Coached Racing Series
Every Sunday morning until March 24th the NYC will run a coached racing series for dinghies. It will be a series of short sprint style races set up as a pursuit with the slower boats starting first and the faster boats chasing. There will be a full debrief post racing and pointers given whilst racing or in between races.
The series is weather depending and will also take into account other club activities so the running of each Sunday morning will be confirmed (or not) the Thursday prior with the name of the coach in charge on the various class whatsApps. Sailors intending to race can then register on the link below prior to the races. Entry per session is 15EUR. So wether you want to take part once in a while, use it as a full regular training session or take part as a warm up to the DBSC Frosbites racing, join the racing and progress your skills.
Racing is Open to all club dinghies (Optimist, Topper, Feva, ILCA, Aero…). First gun is set for 10.00am and racing will conclude around 12.30. There is no set number of daily races.
Prizes may be awarded at the end of the winter.
Please enter the first date(s) you want to race below
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