I tried a £1.50 ‘miracle’ sticker to cure my hangover and it actually worked
HUNGOVER? Stressed? Dealing with menopause? The remedy lies in a sticker . . . apparently.
Miracle patches, which release vitamins and nutrients into the body via the skin, have surged in popularity this year and celebs like Meghan Markle and Gwyneth Paltrow are fans.
Patches are said to be better at delivering medication into the bloodstream than capsules or tablets.
That means the results should be faster, more effective and even less addictive.
But while these stick-on saviours claim to solve all kinds of wellness woes, do they really work and are they worth the cash?
Mia Lyndon got The Fab team to put them to the test. Here are their verdicts and ratings out of five . . .
The hangover cure: 4/5
LIFEBIO MIRACLE PATCH, £8.99 for six patches, Amazon
Abby McHale, 29, Deputy Fashion Editor, says: “After coming home from a night out and drinking ten units, I applied the patch and wore it for seven hours.
“When I woke the next morning, I felt fine – whereas normally I would feel hungry and would have a headache.
“The patch contains B1 vitamins for reducing nausea and is roughly the size of a couple of postage stamps.
“It is so easy to use – much better than having to drink some awful hangover cure.
“My only criticism is that the packet doesn’t give you much information on how to use the patches.
“However, I think they are a fair price and I’ve definitely experienced some benefits after my night out, so, with party season coming up, I would buy them again.”
The stress buster: 5/5
DISCIPLE CBD MIRACLE PATCH, from £30 for 30, disciplelondon.com
Sinead McIntyre, 51, Fabulous Editor-in-Chief, says: “I applied a patch to my stomach and wore it overnight.
“I felt calmer the next day and I have been wearing them since. The patches secrete CBD in 8mg and 20mg dosages and with continued use, I’ve felt better all week.
“While it could be a placebo, they make me feel less stressed and I’ve even experienced less of an anxious feeling in my stomach. However, when you peel a patch off, it leaves a sticky residue, which I can’t remove with scrubbing.
“But they’re good value and I’ve recommended them to friends. In fact, I’ll put one on now!”
The sleep inducer: 4/5
Jazzria Harris, 32, a freelance writer, says: “I’m obsessed with getting eight hours’ sleep a night, so I was intrigued to try these patches, which promise to help ‘unlock the potential of a great night’s sleep’.
“They contain sleep-inducing melatonin as well as lavender – known to help relaxation – and can be worn for up to 12 hours.
“I applied one to a clean, dry area of skin at 9pm and by the time I was ready to tuck myself in, I’d forgotten about it altogether.
“While it didn’t make me feel more sleepy than usual, I slept through the night.
“As someone who usually wakes up three to four times, this was huge.
“I would use these again, especially if I had a big event the next day.”
The PMS proofer: 4/5
ROSS J BARR PERIOD PATCHES, £15 for seven from victoriahealth.com
Donna Smiley, 42, Senior Writer, says: “My period was causing pain in my right side, so I popped a patch on and wore it overnight.
“The patches were created by celeb acupuncturist Ross J Barr and contain herbs such as Chinese Motherwort, which is believed to soothe discomfort.
“The instructions advise you to apply the patch to the spine, but you can also apply them to painful areas, so I cut one in half and stuck it to my stomach.
“However, I was surprised to be woken up during the night by a hot, uncomfortable feeling in the area where the patch was sitting.
“Fortunately, when I peeled it away, there was no irritation and the next morning, my cramps felt a lot less intense. I’d definitely invest in the patches again.”
The menopause: 3/5
PATCH MD MENOPAUSE DAY PATCH and PATCH MD MENOPAUSE NIGHT PATCH, both £18.50 for 30, patchworksuk.com
Danielle Woodward, 49, Deputy Chief Sub-editor, says: “After wearing the patches, my husband said I was less grumpy! I put a daytime patch on in the morning and replaced it with an evening patch just before I went to bed.
“Both day and night patches contain dong quai root extract – said to offer relief from hot flushes.
“The patch was very discreet and simple to apply. I stuck mine to my shoulder.
“It’s taken a couple of days to see any effects, but I have noticed I’m more balanced and less on edge.
“I occasionally experience hot flushes overnight, but haven’t had any since using these. It could be a coincidence, but it’s still a great result.
“However, they’re a bit pricey – I’d rather invest in something with more scientific proof.”
The gym wind-down: 1/5
Ellie O’Mahoney, 44, Fabulous Magazine Deputy Editor, says: “I often have achy legs after working out, so I was hoping this patch would offer some relief.
“They are small and easy to stick to your skin, but they’re pretty pricey – so a big investment if you work out frequently.
“They contain anti-inflammatory turmeric and vitamin E, which can help treat joint pain.
“After applying one to the underside of my arm following my typical 30-minute run and wearing it for 12 hours, I experienced no results.
“I’ve since applied them after yoga and Pilates sessions, but still haven’t noticed any benefits.
“The instructions were not very clear and there was little explanation on how the patches could actually help, so I felt left in the dark.”