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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Nov. 11, 2023

Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Nov. 11, 2023

Inequitable Marin County still has a long way to go

The headline in the Nov. 5 edition of the Marin IJ reads “Marin improves in handling of racial inequity, new study says.” I think that buries the fact that Marin, one of the wealthiest of California’s 58 counties, merely moved from 57th to 56th. Nobody reading this story should think that Marin is addressing these problems well.

I think many in Marin continue to ignore inequity issues in San Rafael’s Canal neighborhood and the Marin City community, as well as parts of Novato and West Marin. Statistics show that people in those areas lack job opportunities and philanthropic food deliveries. Poverty levels there are far too high.

Some schools in San Rafael appear to be totally segregated. I worry that it is illegal and should be investigated. I think test scores at San Rafael High School shine a light on the issue.

The article mentions public meetings, municipal officials and funds “directed” at the problems. But I worry that the communities in need aren’t receiving much return for our investment. When will Marin’s residents and elected officials really turn toward helping all the residents of our county?

— David Colton, Greenbrae

Richmond Bridge traffic experts need to be heard

Regardless of their intentions, I am frustrated by people — including IJ political columnist Dick Spotswood — who spew dubious reasons why the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge bike lane is not a good idea (“Richmond Bridge bike lane experiment must end,” Nov. 5).

Recently, both Spotswood and state Assemblymember Damon Connolly cited increased congestion and the environmental impact of cars sitting in traffic near Richmond neighborhoods while trying to get on the westbound deck of the bridge. That’s a bigger problem than just a bike lane. The real issue is making the Bay Area more suitable for different modes of transportation.

Rather than lament a single bike lane, all should advocate for a substantial increase in access to mass transit. Buses and trains are better solutions economically and environmentally for the communities of the Bay Area.

The recently published news article on the topic (“Richmond-San Rafael Bridge bike path trial run ends,” Nov. 5) quotes Andrew Fremier, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s executive director, who said there has been “no significant change in congestion from before” the bike lane pilot program. He wondered where the state would come up with the $70 million to $300 million for upgrades to handle increased traffic should the bike lane be eliminated.

Spotswood and others would do well to pay heed to people like Fremier, who actually know what they are talking about, instead of hysterically attacking a mode of transportation that benefits all communities economically and environmentally.

— Steven Friedman, San Rafael

If true, Miller Creek officials should pay

I believe special education teacher Michelle Harrison Gehman’s allegations in her lawsuit against the Miller Creek School District (“Miller Creek School District sued by former teacher,” Nov. 2).

All people found liable in this case should have to pay back every last dime. I worry that some district administrators behaved arrogantly in this case. They do not deserve our trust.

Miller Creek should be completely reconstituted and merged into the San Rafael City Schools District. Doing so is in the interest of our children. They deserve better.

— Rose Magri, San Rafael

Proposition 19 inheritance rule continues to be unfair

If you have a house or other property you want to leave to your family, you may not realize that in 2020, when the voters were misled into voting for Proposition 19 (with advertising heavily funded by the real estate industry), a rule was included that, unless your heir moves into the house as their primary residence within a year of inheriting, the property will be reassessed at current market value, greatly increasing property taxes.

This takes away the choice of your heirs to perhaps rent the house for a while before moving in, or spending more than a year fixing it up to move in, or the possibility that they can’t move in time to meet this one year deadline.

A doubling, tripling or more of property taxes would make it impossible for most middle-class heirs to even afford to live in the house after a year, thus forcing a sale.

There is a petition being circulated now to rescind just that part of Proposition 19 and return it back to what it has always been — not reassessing the property if the heir can’t move in within a year. I have signed this as have several family members and friends.

If you want to get this initiative to correct Proposition 19 on the ballot, please call the HJ Taxpayers Association at 916-444-9950. You can also get more information and download a petition at RepealTheDeathTax.com.

The group needs 1.4 million signatures by January to get it on the November 2024 ballot, to let the voters decide on removing this part of Proposition 19 to protect their family inheritance.

— Phyllis Kuehn, Novato

Many support changing clocks for daylight saving

I am writing in response to the recent Another View commentary by Sheldon H. Jacobson (“It’s time to say goodbye to changing clocks twice a year,” Nov. 3).

He is entitled to his negative opinion of daylight saving time, but Jacobson is not entitled to this false rhetoric: “Everyone can agree that changing times makes no sense.”

On the contrary, there are doubtless millions of Americans, including me and 48 state legislatures, who grew up with, like and want to keep daylight saving time. I am so tired of people claiming to speak for “everyone” when they are simply voicing their own group’s opinion.

— Ron Skellenger, Woodacre

Eradicating Hamas needs to be top priority

It seems to me that the Palestinians and Israel have a common enemy — the Hamas terrorist group that attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

It appears that Hamas has victimized the people of Gaza for decades. It clearly diverts resources away from the people they nominally govern. While the people of Gaza live in poverty, Hamas seems to have unlimited resources to wage war against its neighbor Israel. Worse, Hamas uses the innocent people of Gaza as human shields for its maze of underground tunnels and its cadre of terrorists.

One should sympathize with the victims, both Palestinian and Israeli, but not blame either. That blame belongs solely to Hamas. The world will be a far better place once it is annihilated.

— Elaine Levy, San Rafael

Democrats committed to abolishing child poverty

After reading the recent editorial by the Virginian-Pilot published in the IJ (“After a sharp decline during the pandemic, child poverty is soaring again,” Nov. 3), I have to voice my opinion.

As the editorial states, our country has one of the highest rates of child poverty of any major democracy. Considering that, I think it is obvious that Congress’ moves to let the Child Tax Credit and other programs expire after the coronavirus pandemic are bringing us right back to where we were before. That’s disappointing.

I blame some members of the Republican Party. It appears to me that some Republican leaders and conservative members of the Supreme Court are trying to take away a woman’s ability to have an abortion — which I consider a personal health care decision — while not doing enough to support American children after they are born.

The fact that the richest nation in the world has one of the highest infant mortality rates (as well as the highest child poverty in the free world) should disgust every American. I think candidates in the Democratic Party understand this and will make a difference. That’s why I’m voting for Democrats across the board in the next election.

It’s time we take care of our children and not play politics with their lives and futures. American children of all backgrounds deserve better.

— Paul Bartolini, Santa Rosa

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