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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 15.08.2020

Happening Now: Violence Breaks Out As Patriots Rally to Oppose Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Portland

The Gateway Pundit 

Violence is breaking out in Portland after patriots rallied to oppose Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who have been rioting in the city for nearly three months straight. The patriots organized a flag waving at the Justice Center, the epicenter of the riots, and were quickly confronted by the violent militants. At least three dozen…

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This is Her Defense? Kamala Harris Comes Up with BS Excuse When Asked About Her Vicious Attacks Against Biden During Primary Debates (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Kamala Harris this week was finally asked about her attacks against Joe Biden during the Democrat primary debates. Kamala Harris accused Biden of racism and slammed him for his support of segregationists. Late night host Stephen Colbert asked Kamala about “haymakers” she landed on Biden during the debates. “Senator Harris is a surprising choice considering…

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At least 846 Dead People Tried to Vote in Michigan’s August Primary — 10,694 Votes Rejected — This Is Why Democrats Want Mail-in Voting

The Gateway Pundit 

Here’s why Democrats want mail-in voting. So all of the dead people can vote again. At least 847 dead people tried to vote in Michigan’s August Primary. Over 10,000 votes were rejected. Breitbart.com reported: Michigan clerks rejected 10,694 mailed ballots during the August 4 primary. Of those, 846 ballots were not accepted “because the voter…

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Newsweek Apologizes For Kamala ‘Birther’ Piece – But There’s Still No Evidence Her Parents Were Citizens When She Was Born

The Gateway Pundit 

(Above Kamala Harris with her father.) Newsweek backtracked from their article earlier in the week where it claimed that Senator Kamala Harris doesn’t qualify to be Vice President of the United States.  Unfortunately for Harris, there is still no evidence her parents were US citizens when she was born. Two days ago we reported on…

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The Brookings Institute – a Deep State Hub Connected to the Fake Russia Collusion and Ukraine Scandals Is Now Also Connected to China Spying In the US

The Gateway Pundit 

The Brookings Institute was heavily involved in the Democrat and Deep State Russia collusion hoax and Ukraine impeachment fraud. These actions against President Trump were criminal. This institute is influenced from foreign donations from entities who don’t have an America first agenda.  New reports connect the Institute to Chinese spying. As we reported previously, Julie…

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LARGEST BOAT PARADE EVER! Trump Boat Parade in Clearwater, Florida, Has OVER 1,000 Attendees! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Supporters of President Donald Trump will attempt to break the world record for the largest boat parade ever on Saturday. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi went on FOX News this morning and announced that over 1,000 boats had signed up for the Saturday parade! Thousands of boats coming from everywhere to line up for…

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Macy’s Looking to Leave Chicago After SECOND ROUND of Mass Lootings — More ‘Protests’ This Weekend (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Mass protests of young brainwashed Black Lives Matter activists and their Antifa cohorts are scheduled today in Chicago: See this week’s schedule below the video– After the most recent round of mass lootings along Lake Michigan on The Magnificent Mile even Macy’s Store is looking to bail out of this Democrat-run cesspool. Why pay outrageous…

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Former Obama Speechwriter Mocks Media’s Sham Narrative that Kamala Harris is a Moderate (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

  Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau mocked the far left mainstream media and their junk narrative that Kamala Harris is some sort of “moderate.” ** According to Government Track California Senator Kamala Harris is further left than Socialist Bernie Sanders. The Trump Campaign re-tweeted this rare moment of honesty by Favreau. Former Obama speechwriter Jon…

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President Obama and His VP Biden Were Involved in the Coup Against President Trump – General Flynn Was a Target – The MSM Is Covering It Up

The Gateway Pundit 

The targeting of General Flynn was part of the coup attempt of President Trump.  General Flynn had to go first.  He was the first target. Molly McCann, from Sidney Powell’s legal team defending General Michael Flynn released a series of tweets last night defending the General in the court of public opinion.  The MSM continues…

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Garbage DC Website Known for Promoting Conspiracies Attacks Gateway Pundit After Crashing White House Press Corps Coven

The Gateway Pundit 

The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe in the White House press room on Friday. On Friday The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe attended the White House Press Conference where she asked one of the only sensible questions during the entire presidential press conference. Alicia Powe is seen standing in back on the left during President Trump’s presser.…

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Is Former FBI Assistant Director Bill Priestap Next To Be Brought To Justice? Here Is A Review of His Many Corrupt and Criminal Acts

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Lindsey Graham shared last night on Hannity that he is forwarding information to the Durham team on former FBI official Bill Bill Priestap. Last night Senator Lindsey Graham was on the Hannity show with former Representative Trey Gowdy.  In their discussion, Graham targeted former FBI official Bill Priestap.  Graham shared: This is a big…

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EPIC VIDEO: President Trump Accepts Endorsement of NYC Police Officers Union in Bedminster Ceremony

The Gateway Pundit 

New York City Pat Lynch Police Benevolent Association (NYCPBA) is the largest police union representing 24,000 of the department’s 36,000 police officers. On Friday leaders and representatives of the NYCPBA visited President Trump’s Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey to give their endorsement to President Donald Trump. According to President Pat Lynch this is the…

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Patriotic President Donald Trump Donates Part of His Salary to Restore and Repair National Monuments

The Gateway Pundit 

The Andrew Jackson Monument vandalized by the American left. Speaker Pelosi refused to condemn this action. This should be making national headlines. But it won’t because the mainstream fake news media is so toxic today. President Trump announced on Friday he will donate $100,000 of his annual salary to the National Park Service to aid…

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National Security Adviser Says Trump Should Be ‘Front Runner’ For Nobel Peace Prize (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This week, President Trump announced a historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. It’s the biggest peace agreement to come out of this region in almost twenty-five years. National security adviser Robert O’Brien said today that Trump should be a front-runner for the Nobel Peace Prize because of this. The Hill reports:…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

PEPSI HATES CONSERVATIVES- Soft Drink Company Promotes Hate Video of Tucker Carlson Mispronouncing Kamala’s Name Just Like Joe Biden Did This Week

The Gateway Pundit 

Pepsi is one of those American brands that turned over the reins to far left operatives who hate conservative Americans. Earlier this week Pepsi retweeted a video of Tucker Carlson “losing it” when he was corrected on his pronunciation. The liberal media blasted Tucker Carlson for mispronouncing “Kamala” Harris. Of course, Joe Biden did the…

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Forensic Audio Analyst “Roger Stone Did Not Use Racial Slur”

The Gateway Pundit 

Eric Tausch, a veteran sound engineer specialist with 30 years in the film and television industry, has released a report detailing his forensic analysis of the Mo’Kelly Show where the host claimed Roger Stone uttered a racial slur. TGP first reported the smear from Kelly, a left-wing Los Angeles based “journalist” who used the alleged…

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Pelosi, Schumer Send Urgent Letter to Postmaster General Demanding Documents on Changes That Could ‘Damage USPS’s Ability to Process Mail-In Ballots’

The Gateway Pundit 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Friday sent a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy demanding documents and answers by August 21 on changes they say could damage the USPS’s ability to process mail-in ballots. The Democrat-media complex exploded a couple weeks ago and accused President Trump of…

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Judge Kavanaugh Rules Against George Soros Connected ‘Open Society’ – Preventing Foreign Funding When No Policy In Place Opposing Prostitution and Sex Trafficking As Required By Law

The Gateway Pundit 

The Supreme Court recently announced a decision by Judge Kavanaugh that directly addressed George Soros’s Open Society.  The decision was a win for morality. Judge Kavanaugh was targeted by George Soros and Democrats during his hearing before becoming a US Supreme Court Judge.  The Democrats claimed Kavanaugh was unfit for the Supreme Court based on…

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Sleazy Mueller Gang Leader Andrew Weissmann Scared – His Corrupt Accomplice Clinesmith Who In 2016 Texted: “I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic”- Admits Guilt Today

The Gateway Pundit 

Mueller’s ‘pitbull’, Andrew Wiessmann, is scared he’s next.  Last week Weissmann was behind two articles online disparaging Attorney General Barr and the DOJ.  Today he freaked out again and went on a Twitter rant about the guilty plea of his former “Resistance” partner Kevin Clinesmith. According to Mediaite: Andrew Weissmann, who served as a deputy…

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