Proposed sales tax could improve the city of Olpe
LYON COUNTY (KSNT) - Olpe residents will soon be voting on a retailers' sales tax in the city.
On this year's ballots, residents in Olpe will be voting to approve or deny a sales tax in the city. According to the Lyon County election office, 1/2 of 1% is the amount of sales tax that will be levied in the city of Olpe if this ballot question gets approved. The sales tax will go towards capital improvements to improve the city.
Olpe City Clerk Joyce Wilson told 27 News there's a few key projects the money from this sales tax would go to if it gets approved. If approved, the city of Olpe would add a fitness park with sidewalks, create wider sidewalks throughout the town and add parking near the football field.
Wilson told 27 News the city currently has a half-cent sales tax that sets aside money for roads but said the money from this new sales tax would go to getting these other needed projects completed. If approved, this retailers' sales tax will take effect Jan. 1, 2024.