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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 27.11.2018

Paul Manafort Responds to Guardian’s Assange Meeting Allegations, Says Story is ‘Totally False and Deliberately Libelous’

The Gateway Pundit 

Paul Manafort has responded to the outlandish claims that he had “secret meetings” with Julian Assange, saying that they are “totally false and deliberately libelous.” The Guardian, who originally published the absurd allegations, has been back peddling extremely hard and trying to stealth edit the article after WikiLeaks announced they would be filing a lawsuit. […]

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WikiLeaks Launches GoFundMe to Help Cover Lawsuit Against the Guardian Over Fake Manafort Meeting Story

The Gateway Pundit 

WikiLeaks has launched a fundraiser to help them sue the Guardian over their ridiculous claims that Paul Manafort held multiple meetings with Julian Assange. The GoFundMe raised over $10,000 in 30 minutes. WikiLeaks launches legal fund to sue the Guardian for publishing entirely fabricated story "Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy" — […]

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Laura Loomer Releases Statement on Twitter Ban

The Gateway Pundit 

Prominent conservative journalist Laura Loomer was suspended from Twitter in late October before the 2018 midterm election. Laura was confronting Democrat candidates at their rallies at that time. Last Wednesday, Laura Loomer was notified her account had been shut down permanently. Laura had 265,000 followers. She was tweeting about Democrat lawmaker Ilhan Omar’s support for […]

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Democrat on Verge of Unseating Incumbent California Republican Congressman…Three Weeks After Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat T.J. Cox A Democrat is on the verge of taking another Republican seat in California’s 21st Congressional district three weeks after the election. Nearly three weeks after the midterm election, Democrat T.J. Cox overtook Republican incumbent Congressman David Valadao, who was up by a whopping 6.4% on election night. Curiously, Valadao crushed T.J. Cox, […]

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Guardian Stealth Edits Junk Report to Save Their Ass After Assange-Manafort Fiction Crumbles

The Gateway Pundit 

The Guardian appears to realize that they have made a massive and potentially very costly mistake in publishing their fictional story about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and Paul Manafort holding secret meetings. The junk report, based on anonymous sources, was originally titled ‘Manafort Held Secret Talks With Assange in Ecuadorian Embassy.” Within 90 minutes, the […]

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Lawmakers May Attach Mueller Protection Legislation to High-Priority Spending Bill

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate may vote on a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller in order to make sure President Trump’s judicial nominees are installed. Lawmakers are planning on attaching legislation to protect Mueller to a high-priority spending bill. This potential logjam on Trump’s judicial nominees is thanks to RINO of all RINOs, Jeff Flake. A […]

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Authors of Bogus Guardian Story About Assange/Manafort Meeting Have Previously Fabricated Stories About WikiLeaks

The Gateway Pundit 

The authors of the ridiculous Guardian story alleging that Paul Manafort repeatedly met with Julian Assange have previously fabricated stories about the WikiLeaks founder. Harding especially has a long history of smearing Assange — who has been calling him out on his plagiarism for years. "Unclear how much MI6 pays Luke Harding each week or […]

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No Decision at Hearing to Unseal Julian Assange’s Charges, Court to Reconvene Next Week

The Gateway Pundit 

A judge in the Eastern District of Virginia heard arguments that the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be unsealed, but no decision was reached. Judge Leonie Brinkema, who was appointed by Clinton in 1993, heavily sided with the government’s arguments against making any potential charges public prior to his arrest. She agreed to […]

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Wikileaks REFUTES Fake News from Guardian — Bets $1 Million and Editor’s Head Their Manafort Report is Complete Rubbish

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday The Guardian from the UK posted a shock report that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange in March 2016-this was before he became Trump’s campaign chair. The far left Guardian reported: Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort held secret talks with Julian Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy in […]

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Even Independents Don’t Want Illegal Migrant Caravan Invaders

The Gateway Pundit 

A new Rasmussen poll found that even independent voters do not want the caravan invaders. US voters agree the migrant caravans approaching the U.S. southern border are a danger to the country and should be stopped. Via Rasmussen: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters believe […]

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Wow! Teacher Evacuates Classroom Because Student Is Wearing MAGA Hat — Calls Kid an “Assh*le” in Front of Class (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

WOW! Another teacher is caught berating the conservative in classroom– A teacher was caught on camera berating a student for wearing a Make America Great Again hat in class. The teacher lectures the classroom for several minutes. Then at the three minute mark the teacher calls the student an “asshole” for wearing the hat. This […]

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Roger Stone To Open American Priority Conference on December 6th

The Gateway Pundit 

The longtime Trump advisor and confidante is scheduled to speak about the Russian Collusion delusion witch-hunt and how he is being targeted for defeating Hillary Clinton. By Jacob Engels Under fire from the Russian collusion witch-hunt being lead by highly compromised Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Roger Stone plans to march North in early December to address […]

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Jesse Kelly Speaks Out About His Twitter Ban, Warns the Platform Will Soon Just Be ‘Two Feminists Fighting Because One Accidentally Got a Boyfriend’

The Gateway Pundit 

Following his permanent Twitter ban, apparently for being right-wing, Iraq War veteran and former GOP congressional candidate Jesse Kelly has been louder than ever. On Monday evening, Kelly ripped into Twitter on Tucker Carlson Tonight, then spoke to the Gateway Pundit about conservatives — and the ‘weaklings’ at the Weekly Standard — who ignore or […]

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Medical Glasses? Hillary Clinton Spotted at Broadway Show Looking Rough – Wearing Tinted Glasses

The Gateway Pundit 

Bill and Hillary Clinton attended Torch Song on Broadway in New York over the Thanksgiving weekend before they embark on their ‘An Evening with the Clintons’ tour this week. Hillary Clinton was looking rough Saturday night wearing tinted glasses. The whole Clinton crew was there-Chelsea Clinton joined her parents for the show. Last night the […]

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Mugshot Released of Somali Muslim Terrorist Who Tried to Run Over Jews Outside LA Synagogue

The Gateway Pundit 

As Gateway Pundit reporter Cristina Laila reported earlier — 32-year-old driver named Mohammed Mohammed repeatedly tried to mow down Jews walking near a synagogue in Los Angeles on the Sabbath. Mohammed was reportedly screaming, “F*cking Jews!” while he circled around two times attempting to run over Jewish men. The LA Police released Mohamed’s mugshot on […]

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Новости России

Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин

Some Things Never Change – Unhinged Democrats Hang Nooses at MS State Capitol Day Before Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Republicans led the charge on civil rights and women’s rights. Every single significant piece of civil rights legislation was passed by Republican lawmakers. Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks. And some things never change. Unhinged liberals today hung seven nooses from trees at the Mississippi State Capitol. The leftists also left signs about public lynchings. […]

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BREAKING: Mueller Claims Manafort Breached Plea Deal by Lying to Investigators

The Gateway Pundit 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is on a rampage and he won’t stop until everybody who helped elect Donald Trump goes bankrupt and ends up behind bars. Mueller is now accusing Trump’s former campaign Chairman Paul Manafort of breaching his plea deal by lying to investigators. Far-left Politic reported: Special counsel Robert Mueller is accusing former […]

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Elizabeth Warren to Speak at Immigration Conference With Linda Sarsour, Despite Women’s March Controversy Over Her Anti-Semitism

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Elizabeth Warren will be appearing at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in Arlington, Virginia, next month alongside controversial anti-Semite Linda Sarsour. Sarsour has been facing calls to step down from the Women’s March by the founder and other leaders of the organization over her ties to Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and her longstanding disdain for […]

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