Re: Open House
Super HansYou can’t compare the two after 11 games, you have to give WR this season and all of next summer.
Some are struggling to put the daggers away. They really don't want to give the manager a fair chance. It's disappointing.
I was just comparing the 2 managers. They're much of a muchness and there's hardly a fag paper between their respective records, neither of them are a Pep, in waiting.
Those aren't daggers, merely the parameters for success. If we are to improve going forward then 1.6 points per game is the par that Wayne must meet. Rooney needs to pull his finger and get a few more wins under his belt. First 5 have been written off, beating Wednesday is a step in the right direction, but more wins are a must.
What I would like to know from the open housers is if there has been any word from Knighthead concerning St Andrew's. Do they intend to merge the stadium and the club back into 1 entity, or will they remain split apart, for the foreseeable future?