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Новости за 16.03.2024

Is There Away Out Of The Israeli-Palestinian Trap?

Real Clear World 

Yuval Noah Harari, Financial Times

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is fuelled by the mutual horror of destruction. Each side fears the other wishes to kill or expel it, and terminate its...

The War on Terror Is Back

Real Clear World 

Ilan Berman, The National Interest
Within the Beltway, February and March tend to be busy months, when high-ranking military commanders and senior intelligence officials descend on Capitol Hill...

The Myth Of Cheap Russian Gas In Europe

Real Clear World 

Michael Stoppard, Financial Times

Will Europe go back to Russian gas? The EU has vowed to give up once and for all its "addiction" to Russian gas, but will it? Some argue that Europe will be...

US Private Funds Struggle To Cash Out From China

Real Clear World 

Sun Yu, Financial Times

US institutions with private fund investments in China are struggling to exit what were once among their most successful bets as the regulatory environment tightens...

Is Washington Serious About Leaving Iraq?

Real Clear World 

Adnan Nasser, The National Interest

So much has been reported on what the United States aims to do in the recent collision of interests between itself and Iraq. Washington's approval in the...

Спорт в России и мире

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WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Британия подготовила для США гигантскую взятку

Меры по обеспечению надежного электроснабжения введут в Подмосковье в праздники

Новый культурный центр построят в Черноголовке в 2025 г

Нижегородские разработчики получили семь наград международной и российской ИТ-премий