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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 30.11.2018

MUST SEE: Beta Male Trudeau Pouts at USMCA Signing – Won’t Lift His Signed Agreement — Onlookers STUNNED (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This was wild– President Trump landed in Argentina for the G20 Summit on Thursday night. And already the US President made headlines. President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, signed the “new NAFTA,” aka USMCA. But the signing ceremony took a strange turn when Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau […]

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Brennan Taunts Trump After Cohen Guilty Plea ‘The Wheels of Justice Grind Exceedingly Fine’

The Gateway Pundit 

John Brennan Former CIA Chief John Brennan once again taunted President Trump from his Twitter account following Cohen’s guilty plea to lying to Congress and fake news onslaught about a Trump Tower in Moscow that was never built. The fake news media exploded Thursday after Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty of lying […]

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Ted Malloch Is Interviewed on Trump’s Foreign Policy

The Gateway Pundit 

Author and professor Ted Malloch spoke with Alex Marlow on the Breitbart Channel on SiriusXM this week. Malloch discussed President Trump’s impressive foreign policy. President Trump traveled to Argentina this weekend for the G20. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “It was an incredible undertaking,” he […]

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HERE WE GO-> Acting AG Whitaker Accused of Misleading FTC Over Actions at Miami Firm

The Gateway Pundit 

The Deep state has been circling the wagons around Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker since he took over the Mueller probe from DAG Rod Rosenstein.  Anyone who dares get in Mueller’s way will be destroyed and forced out of office. The Federal Trade Commission released new FOIA documents Friday suggesting Whitaker misled the agency’s internal […]

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Strong Earthquakes (7.0., 5.8) Hit Anchorage, Alaska, Reports of Cracked Roads, Collapsed Bridges

The Gateway Pundit 

Anchorage, Alaska was hit by a series of earthquakes Friday morning. A 7.0 earthquake was followed by aftershocks of 5.8, 4.1, 4.3 and 4.6. with depths of around 20 miles according to the USGS. A tsunami warning was issued for the Alaska coast. Josh Bierma in Anchorage posted photos and video: pic.twitter.com/tvFMtpxun3 — Josh Bierma […]

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Office of Special Counsel Finds 6 Trump Staffers Violated Hatch Act For Tweeting “MAGA”

The Gateway Pundit 

On Friday, the US Office of Special Counsel (not to be confused with special counsel Robert Mueller) found that six Trump staffers violated the Hatch Act for tweeting “MAGA.” Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, a liberal watchdog group in DC filed a complaint in August against members of the Trump Administration, including deputy press secretary […]

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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto Awards Jared Kushner with Highest Honor to a Foreigner at G20 Ceremony

The Gateway Pundit 

In one of his final acts as president of Mexico , Enrique Pena Nieto bestowed his nation’s highest award on Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to and son-in-law of the United States president. (Daily Mail) Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto honored Trump adviser Jared Kushner with the highest award for a foreigner at a ceremony […]

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Russian Collusion: In June 2010 Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 by Russian Regime – In July 2010 Ten Russian Agents Were Released by Obama Without Charges

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The fake news mainstream media wants you to believe the Trump family was colluding with Russia because they discussed building a Trump Tower in Moscow before the 2016 election.  The project was dropped and NEVER HAPPENED. This same media ignores obvious criminal actions by the Obama-Clinton Democrats. In June 2010 […]

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Wow! Even Paul Ryan Questions Suspicious California Election Results Where Democrats Flipped 7 Seats AFTER ELECTION DAY

The Gateway Pundit 

Orange County, a traditionally conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found tens of thousands of votes post election day. Just two years ago in 2016, only 2 Congressional districts in Orange County voted blue–now just two years later every single district voted blue. Democrat blue wave? More like Democrat election fraud. There […]

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BREAKING: Documents Reveal Google Employees Debated Burying Conservative Media in Search After Hillary Loss

The Gateway Pundit 

In September a video recorded at Google headquarters after President Trump’s historic win was leaked to Breitbart.com. The video shows executive Ruth Porat taking the podium in a funeral-like procession to mourn the loss of Crooked Hillary as president. One female exec started choking up, crying, and told the Google audience, “We lost!” In 2016 […]

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PROMISES DELIVERED! Trump-Trudeau-Nieto Sign America-First North American Trade Agreement — USMCA

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump landed in Argentina for the G20 Summit on Thursday night. And already the US President is making major headlines. President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, signed the “new NAFTA,” aka USMCA. President Trump Participates in the USMCA Signing Ceremony https://t.co/ITeDQ39ZrN — The White House (@WhiteHouse) […]

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Florida College That Supported Islamist Professor Upholds Christian Ban

The Gateway Pundit 

Orlando based Rollins College has maintained a ban on several Christian organizations, citing non-discrimination rules, just a year after protecting a Muslim professor’s attack on a Christian student. By Jacob Engels In 2017 Central Florida Post exposed Rollins professor Areej Zufari for crafting an elaborate plot to punish a Christian student for challenging her in […]

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Sixteen FBI Agents Raid Home of Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower

The Gateway Pundit 

Clinton Foundation pay-to-play and the Uranium One scandal–it appears these are the two reasons why Robert Mueller was chosen to run offense and defense with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. On the morning of November 19th, sixteen FBI agents raided the Maryland home of a DOJ whistleblower who was in possession of Clinton Foundation and Uranium […]

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Rush Limbaugh Goes Off on Criminal Deep State: They Give Us Poisoned Politics and Call It Justice (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday as President Trump boarded Air Force One to fly to Argentina for critical trade meetings with China, the Mueller-Obama Deep State announced process charges against Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen. This is not the first time the deep state dropped a bomb on President Trump before critical meetings with foreign leaders. Rush […]

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SHUT IT DOWN NOW: Mueller Eyes Ivanka and Don Jr.’s Work on Trump Tower Moscow…That Was Never Even Built

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump must go on offense and put an end to Robert Mueller’s unconstitutional witch hunt unless he wants to watch his entire family frog-marched into prison for non-crimes. Robert Mueller, the crooked cop who believes he’s King of the US and roves around with no oversight, is now eyeing Ivanka Trump and Don Jr.’s […]

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LATEST MUELLER BULLSH*T: WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks — COMPLETE TRASH REPORTING

The Gateway Pundit 

The Washington Post — international leaders of Fake News — published another leak from the criminal Mueller gang packed full of lies. Will Facebook block this Fake News story? Or will this be allowed to spread across the internet while conservative websites are punished for posting the TRUTH? The Washington Post claimed tonight that President […]

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Thousands of Caravan Migrants in Tijuana Being Treated For Health-Related Issues, Including TB, HIV/AIDS

The Gateway Pundit 

Honduran migrants try to breach fence in Tijuana, Mexico Mexican officials are reporting that more than one-third of the 6,000 Honduran caravan migrants currently camped out in Tijuana are being treated for health-related issues. Some of the migrants are suffering from highly dangerous and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, chickenpox and HIV/AIDS. There is also […]

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Новости России


UPDATED… TWITTER Bans Young Black Conservative CJ Pearson — And Once Again the GOP is Silent …Update: Account Back Up

The Gateway Pundit 

Twitter continued its purge of prominent conservative voices on Thursday. The social media giant banned black teen conservative C.J. Pearson. CJ was tweeting about helping US veterans. Maybe they found that too offensive. Young CJ has been speaking out against liberal policies and politicians for years now. I cannot believe they banned CJ Pearson. They’re […]

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Chairman Goodlatte Responds to Comey’s “Baseless Motion to Quash” Subpoena: ‘Comey Must Appear Before the Committees’

The Gateway Pundit 

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) responded to Comey’s lawsuit filed Thursday to block a subpoena to appear before Congress in a closed-door interview. Fired FBI Director James Comey filed a lawsuit Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to quash a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee to testify in […]

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo Compares Criminal Illegal Aliens to Baby Jesus (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

By Jacob Engels CNN’s Chris Cuomo compared criminal illegal aliens storming the US border to Baby Jesus. In his closing comments on Wednesday’s broadcast, CNN’s Chris Cuomo compared the criminal illegal aliens’ border troubles to Mary, Joseph… and even BABY JESUS. For some reason, CNN’s Chris Cuomo thinks that criminal aliens seeking to illegally across […]

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HAH! Hillary Clinton Changes Her Tune After Coughing Fit in Toronto – Doesn’t Mention Trump on Second Night of Tour

The Gateway Pundit 

Perhaps the instant karma served to Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night in Toronto where she suffered a coughing fit after she trashed Trump caused her to change her tune on Wednesday evening. The Clintons traveled to the Bell Centre in Montreal Wednesday and spoke to a crowd of people for one hour on the second […]

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