The state of API security in 2023
In today’s rapidly transforming digital world, APIs have become the linchpin for quick delivery of business functionality. These digital connectors underpin much of the enterprise innovation we witness today, from seamless customer experiences to integrated partner ecosystems. Yet, as the CTO of Traceable, I can’t help but observe a growing (and glaring) pattern: As API usage surges, the potential risks grow exponentially. Let’s turn to hard data to illuminate the current state of API security.
Measuring the API boom
An in-depth look at Traceable’s Global State of API Security reveals a profound truth: APIs are undeniably vital to global digital transformation. In our analysis, a significant 57% of organizations rate the importance of APIs at 7 or higher on a 1-to-10 scale, with a combined 29% bestowing the utmost importance levels of 9 or 10. This isn’t a mere trend but a foundational shift in business technology strategy.