I Am Once Again Urging You to Wander Into a National Forest to Chop Down a Christmas Tree (but Legally)
Most of the time, it's illegal to wander into a national forest to chop down a tree. Right now, however, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is all for it—provided you get yourself a Forest Service-issued permit first.
Cutting your own tree on federal land actually turns out to be a pretty affordable way to source a Christmas tree, but there are specific guidelines you need to follow to avoid running afoul of the Forest Service (which is as much a law enforcement agency as it sounds). So before you grab your axe and head into the woods this holiday season, here’s what you need to know about the USDA's tree-cutting permit program.
Why you should cut your own tree from a national forest (besides the fact that it's really cheap)
According to Recreation.gov, cutting down and carrying out your own holiday tree helps contribute to good overall forest health. Through this permit program, you’ll be helping to thin densely populated stands of small-diameter trees. Removing the trees already designated for removal by the Forest Service allows other trees to grow bigger and stronger. Plus, you’ll get the pride and satisfaction of chopping down the perfect Christmas tree for your home. It’s a true win-win.
But this is Christmas we're talking about. Who cares about the environment? This is about your needs and experiences. As the Recreation.gov team explained to me, in addition to helping maintain a healthy forest, cutting a holiday tree is a special tradition that can be shared with families and friends to create memorable holiday experience. For many families, venturing into the forest to cut a Christmas tree for the holidays is a treasured tradition carried on for generations. It's also a lot cheaper than buying one from a tree lot!
How to cut your own tree from a national forest
The USDA Forest Service sells Christmas Tree permits through Recreation.gov. Prices range from $5 to $20, depending on the location of the forest. To buy your permit in advance and find your local participating forest, use this site, which also provides guidelines for the allowable cutting areas that you’ll need to review before you start choppin’.
In three simple steps, you can begin your quest to find and bring home your own "government Christmas tree."
Choose your forest. Determine which participating forest works best for your Christmas tree outing. Each forest will have specific guidelines and season dates for cutting a holiday tree.
Be safe and prepared. Carefully read the details and rules of the applicable permit, and consider the Need to Know suggestions to prepare for your visit.
Buy a permit. Purchase and print your permit before heading out to the forest.
Tips for cutting your own tree
I spoke with the Recreation.gov team to get some additional tips as families looking to prepare for their Christmas tree cutting adventure.
Measure the space in your house so you can pick the right size tree once you are in the forest. (Don't assume you can eyeball it, or you'll find yourself with a Griswold Situation on your hands.)
Check road and forest conditions and prepare for adverse weather.
Before cutting, make sure you are in a designated cutting area, and follow all guidelines for locations where tree cutting is allowed. Avoid venturing onto private property.
Choose a tree in an overcrowded stand to help thin it out.
Cut your tree close to the ground. The stump you leave behind should be about 6 inches tall.
Bring a rope and tarp to move your tree from the cutting area to your vehicle.
Secure your tree to your vehicle to ensure it remains in place for your trip home.
What else you need to know
Christmas tree permit sale dates may vary by national forest. Recreation.gov encourages families to check local forest guidelines to gather all information before purchasing to ensure they are prepared. A new permit is required each year to cut your own Christmas tree.
Again: You can only cut down trees located in designated and approved areas in the forest. This permit program is run by the USDA Forest Service, which is not the same thing as U.S. National Parks. If you’re unsure whether you’re allowed to snag a tree in a certain area, visit this page on Recreation.gov and type in either the name of your state, or the name of the forest you have in mind.