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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 13.08.2020

“Without a Doubt Hydroxychloroquine Protocols Helped Me – I Was Symptom Free in 4 Days” – Congressman Louie Gohmert Speaks Out on His Bout with COVID-19

The Gateway Pundit 

Texas Republican Louie Gohmert announced in July he had tested positive for the China conservative. Rep. Gohmert later announced he will be taking hydroxychloroquine to battle COVID-19 after being diagnosed with the virus. The Texas Republican, 66, said he and his doctor agreed that he should begin taking the anti-malarial drug, which some doctors believe…

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THIS IS BIG: Legal Expert Claims Kamala Harris Doesn’t Qualify for Vice Presidency – She’ll Have To Be Replaced

The Gateway Pundit 

(Above Kamala Harris with her father.) Here we go again.  Kamala Harris is next politician to run for office who doesn’t qualify for the position she is running for. Senator John McCain was born outside the US and because of this, investigated when he ran for the Presidency and eventually determined eligible.  Then came Barack…

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Call For a “Nationwide Mask Mandate Starting Immediately” – Then REFUSE to Take Questions From Reporters (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Someone needs to tell Joe Biden he is not the President of the United States. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris delivered remarks after their Covid-19 roundtable on Thursday and called for a “nationwide mask mandate starting immediately.” “Let’s institute a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediately and we will save lives.” said Biden. “The estimate is…

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Creepy Florida Teacher Writes Own Obituary In China Flu Freakout

The Gateway Pundit 

Whitney Leigh Reddick, a special education teacher for Duval County Schools in Jacksonville, Florida has been pushed to the brink Democrat and mainstream media’s false narratives about the Chinese Flu (COVID-19). As these groups continue to push unconstitutional mask ordinances, which have suggested you should be arrested for not wearing a mask in your own…

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WATCH: Joe Biden’s Handlers Swiftly Move in to Protect Biden, KICK OUT Reporters From Biden-Harris Coronavirus Briefing

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held a Coronavirus roundtable briefing on Thursday. It started off awkward. Kamala Harris had to speak up for Joe because of his cognitive decline. WATCH: JUST NOW: Biden, Harris hold coronavirus roundtable @kamalaharris: “It should be the public health officials that are leading policy [now]. … So I’m very much…

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Second Source: Mitt Romney Blocking Sen. Ron Johnson From Subpoenaing Comey, Brennan… To Protect Paul Singer

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday, a Senior Republican Senate source told Gateway Pundit that Senator Mitt Romney is leading an effort to block Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson from subpoenaing James Comey and John Brennan. “Romney was for impeachment. He has been against Trump every step of the way. Now he is obstructing going…

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Kamala Harris Scored As Most Liberal US Senator In 2019, Analysis Says

The Gateway Pundit 

Sen. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s newly picked running mate, was rated the “most liberal” U.S. senator in 2019, beating out Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Democratic Socialist, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusettstan). The rating was compiled by GovTrack, an organization that tracks U.S. lawmakers’ voting records and touts itself as “one of the oldest government transparency…

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Americans Are Fed Up – 72% Are Concerned with Violence in Major Cities – 62% Say It Affects Their Vote

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat-led riots in America’s largest cities continue but Americans are getting tired of it and want them to end. Jack Posobiec on Twitter shared a report showing Americans are concerned and favor a crackdown on the violent protesters destroying our cities: BREAKING: 72% of all voters say they are concerned about the growing level of…

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White House Siege Organizers Release New Tactical Briefings with Image of White House in Flames

The Gateway Pundit 

White House siege organizers on Thursday released new tactical briefings with an image of the White House in flames. Marxist operatives, with the support of the Democrat party are burning and pillaging cities across the country. Stores are looted and government buildings are attacked on a weekly basis by far left terrorists. A couple weeks…

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Corrupt Atlanta DA Paul Howard WIPED OUT in Election After Charging Police Officer with Murder in Rayshard Brooks Death

The Gateway Pundit 

Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr. announced charges in June in the death of Rayshard Brooks at a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta. Brooks was killed by police after driving under the influence, resisting arrest, wrestling with the police, punching one officer in the face, stealing the officer’s taser and then firing on the…

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Experts: Unless the True Origin of of the China Coronavirus Is Identified, Another Chinese Pandemic Is In the Offing

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin  We must know how the China coronavirus started or we are at risk of having a similar pandemic happen again. To date, no one has stated the urgent universal need to aggressively investigate the true origin of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, better than Karl and Dan Sirotkin in…

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Please Help Save Freedom of Speech in America! POST YOUR COMMENT on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Public Filing Brief on Tech Giant Tyranny

The Gateway Pundit 

Chairman Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission. Pai is currently requsting public comment of his filing on social media censorship of speech in America. * * * * * * * * * On behalf of President Trump, the Secretary of Commerce through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), filed a petition July…

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President Trump Slams Democrats as He Announces New Peace Deal Between Israel and UAE: “The Middle East is More Reasonable” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump on Thursday announced a new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. This is a major step toward peace in the Middle East. HUGE breakthrough today! Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 13, 2020 “Prime Minister Netanyahu…

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Dallas Soccer Star Reggie Cannon Calls Fans “Disgusting” for Booing and Chanting “USA!” as Players Knelt for National Anthem

The Gateway Pundit 

Several soccer fans out of a crowd of about 3,000 in attendance booed and chanted “USA!” at an MLS game Wednesday night at Toyota Stadium in Frisco, Texas between FC Dallas and Nashville SC as players and refs knelt in unison for the playing of the national anthem before the game. In a post-game press…

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Chicago’s State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Dismissed More Than 25,000 Felony Cases in Her First Three Years – Police Union Asks the Feds to Step In

The Gateway Pundit 

George Soros supported Chicago Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is not upholding the US Constititution.  She has dismissed over 25,000 felony cases in the Chicago area in her first three years alone. The Daily Mail reported this past week: Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases – including…

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University Of Georgia Removes ‘Face Mask’ COVID Sex Guideline After ‘Ridicule’

The Gateway Pundit 

The University of Georgia’s Health Center has removed guidance in a posting titled “COVID Considerations” that recommended students wear masks while having sex. The university sent out notices to on-campus students that said they should “consider wearing a face mask during sex. Heavy breathing and panting can further spread the virus, and wearing a mask…

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Democrat Rule: Minneapolis Requires Owners of Businesses Destroyed in Riots to Pay Remaining 2020 Taxes Before They Receive Permit to Remove Burned Down Remains

The Gateway Pundit 

Protests erupted in late May and into June after a Minneapolis police officer killed a black man named George Floyd using excessive force during an arrest. Looters busted windows and raided a Target store then moved on to an AutoZone. The AutoZone was completely engulfed in flames. An entire block in south Minneapolis was set…

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Over 50 Confederate Monuments Have Been Removed or Destroyed Since George Floyd Riots Began

The Gateway Pundit 

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a far left money grab organization, is doing a victory lap after determining that over 50 Confederate memorials have been removed nationwide since the George Floyd riots began. The extremist organization reported that in 2019 only 16 of the monuments were removed, compared to 59 in 2020. “That figure includes…

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За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

District Attorney in Portland Says His Office WILL NOT Pursue Charges Against Most Far Left Street Thugs Arrested During Continued Riots and Anarchy

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats at work — Defending the street terrorists Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt announced on Tuesday his office WILL NOT press charges against most of the hundreds of street thugs arrested during the continued riots and anarchy in Portland. Sounds like another Soros-backed District Attorney spewing #Antifa Propaganda: Watch @KATUNews's broadcast: The new Multnomah…

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BAD POLLING? Washington DC’s Democrat Mayor Paves Over ‘Defund The Police’ Street Mural (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The city of Washington, DC had a large painted street mural that said ‘defund the police’ but now it’s being paved over. What happened? Did the Democrats who control the city finally figure out that most Americans support the police? FOX News reports: ‘Defund the Police’ message in DC mural being repaved In June, Black…

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“Trumpster, Just Leave! Just Leave!” Smith’s Grocery Store Employees Threaten, Curse at Customer for Improper Mask Use in Store (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This was insane. Three employees at Smith’s Grocery Store in Cedar Valley, Utah threatened and cursed at a customer who wore a mask as a super hero in their store. The threats and abuse went on for seven minutes! The episode was caught on video. The store employees cursed at him and called him a…

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“It’s Time to Stop Lying About What’s Happening, Start Telling the Truth!” – Tucker Carlson Calls Out Democrats for Promoting Chaos and Street Violence Across America (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday night Tucker Carlson went off on the radical Democrat Party and their cohorts in the liberal media. The left has been cheering on the mob and coddling the looters and rioters for months now. Cities across the country have been burned, looted, destroyed by leftist rioters. MUST SEE! Media Is HIDING This: Look…

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Kamala Harris Opens Her Run as Veep Cheering Rioters, Looters as a “New Coalition of Conscience” in the Streets

The Gateway Pundit 

Kamala Harris on Wednesday gave her first speech as Joe Biden’s running mate. During her opening remarks Kamala referred to the mobs and looters in the streets as a “coalition of conscience.” Kamala Harris: The President’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And we’re experiencing…

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