT ON VIDEO=> Liberal Protester Threatens to Throw Conservative Reporter to the Ground and Rape Her

The Gateway Pundit 

Kaitlin Bennett is the grassroots director of Liberty Hangout and founder of Campus Carry Now. On Wednesday night Kaitlin was interviewing liberal protesters outside the massive Trump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania. One man threatened to throw her down and rape her. Feminists around the man defended him and denied it happened. This is today’s Democrat […]

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Report: Glenn Simpson Lied Under Oath – Met with Bruce Ohr Before Election and Now Defies Congressional Subpoena

The Gateway Pundit 

Glenn Simpson and Bruce Ohr First Rosenstein was a no-show for a Thursday interview with GOP lawmakers, now Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson is refusing to testify to the House Judiciary Committee. GOP lawmakers were seeking more testimony from Glenn Simpson to iron things out after Bruce Ohr gave a conflicted testimony to Congress in […]

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RNC Labels the Left “AN UNHINGED MOB” in New Hard-Hitting Ad Just in Time For Midterms (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Republican National Committee rolled out a hard-hitting ad Thursday, accurately labeling the left “an unhinged mob.” The video is a compilation of the left’s mob-like tactics being used to intimidate, harass and do harm to Republicans. The ad begins with the corrupt former AG Holder calling on Democrats to “kick” Republicans then quickly cuts […]

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