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‘The Real Housewives of Miami’ Season 6 Preview: Guerdy Abraira’s Cancer Journey and Larsa Pippen’s Major Regret


The ladies of “The Real Housewives of Miami” return Wednesday, and this season weekly episodes will air on Bravo first before NBCUniversal’s streamer Peacock.

TheWrap caught up with the cast to address some cliffhangers from Season 5 as well as what fans can anticipate from the new season. From finding out about Guerdy Abraira’s cancer diagnosis to Larsa Pippen welcoming her new beau, Marcus Jordan onto the show, here’s a preview of what’s to come on Season 6 o “RHOM.”

The full cast for “The Real Housewives of Miami” Season 6 includes Alexia Nepola, Julia Lemigova, Larsa Pippen, Guerdy Abraira, Dr. Nicole Martin, and Lisa Hochstein, with Marysol Patton, Adriana de Moura and Kiki Barth joining as friends of the show.

Larsa Pippen films Season 6 with boyfriend Marcus Jordan and regrets making “sex four times a night” with Scottie Pippen comments

Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan (Photo credit: Getty Images)

After months of seeing Larsa Pippen and her new love Marcus Jordan show off their relationship on the gram, viewers will finally get to see the two up close in Season 6 of the show.

“We spend so much time together that it would make sense for him to be on the show because we are together a whole lot,” Pippen told TheWrap. “We do everything together. We work out together, we work together on our podcast, ‘Separation Anxiety.’ We spend every night hanging out and going to dinner. So I felt like it was a normal thing to film with me just because I basically show my real life, and that’s really what we do. We’re like best friends. So, for me, I wasn’t ever scared to have him on the show because I feel like we spent so much time together. We’re best friends. It was just like, a, like a normal transition. Once the season started, I figured he would be on the show with me.”

Pippen said Jordan initially had a limit on how many times he planned on filming with her.

“At first, [Marcus] said, ‘I’ll shoot [the show] with you three times, and those three times ended up being a whole lot more. It ended up being probably 40 times. He had a great experience,” Pippen explained. “I think he became really good friends with [Lisa Hochstein’s boyfriend] Jody [Glidden], and I feel like he liked hanging out with Lisa and Jody. So for us, it was like, ‘Hey, let’s go to dinner. And oh, by the way, we’re filming.'”

And as far as those comments she made about she and her ex-husband Scottie Pippen’s sex life…

“I probably shouldn’t have said that, and I didn’t mean it. I didn’t think it was going to be as big as it was, but it was my truth. I feel like people that don’t want to believe it don’t have to, but that was, like, my truth. I do feel like I shouldn’t have said because that was my past, and I feel like I’m in a new relationship, really happy. I should be talking about what I’m doing today, not necessarily what I was doing years ago.”

Marysol Patton says Adriana de Moura’s friendship is irreparable while De Moura claims Patton needs her for a storyline

Marysol Patton and Adriana de Moura (Photo credit: Getty Images)

Coming back to Season 6 as “friends of the show” once again are “RHOM” original cast members Adriana de Moura and Marysol Patton. In Season 5, the two’s tensions grew thicker after De Moura’s claimed Patton’s ex-boyfriend tried to make a pass at her and “never loved” Patton. And De Moura comparing her Bahamas trip foot injury to Alexia Nepola’s son’s nearly fatal car accident only made matters worse. In the first episode of Season 6, Patton appears adamant that she and De Moura will never be able to mend their friendship.

“I thought we were at least back to being neutral. Marysol apparently has this very vindictive and unforgiving personality, character. If that’s where she stands, it’s her loss,” De Moura told TheWrap. “I also was there for her many times when she needed me. She was in my wedding, and I don’t believe I have done anything to her except one silly comment that I regretted doing. I apologize for it over and over again. And other people have done other things a lot worse. And she has forgiven them, but I feel like with me you know, she needs to hang gone to the to the beef with so then she has something to talk about because she has no storyline on her own. That’s the truth.”

From Patton’s end…

“I’m so tired of [Adriana] saying I needed her for a storyline. I was a friend. I didn’t need a storyline,” Patton told TheWrap. “I spent most of my time in the emergency room with my mother, who was on life support. And Adriana was getting married and I had a PR firm, and she needed me to put her wedding together because she was a disaster. She couldn’t even show up on time. I did everything. I helped her decorate. I got her wedding dress prepared. I got the bridesmaids dresses for free. I got her liquor, but I was using her, who was being used? I could spend my time with my mother in the hospital. Fast-forward, [my mother’s] no longer with us.”

Patton continued: “This trust has been broken. [Adriana] was someone I cared about, who was my friend for a long time and if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be so upset,” Patton said. “I just don’t think we can go back because the the nastiness with the shenanigans is not I wouldn’t ever do that to Alexia, she doesn’t do that to me, and Larsa doesn’t do that to me. Lisa doesn’t. We don’t do that to each other. Friends don’t pull those mean, nasty cards. We can all disagree and argue until the cows come home, but she took it too far, and I don’t see that as repairable. Can I get along with her and laugh with her? I have. We do. But it’s not ever going to be the way it was.”

Guerdy Abraira is “technically” cancer-free but is still cautious about a reoccurrence

Guerdy Abraira (Photo credit: Getty Images)

On July 12, Guerdy Abraira shared with the world that she’d been diagnosed with an early stage of breast cancer in March 2023 following a routine mammogram appointment. TheWrap confirmed that her cancer journey would be featured on Season 6 of “RHOM.”

“I am technically cancer-free because of the fact that they removed the tumor. But obviously there’s processes to prevent reoccurrence so I did my chemo. I did four rounds of chemo, and then also now I’m doing radiation, and I’m on my last week, next week (this interview was recorded on Oct. 27). So I’m going to be ringing the radiation bell, and I already rang the the chemo bell so I’m almost done with everything. There will be hormonal therapy that I will have to be on for five to 1o years, but that’s just a small dose to being able to live my best life with my family.”

Abraira’s husband Russell Abraira fully supported her decision to bring her cancer journey on the show.

“We were concerned in the beginning because we didn’t know how much we would be sharing, and it’s just a road that we’re not privy to. But we both looked at each other and said, ‘This is the right thing to do.’ It’s really going to help a lot of people, specifically people of color who are 42% more prone to dying because of breast cancer for different reasons. So I really felt a calling to need to do this.”

In the midst of juggling a home remodel, Dr. Nicole Martin has postponed her wedding plans in order to prioritize baby No. 2.

Dr. Nicole Martin and Anthony Lopez (Photo credit: Getty Images)

In the first episode of “RHOM” Season 6, fans see Dr. Nicole Martin and her partner Anthony Lopez give viewers a view of their impressive 10,500-square-foot home that’s nestled in a corner lot with a bay view and is decked out with a 15-car garage. For now, the home is the couple’s main focus.

“[Anthony and I] are incredibly busy, between work and life, but also we are in the middle of a massive remodeling project. We have just gutted like a 10,000-square-foot house, and we’ve been anxious to get in there because we’ve been trying for baby No. 2.,” Martin told TheWrap. “We still don’t have a date. We figured we can get married whenever, but unfortunately I’m going to be 40 this year. So I kind of have to get on the baby wagon sooner rather than later if we’re going to have baby No. 2. So we decided let’s prioritize that because that has somewhat of a finite time frame, and then we can get married and our kids be part of the wedding.”

When Martin does get married, she plans on keeping her last name.

“I’ve been so established in my profession, in my career, as Dr. Martin that I think, if anything, I would hyphenate, or do, like, Nicole Martin Lopez. I would always keep Martin because I’ve established myself as a professional as Martin, and it’s my identity. But we have kids together, and part of me would also like to share a last name with my children. So hyphenating or doing a double last name allows for your to still maintain your own identity while still sharing a name with your children and your husband.”

Julia Lemigova opens up about caring for wife Martina Navratilova during her cancer battle

Julia Lemigova and Martina Navratilova (Photo credit: Getty Images)

In January 2023, Julia Lemigova’s wife, Martina Navratilova was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer and stage 1 throat cancer, a topic that was mentioned during “RHOM’s” Season 5 reunion. During the journey to being cancer-free, Lemigova shared it was “tough” to see Navratilova’s suffering and pain and that Lemigova’s animals helped heal her heartbreak in the midst of the caring for her spouse. From preparing Navratilova’s favorite dishes, like Lemigova’s Russian chicken soup to giving her wife space when needed, Lemigova said it was a relief once they learned her cancer journey was over.

“We cried when the good news came. It just felt like a mountain dropped off our shoulders,” Lemigova explained to TheWrap. “We officially found out, officially officially was June [2023]. The first good news we had at the end of her treatment, which was around April. So it looked very promising, but now she’s officially cancer-free. She’s back working and thriving. It’s great to see her building her strength, and finally doing the things she loved again.”

The best advice she’d give someone serving as a caretaker for a beloved one.

“Now, looking back on that journey. My best advice to people who are going through cancer right now would be don’t be afraid, don’t be shy to put yourself first. People going through cancer, they are the priority. It’s now all about them,” Lemigova said. “It’s really important for caretakers not to take some things personally because people going through cancer, they don’t mean to be, sometimes they can be snappy, but they don’t meant to. It’s just because they are in such pain. Not to over-propose your services.

Kiki Barth isn’t opposed to being a full-time cast member one day and mentions her team and Burger King’s team have been “talking”

Kiki Barth (Photo credit: Getty Images)

In Season 4 of “RHOM” fans of the show were introduced to “friend of the housewives” model and socialite Kiki Barth. Since her debut, she’s garnered praise for her lively personality, candid statements and her love for Burger King’s whoppers. While she’s content with her “friend” status, she told TheWrap being a full-time cast member is ultimately her goal.

“I would love to be full-time someday, and show my fans more of my life because a lot of people still don’t know much about what’s going on in my life. I have so much story to tell,” Barth said. “I’m comfortable where I am right now, and it’s all in God’s hands and timing is everything. So it’s not time yet I guess, but I’m having fun. And I feel like with “Miami,” you film all the time. So I don’t feel like I’m being left our or anything. But the goal is to be full-time one day. I will not reject it if it’s offered to me, I’ll take it and run.”

Barth added that her love for Burger King has branched into a potential business partnership.

“We are working on stuff, but right now there’s nothing guaranteed. It’s really just my team and their team going back and forth. We don’t really have anything yet, but they are talking. We are talking to Burger King. Hopefully something good comes out of it. A brand deal would be nice,” Barth shared before breaking down her ideal Burger King order. “I love a whopper. If I’m really, really hungry I can go up to a triple whopper. A triple whopper, off the broiler, with cheese, bacon. Everything stacked. But it needs to be very hot. I mean, I eat cold burger too. I’m from Haiti, I don’t care, but if I have to have my way, it has to be off the broiler. I don’t care if it’s going to take 20 minutes, 30 minutes, I’ll wait for it. But I lover Burger King breakfast too. The croissant egg and cheese sandwich is amazing.”

Alexia Nepola and Adriana de Moura’s Relationship is still shaky but she and Julia Lemigova are on better terms after the “Russian prostitute” remarks

Alexia Nepola, Adriana de Moura, Julia Lemigova (Photo credit: Getty Images)

During the Season 5 reunion of “RHOM,” Adriana de Moura apologized for comparing her Bahamas foot injury to Alexia Nepola’s son’s car accident. Since then, the two’s friendship remains tattered while her relationship with Lemigova has sewn fresh seams after Nepola alluded last season that all Russian women living in Miami were sex workers.

“I said I was sorry to Julia because I really was. My intentions were never to hurt her,” Nepola said. “I said that in a playful way, it didn’t come out that way, but I did take that we need to be more mindful and respectful of each other’s cultures, and even if we are playing a game, we can get hurt and offended. My apology to her was very sincere, and I’m very grateful that she accepted it.”

From Julia’s standpoint…

“The audience will be most surprised in my change in relationship with Alexia,” Lemigova explained. “I know that’s what surprised the cast the most. I can’t say everyone has been supportive of mine and Alexia’s new friendship. It caused such a shift among the entire group. In fact, it’s creating quite a bit of conflict among the group. This season, I opened my heart to new friendships and my mind to new experiences.”

How Nepola feels in terms of De Moura…

“I thought after New York (where the Season 5 reunion was filmed) that at least [Adriana and I] were going to just leave it at what happened in New York and not go further than that. But what made it worst was during the summer she went on a press tour to bash me and my family so that was what really disappointed me even more,” Nepola said. “She said a lot of nasty things about me, and lies about my family, just to make herself look good and she was trying to make me look bad to make herself look good. I was not okay with that so obviously when we can come into the Season 6, Marysol and I are feeling some type of way because she also did it to Marysol.”

“The Real Housewives of Miami” Season 6 premieres on Nov. 1. New episodes will air on Bravo every Wednesday, and will land on Peacock the following day.

The post ‘The Real Housewives of Miami’ Season 6 Preview: Guerdy Abraira’s Cancer Journey and Larsa Pippen’s Major Regret appeared first on TheWrap.

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