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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 05.08.2020

VIDEO: Portland Rioters Attack Driver and Attempt to Barricade His Truck With Motorcycle — So Fed Up Driver Drags it for 12 Blocks, Pulls Gun

The Gateway Pundit 

Portland rioters learned a valuable lesson about how motorcycles cannot stop trucks while attacking a motorist on Tuesday evening. Late in the evening, rioters were attempting to block off a street when a man driving a truck pulled up and attempted to navigate his way through. Instead of letting him pass, they attacked him and…

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Michelle Obama Says She’s Suffering From “Low-Grade Depression” – Blames President Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Former First Lady Michelle Obama whined about being holed up in her mansion during Covid quarantine during Wednesday’s episode of “The Michelle Obama Podcast.” Obama said she is suffering “low-grade depression” because of quarantine, ‘racial strife’ and of course the “hypocrisy” of the Trump Admin. “I’m waking up in the middle of the night because…

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Days Before Tuesday’s MASSIVE Explosion in Beirut Democrats Added Funding for the Lebanese Military Back Into House Bill for Some Reason

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats in the House would not remove funding for Hezbollah from the House bill just a few days ago.  After this was reported, the Iranian-backed terrorist group waged a terrorist attack on Israel.  Then on Tuesday an explosion that looked like an atomic bomb went off in Beirut.  The Washington Free Beacon published yesterday before…

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“Treason!” President Trump Lashes out at Obama, Biden as Sally Yates Testifies on Carter Page FISA Warrants

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Lindsey Graham (SC) held a hearing on Wednesday on oversight of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified that she reviewed the first and second Carter Page FISA warrants “in their entirety” before signing them. Yates said that that she would not have signed…

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TruthFinder® Background Checks Made Simple – See Why Millions Of People Already Use It

The Gateway Pundit 

(Note: As more people spend time online, we appreciate you supporting American businesses through sponsored posts like the below and publishers like Gateway Pundit. Thank you – we appreciate your support!) Online dangers grow by the day. Every week, there’s a new cybersecurity threat, a new credit card hack, and a new way for your…

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Sally Yates Testifies Comey Went “Rogue” in Decision to Ambush General Flynn in January 2017 (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates threw fired FBI Director James Comey under the bus on Wednesday in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Lindsey Graham (SC) held a hearing on Wednesday on oversight of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Sally Yates testified that she never authorized a…

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Portland Theater Cancels Showing of Kindergarten Cop Because a Radical Leftist Complained it Glorifies Police

The Gateway Pundit 

A Portland theater has cancelled a planned showing of the 1990 comedy Kindergarten Cop because some social justice warriors complained on Twitter that it glorifies policing. The film was scheduled to be played during the Northwest Film Center’s summer drive-in series “for its importance in Oregon filmmaking history” because it was shot in Astoria. The theater daring…

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Feeble Biden Won’t Travel to Milwaukee For DNC and Will Accept Presidential Nomination From His Delaware Basement – Cites ‘Ongoing Pandemic’

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden will no longer be traveling to Milwaukee to accept the Democrat nomination. Biden is too feeble to travel. The 77-year-old has been hiding in his basement since March. He will be accepting the presidential nomination from his Delaware basement. Biden once again used the Coronavirus as an excuse not to travel. Milwaukee Journal…

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BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Legislation to Fund US Families Using Current Federal Education Funding

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation on Wednesday to directly fund US families using current federal education funding. This would allow families to use the money at the school of their choice. This assures Americans aren’t just funding left-wing teachers unions. Rand Paul wants families to be able to choose their own tax dollars to…

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What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Struggles to Say the Words “Mental Fitness” Two Times in a Row! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden hasn’t left his basement since July 28. Biden’s signature meltdown Wednesday morning may be the reason why his handlers continue to keep him in his basement. The 2020 presumptive Democrat nominee completely lost it when asked by Errol Barnett of CBS News if he’d taken a cognitive test. “No, I haven’t taken…

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“We Are Going to Go to the Moon. We Are going to have a Base on the Moon. We Are Going to Send People to Mars!” – Elon Musk after Tuesday’s Successful Launch

The Gateway Pundit 

  Space.com reported yesterday: SpaceX just flew a full-size prototype of its Starship Mars-colonizing spacecraft for the first time ever. The Starship SN5 test vehicle took to the skies for about 40 seconds this afternoon (Aug. 4) at SpaceX’s facilities near the South Texas village of Boca Chica, performing a small hop that could end…

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HUGE! Trump Campaign Fights Nevada Democrat Party’s Unconstitutional and Unethical Attacks on Election Integrity

The Gateway Pundit 

Nevada Gov. Sisolak Radical Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak and Nevada Democrats called a special session last weekend with no public present and inside of 24 hours they rammed through mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. Democrats did this during the special legislative session. The new Democrat law allows people not related to or friends with elderly…

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America-Hating, Cop-Hating Leftist Rashida Tlaib Wins Her Democrat Primary in Michigan

The Gateway Pundit 

America-hating leftist Rep. Rashida Tlaib won her primary election Tuesday night in Michigan. Rashida thanked her supporters on Wednesday morning. Thank you to every neighbor, community member, voter, volunteer, door-knocker, friend, staff, and family member. Thank you for believing in me and my team as we serve you. Thank you for showing up for each…

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OUTRAGEOUS: Husband of Nasty Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Who Accused AG Barr of Murder, Was Paid $700,000 by Ukranian Oligarch

The Gateway Pundit 

Of course nearly everything the Democrats do is corrupt, so it comes as no surprise that the husband of one of the loudest and most disgusting House members, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, was paid over $700,000 by a Ukrainian Oligarch.  This same oligarch is at the center of the FBI’s raids yesterday in Cleveland and Miami. One…

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BILLIONAIRE Oprah Winfrey Lectures Poor White People on their “White Privilege” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This takes the cake. In her latest edition of her AppleTV+ series, “The Oprah Conversation,” the billionaire media tycoon lectured poor white people on their “white privilege.” Oprah is worth $2.7 billion. She is the richest black woman in the world, yet she still thinks poor white people have more advantage than she does because…

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“Massive Scandal” – EU pays Muslim Brotherhood €36,5 Million to “Subjugate Europe”

The Gateway Pundit 

The European Union paid €36.5 million to groups with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and whose agenda involves the Islamization of Europe, the right-wing I&D Faction in the European Parliament revealed. “Apparently, the EU has been funding front organizations with our tax Euros which have close ties to extremist, terror-related organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood”,…

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

Corrupt St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Survives Primary Challenge After Soros Drops Six-Figure Check to Save her Campaign

The Gateway Pundit 

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Many of his candidates are already in office creating havoc across the country. In St. Louis City George Soros was Kim Gardner’s biggest donor in her race for Circuit Attorney back in 2016. A Soros…

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BREAKING: FBI Raids US Company with Ties to Ukrainian Bank — Tied to Hunter Biden’s Burisma, Lost Billions in IMF and US Funds

The Gateway Pundit 

On October 1, 2019, we posted the following article: MUST READ: Ukraine Burisma Story is Massive – Involves BILLIONS of IMF and US Funds Looted and Lost by Bank Connected to Burisma Holdings! In our article we discussed Burisma, Ukraine’s largest oil and gas provider, and its scandalous close-knit ties with President Obama’s Vice President…

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“Why the Hell Would I Take a Test?… Are You a Junkie?” – Joe Biden Lashes Out Black Reporter, Asks if He’s a Junkie After He Is Asked if He’ll Take Cognitive Test (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden was asked by Erol Barnett of CBS News if he’d taken a cognitive test during an interview on Wednesday morning. Sleepy Biden lost it. The longtime politician who has a rough time with black voters recently asked if the black reporter was a junkie. “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell…

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BREAKING: Portland Rioters Attempting to Break Into Police Union HQ, Set Fires Outside

The Gateway Pundit 

Portland Black Lives Matter rioters were back at the Portland Police Association building and attempting to break in on Wednesday evening. Rioters smashed through the door last month and started a fire. 8/4/20 – North Portland: Police issue warning to protesters to stop trying to break into building. Credit: Streamworks ⁦@selfdeclaredref⁩ pic.twitter.com/zZVty65FiX — Liz Jones…

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