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Larry Johnson: Hey Joe Biden, Unlike You We Don’t have Alzheimers

Larry Johnson: Hey Joe Biden, Unlike You We Don’t have Alzheimers

Guest post by Larry Johnson Wake up America. Don’t you understand that Donald Trump is endangering America by allowing the decimation of many of America’s iconic cities rather than employ the resources of the Federal Government to stop rioters and looters? Don’t you remember how the mayor of Minneapolis begged the President to send the…

The post Larry Johnson: Hey Joe Biden, Unlike You We Don’t have Alzheimers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Larry Johnson

Wake up America.

Don’t you understand that Donald Trump is endangering America by allowing the decimation of many of America’s iconic cities rather than employ the resources of the Federal Government to stop rioters and looters? Don’t you remember how the mayor of Minneapolis begged the President to send the National Guard to put down marauding gangs of white kids pretending to be black but President Trump said no? Have you forgotten that New York City’s Mayor DeBlasio pleaded with Donald Trump to send US Marshals and the National Guard to protect the businesses on Fifth Avenue and to keep arrested criminals in jail? Why did Donald Trump stay on the golf course and refuse to accept phone calls from the Mayors of Seattle and Portland beseeching him to send Federal police and investigators to their fair cities? And what about the heated entreaties from the Governors of New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon, Illinois and Washington demanding that President Trump send troops to help their respective police forces to put down the violence?

Yes. Wake up. Any person blaming Donald Trump for the mayhem unleashed in the cities and states under the control of Democrats is either delusional, addled by dementia or just a damn liar. The record is clear–every time President Trump tried to bring Federal resources to the cities and states facing an onslaught of extreme left anarchists, the Democrats closed ranks and even cheered on the so-called protests as frenzied looters torched and ravished businesses and neighborhoods.

Look at the record. Why has no one informed Democrats that there are new technologies, such as video tape and audio recordings, which memorialize their staunch opposition to seeking and accepting Federal intervention?

When President Trump sent Federal Law Enforcement personnel into Portland to protect the Federal Courthouse and its employees, what did the Democrats and their supporters say?

The Democrat leaning host of ‘The View’ howled:

President Trump was ushering in fascism and the end of democracy by sending federal forces to intervene in ongoing protests in Portland, Ore.

“I’m witnessing fascism in America now,” co-host Joy Behar said. “I don’t know if people in this country are aware of what’s actually going on.”

Democrats of all stripes went full brain dead in repeating the fascist mantra:

…Democrats have presented these law-enforcement professionals as introducing fascism to America. The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, called them ‘stormtroopers’, engaged in ‘kidnapping protesters’. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to them as ‘secret police’. More locally, the Democrat mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, called the federal presence ‘a direct threat to our democracy’. The city’s commissioner, Choloe Eudaly, said Trump was ‘attempting to use Portland as a proving ground for fascism’.

Seattle’s Mayor Durken and Washington State Governor chimed in chirping like deranged lemmings:

Durkan told reporters Friday that the use of federal agents by the U.S. government was “frightening.”

“At this point,” Durkan said, “I have to presume that what is happening in Portland could happen here.”

Washington Governor Jay Inslee expressed a worry that, if pressed into action, the federal agents would not take the requests of local government into consideration. “It is critical that the administration only provide what is needed by state and local officials,” Inslee tweeted Friday, “and do not engage unless asked.”

Not a single Democrat in a position of leadership in a city or state under siege by rioters stood up and asked for Federal help. They sat idle, modern day Nero’s fiddling while their cities and neighborhoods were tattooed with smoldering ruins and plywood adorned store fronts.

But a growing number of Americans, unlike Joe Biden’s demented followers, recognize the true source of the chaos and are not blaming Trump.

One of the first blaring klaxons sounding the alarm that voters were not buying the garbage sandwich the Democrats were offering for their dining pleasure came courtesy of the New York Times–How Chaos in Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin:

As residents see fires and looting, some worry that local Democratic leaders are failing to keep control of the situation.

John Geraghty, a 41-year-old worker in a tractor factory, has barely paid attention to the presidential race or the conventions. Every day he focuses on survival: getting his son to sports practice, working at his job where he now wears a mask, and getting home to sleep, only to start over again the next day.

But when he woke up on Monday morning to images of his hometown, Kenosha, Wis., in flames, he could not stop watching. The unrest in faraway places like Portland, Ore., and Minneapolis had arrived at his doorstep, after a white police officer on Sunday shot a Black man in the back multiple times. And after feeling “100 percent on the fence” about who he will vote for in November, he is increasingly nervous that Democratic state leaders seem unable to contain the spiraling crisis.

“It’s crazy that it’s now happening in my home city,” he said. “We have to have a serious conversation about what are we going to do about it. It doesn’t seem like the powers that be want to do much.”

The politically calculated warnings of President Trump and the Republican Party about chaos enveloping America should Democrats win in November are reverberating among some people in Kenosha, a small city in the southeast corner of one of the most critical states in this election, where protests have raged for a number of increasingly combustible nights.

“There’s people running all over with guns — it’s like some Wild West town,” Mr. Biehn said. “We are just waiting here like sitting ducks waiting to get picked off.”

He added: “It’s chaos — everybody is afraid.”

Mr. Trump, he said, “was not my man,” but now he is grateful he is president.

He said he seemed to understand in a way that other politicians did not.

The clown car that is CNN also realized that their campaign to install a senile Joe Biden as head of a new socialist revolution was burning like a looted Target:

Tuesday on CNN, network anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon said Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden needed to address the rioting in Wisconsin after a video of Kenosha resident Jacob Blake being shot by police made its way onto the internet.

Cuomo said, “You have COVID and Kenosha, Don, and what’s happening in Wisconsin, it’s a Rorschach test for where this country is, and I think it probably represents the biggest threat to the Democratic cause.”

Speaking of Cuomo and his mini-me psycho Mayor of New York City, the so-called shining star of cities, New York, is beginning to resemble one of the bloody scenes from Mel Gibson’s movie about the collapse of the Mayan Civilization, Apocalypto.

Crime stats from this past week (August 17-23) record a bloody rampage worthy of a Mayan priest cutting the beating hearts out of writhing victims: 17 murders, 79 shooting victims, and 59 shootings. That’s 96 families. 96 people.

Victor Davis Hanson recent contribution, seizing on the Apocalypto meme, provides a brilliant exposition of Democrat induced chaos unfolding on the West Coast of the United States. He concludes his masterful piece with a rhetorical question:

When will the madness end?

Not until Nancy Pelosi’s Napa Valley estate is without power and her boutique ice cream collections all melt.

Not until the Silicon Valley private academies are forced to diversify, as inclusion trainers recruit the very poor and undocumented from Mexico and Central America into their student bodies.

Not until the Google and Facebook employees leave their beds in parked cars and buses and break into their employers’ lobbies to sleep better at night.

Not until the Malibu “help” strike, demand unionization, and are paid for nannying, housecleaning, yardwork, and cooking at the going SEIU rates.

Not until Antifa and BLM begin prying up 2,000–2,500 terrazzo stars of all the Hollywood Walk of Fame living and dead who did not meet their 2020 woke requirements.

Not until a retired Jerry Brown is forced to commute daily to a new consulting job on the 99.

Not until the showers in the Zuckerberg estates blast out sand rather than water.

And not until Gavin Newsom finally is forced to pay own his delinquent property-tax bill and comply with tax laws governing the huge gifts bequeathed to him.

Not until they put homeless tents and shelters on the curb outside Diane Feinstein’s mansion.

Not until the homeless and paroled are put up at the Fairmont and the Mark Hopkins.

Not until Barbra Streisand gets a recording when she calls 911 after her seaside estate is besieged.

Not until Hetch Hetchy and its artificially constructed aqueducts dry up and the Bay Area has no water delivered from afar, as it resorts to its preferable natural arid state.

When all that happens, California will begin to change.

In other words — never

We can excuse Joe Biden, who is sadly slipping beneath the waves of dementia, for not realizing that embracing chaos, revolution and the demonization of most Americans as racists is a recipe for political disaster.

If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, I’m sure he would add a new pithy, witty amendment to his trenchant definition of a hypocrite:

The man who murdered his parents, and then pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.”

The Democrats are hypocrites desperate to blame Donald Trump for the mayhem they have sown and planted. Joe Biden may have forgotten who is responsible, but a growing number of voters have not. And the blame is not with Donald Trump.

The post Larry Johnson: Hey Joe Biden, Unlike You We Don’t have Alzheimers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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