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Новости за 01.03.2024

U.S. Cannot Justify Its Troop Presence in Syria

Real Clear World 

Alexander Langlois, Newsweek

The United States is reportedly exploring options for a military withdrawal from Syria—something it should have done long ago. A withdrawal is necessary...

Japan Isn't Panicking About a Possible Trump Return

Real Clear World 

Hal Brands, Bloomberg

As former President Donald Trump rolls toward the Republican nomination, countries everywhere are preparing for what a Trump restoration might mean. Few have more at...

Would Trump Go Soft on the South China Sea?

Real Clear World 

Simon Hutagalung, Asia Times

Former US president's unpredictability and transactional approach to diplomacy could undermine consistency and effectiveness of US policy

From the Grave, Navalny Takes a Last Jab at Putin

Real Clear World 

Eva Hartog and Denis Leven, Politico EU

It's been a long time since the chant of "Putin is a killer" has resounded in Moscow's streets, and the Russian authorities certainly tried to prevent...

China Risks New Taiwan Strait Crisis

Real Clear World 

John Feng, Newsweek

China this week doubled down on the legitimacy of its intrusive maritime patrols around a group of Taiwanese islands just off the Chinese coast, heavily fortified but...

Italy as the Indispensable Mediterranean Nation

Real Clear World 

Arha & Messa, The Atlantic Council

When US President Joe Biden this week hosts Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for the second time, it will mark the growing importance of Italy as a...

Beijing's Policy Changes Dangerous

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Gong Lin-dong, Taipei Times

This is the Year of the Dragon. At the beginning of the year, the Chinese government announced that "dragon" is to be translated as long, in a move meant to erase...

The Case Against Military Rule in Nigeria

Real Clear World 

Ebenezer Obadare, CFR

With Nigeria plunged into a full-blown crisis due to a worsening economic climate, a cross-section of Nigerians, desperate for a quick turnaround and certain that the...

China's Factories Send Mixed Signals About the Economy

Real Clear World 

Laura He, CNN

China's vast manufacturing industry sent mixed signals last month about the health of the economy, fueling calls for Beijing to do more to boost growth just days before a key...

Before a Palestinian State, Israel Must Feel Safe

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Nathaniel Helfgot, Times of Israel

Given the historically hollow international guarantees of Israel's security, building trust is the first step - once the war is over and the...

The Case for Early Elections in Israel

Real Clear World 

Ehud Barak, Foreign Affairs

After more than four months of war in Gaza, two starkly different but equally accurate portraits of Israel have emerged.

Europe Tries to Trump-Proof Itself

Real Clear World 

Alexander Smith and Andy Eckardt, NBC News

November's presidential election may be nine months away, but Europe is already trying to Trump-proof itself, officials on the continent have told...

How To Respond to China's Global Security Initiative

Real Clear World 

John S. Van Oudenaren, WOTR

Chinese leader Xi Jinping closed his annual New Year's address with a pledge to build a "community with a shared future for mankind" and "make the world a better...

Hungover at the Munich Security Conference

Real Clear World 

Liakh & Khmeleva, The National Interest

The hangover after a lavish party can be brutal, with throbbing headaches and the stark recognition of reality. For much of Europe, the two-year-long...

Спорт в России и мире

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Басманный суд арестовал 12-го фигуранта дела о теракте в «Крокусе»

Эксперты назвали ТОП 10 моделей авто премиум и бизнес-класса

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