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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.11.2018

Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Accuses TMZ of ‘Trying to Help Trump’ by Publishing Domestic Violence Story – Threatens Lawsuit

The Gateway Pundit 

Michael Avenatti threatened to sue TMZ and demanded a retraction and apology on Tuesday over a story they published last week alleging Avenatti beat his girlfriend and left her face bruised and swollen. Avenatti, a rumored 2020 Presidential candidate also accused TMZ of ‘trying to help Trump.’ The creepy porn lawyer then authorized the release […]

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Rand Paul Responds to White House Statement: This is Saudi First, Not America First

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Rand Paul, a long time critic of Saudi Arabia, released a scathing statement regarding the response to the slaying of journalist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump said that he will not take strong action against Saudi Arabia or its Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “The President indicates that Saudi Arabia is the lesser […]

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FBI Data Shows Armed Citizens Have 94% Success Rate Stopping Would-Be Mass Shooters

The Gateway Pundit 

As the nation mourns the latest tragedy in “gun free zone” Chicago, a recent report compiled by Jacob Paulsen at ConcealedCarry.com shows that armed citizens facing possible mass shooters are able to stop the potential massacre 94% of the time. Paulsen’s study is inspired by John Lott’s consistent analysis of crime and gun laws. While […]

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Hah! President Trump Pardons White House Turkeys, Then Takes Swipe at Democrats and 9th Circuit (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday Judge Jon S. Tigar, an Obama-appointed judge, blocked President Trump from refusing asylum to economic migrants at the US border. The liberal judge was the latest in a long list of liberal judges who believe they are responsible for the foreign and domestic policy decisions in the United States. On Tuesday morning President […]

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Report: Avenatti Dragged Girlfriend Across the Floor While Calling her “Ungrateful F*cking B*tch!”

The Gateway Pundit 

The former girlfriend of Michael Avenatti filed charges against Michael Avenatti last week for domestic abuse. The woman told her side of the story to The Blast including how Avenatti dragged her across the floor and screamed at her, calling her an “ungrateful f*cking b*tch.” The Blast reported: Michael Avenatti is accused of attacking his […]

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#TheGreatBetrayal: Tommy Robinson to Host Massive March in London Over Brexit, Grooming Gangs, and More

The Gateway Pundit 

On December 1st, activist and independent journalist Tommy Robinson will be hosting a massive march to highlight the UK’s betrayal on Brexit, grooming gangs, the case of Asia Bibi and freedom of speech. The march will be titled The Great Betrayal, and over a thousand people signed up to attend within hours of the announcement. […]

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Obama Trashes President Trump: ‘Confused, Shrouded in Hate, Racism… Mommy Issues’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Barack Obama trashed President Trump on Monday night while speaking about ways to mobilize Americans to bring about social change at an Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago. Arrogant Obama accused President Trump of ignoring the climate change hoax because he’s a racist with mommy issues. “The reason we don’t” invest in climate change policies, Obama […]

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Jim Acosta Perjures Himself in Federal Court: Says He “Politely” Questioned the President and NEVER Placed Hands on Intern

The Gateway Pundit 

NEVER TRUST THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA… CNN hack Jim Acosta submitted a sworn declaration to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last week. In his written declaration Acosta appears to have perjured himself. Jim Acosta told the court he politely questioned President Trump. He also said video shows he NEVER placed his hands […]

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Senator Rand Paul Urges President Trump to Grant Asylum to Persecuted Christian Asia Bibi – And Stop Aid to Pakistan

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Rand Paul has been speaking out about the persecution of Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi for years — but with an increased urgency, he is now calling for President Donald Trump to grant her asylum. Additionally — Senator Paul is urging other lawmakers to stand with him in demanding that “not one penny” of aid […]

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House Democrats to Probe Ivanka Trump’s Use of Personal Email After Hillary Spox Calls For Investigation

The Gateway Pundit 

House Oversight Democrats are planning to look into Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email after Hillary Clinton’s foul-mouthed former spox Philippe Reines demanded an investigation. The Hill reported: Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are planning to look into Ivanka Trump’s use of a personal email account to determine whether she violated federal […]

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Five Bangladeshi Nationals Caught Entering the US in Texas This Past Weekend

The Gateway Pundit 

Five Bangladeshi nationals were captured entering the US border illegally this past weekend. They were captured in two separate incidents. WND reported: Six Bangladeshi nationals were apprehended at the Texas border with Mexico in two separate incidents within a 12-hour period over the weekend. Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents during the month of October apprehended […]

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STOCK MARKET SLIDES: Tech FAANG Stocks Lose $1 Trillion in Market Value — Stuart Varney Puts Partial Blame on Democrats

The Gateway Pundit 

The US stock market dropped 500 points on Tuesday. The FAANG stocks lost one trillion dollars in value. CNBC reported: The five “FAANG” stocks have collectively lost more than $1 trillion in market value from recent highs through Tuesday’s early trading. The FAANG stocks — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet — all fell […]

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Israel and Poland the Latest Countries to Reject the UN Globalist Migration Compact

The Gateway Pundit 

Several European countries have already announced they will not sign on to the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. They fear the agreement will take away their sovereign right to control their own borders. Poland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatian and Bulgaria will not agree to the globalist insanity. And […]

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Stacey Abrams Still Bitching About Not Being Able to Steal Election – Gov. Elect Brian Kemp Responds (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Sore-loser Democrat Stacey Abrams is still bitching because she was not able to steal the Georgia governor’s race. Abrams lost by tens of thousands of votes but was outraged she could not manufacture additional votes after election day. The Democrat loser is now making the rounds on the liberal shows complaining about how Georgia law […]

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Americans Are Ready for the DOJ to Bring Justice and Finally “Drain the Swamp”!

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Americans are so tired of seeing their duly-elected President Trump crucified for a fake Russia collusion conspiracy while the real criminals in the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Democrat Party go untouched. It’s past time for the Justice Department to finally “Drain the Swamp” and “Lock Her Up”! […]

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Obama-Appointed San Francisco Judge Jon Tigar Blocks Trump From Refusing Asylum to Caravan Migrants (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Judge Jon S. Tigar, an Obama-appointed judge, blocksed President Trump from refusing asylum to economic migrants at the US border. Democrats are now opening ruling for open borders. POLL: Should Trump Use Military Force On The Border If Necessary? BREAKING: Judge bars Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross southern border illegally. — […]

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Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Reynolds to POTUS TRUMP: Break Up Tech Monopolies – Or Lose in 2020

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative author and radio host Rush Limbaugh promoted the latest article by conservative law professor and writer Glenn Reynolds in USA Today on Monday. Glenn Reynolds called on Trump on Monday to breakup the tech monopolies like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt did back in the early 1900s. Donald Trump must bust Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google […]

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BREAKING: Actress Files For Domestic Violence Restraining Order Against Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti

The Gateway Pundit 

Michael Avenatti and actress/accuser Mareli Miniutti; image via The Blast The same woman who accused creepy porn lawyer of domestic violence last week and had him arrested has now filed for a restraining order against Avenatti. The Blast exclusively reported: The woman who accused Michael Avenatti of domestic violence has now filed for a restraining order […]

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HERE WE GO-> Hillary Clinton Spox Calls on House Dems to Investigate Ivanka Trump’s Use of Personal Email

The Gateway Pundit 

The fake news media is now targeting Ivanka Trump over her use of a personal email account to conduct government business while she was newly transitioning into her position in the Trump administration. No classified emails were exchanged, no emails were ever deleted and Ivanka Trump has turned over all of her government-related emails to […]

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LIBERAL MEDIA Slams Ivanka Trump For Using Private Email a Couple Hundred Times in 2017 — Ivanka’s Spokesman Posts Blistering Response

The Gateway Pundit 

The liberal media on Monday night reported Ivanka Trump used a private email account when she came into the White House to send emails to aides, cabinet officials and to her personal assistants. The emails mostly dealt with logistics and family scheduling. Democrats are already comparing Ivanka’s mishandling of a few hundred emails to Hillary […]

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THERE ARE NOW 6,000 MIGRANTS in Tijuana Attempting Asylum in US — 500 Identified as Criminals (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

There are now 6,000 illegal immigrants attempting asylum in the United States in Tijuana, Mexico. Any asylum interview is at least 5 weeks away. 500 caravan immigrants have been identified as criminals. Via Lou Dobbs Tonight: On Sunday hundreds of protesters in Mexico screamed at the illegal migrant caravan, “Donald Trump was right! This is […]

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Honduran Migrant Complains About Free Meals Provided by Mexico – Calls it ‘Pig Food’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A Honduran migrant complained about the free beans and tortillas provided to the members of the caravan camping out in Tijuana, Mexico. According to reports, approximately 6,000 mostly military-aged Honduran males are camped out in Tijuana, Mexico, a city that borders San Diego. The thousands of migrants camping out in Tijuana are hoping to enter […]

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Pakistani Leader Imran Khan Lashes Out at Trump: “He Needs to Be Informed” Pakistan Has Suffered Enough in US War on Terror (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Sunday during his interview with Chris Wallace on FOX News President Trump accused Pakistan of not “doing a damn thing” to assist the US in the War on Terror despite the US sending billions in aid to the Islamic country. On Monday Pakistani Prime Minster Imran Khan lashed out at President Trump and the […]

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Breaking: Founder of Women’s March Calls on Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory to Step Down for Anti-Semitic and Homophobic Rants

The Gateway Pundit 

Haters are gonna hate – Linda Sarsour(left) and Tamika Mallory get the boot. Teresa Shook, the founder of the Women’s March, called on Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory to step down for their anti-Semitc and homophobic statements. Shook posted the announcement on Twitter and Facebook on Monday: “As Founder of the Women’s March, my original […]

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