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Новости за 05.03.2024

Is Israel's Approach 'Over the Top'?

Real Clear World 

Alan Silverstein, Times of Israel

In its vital aim of effecting regime change in Gaza, Israel is not the first country to grapple with collateral loss of life

French Right Turns on the EU

Real Clear World 

John Lloyd, UnHerd

On Sunday, the challenge to the European Union from the resurgent Right became more visible and more threatening. France, if it swings hard Right under the...

Iran's Electoral Facade

Real Clear World 

Sanam Vakil, Chatham House

Iran's parliamentary and Assembly of Experts election held on 1 March should not be seen as a democratic exercise where people express their will at the ballot...

On the Decline of Work and Rise of Boredom

Real Clear World 

Reuven Brenner, Asia Times

Bible's Exodus a good reminder that massive welfare without discipline or restraint bring ennui and mobs looking to false idols

Canada Is Losing the Plot on Border Security

Real Clear World 

Christian Leuprecht, RealClearWorld

Finally. After 25,000 Mexicans applied for asylum in Canada last year, thousands of attempts to illegally cross into the...

Understanding the Israel-Hamas War

Real Clear World 

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures

Understanding why Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 requires an understanding of Hamas' fundamental goal: the creation of a Palestinian state.

Israel's Complex Road to Victory

Real Clear World 

Seth Frantzman, The National Interest

Refugees in Gaza, Hezbollah's looming presence in the north, and Hamas' reckless defense pose difficult riddles for Israel's war effort

Will the U.S. Economy Drive Global Growth This Year?

Real Clear World 

Mohamed A. El-Erian, PS

What happens in the United States does not stay in the United States. The global economy depends on America to act as a main engine of growth, and global financial...

What Is Going on With Europe's Economy?

Real Clear World 

Rogé Karma, The Atlantic

The Old World has new problems. Over the course of 2023, the European economy saw close to zero growth.

China's Economic Slump Is Here To Stay

Real Clear World 

James Holt, Time

China is in the midst of a profound economic crisis. Growth rates are flagging as an unsustainable mountain of debt piles up; China's debt-to-GDP ratio reached a record 288%...

The Myth of Israel's "Moral Army"

Real Clear World 

Avner Gvaryahu, Foreign Affairs

The atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 did not end that day. Over 130 Israelis are still held hostage in the Gaza Strip, many hundreds are in...

Time for China To Move Past GDP Growth Targets

Real Clear World 

William Pesek, Asia Times

Sometimes, good news on China's economy is actually bad news for the broader global economy and financial system. The reference here is to the suspense surrounding...

Спорт в России и мире

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