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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 03.12.2018

Hatchet-Wielding Jihadist Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Arrested in German Christmas Market

The Gateway Pundit 

You’re gonna love the new Germany that Merkel built with her open borders policies favoring Muslim migrants. A 38-year-old “drunk” foreign born man was arrested after he walked into Witzenhausen Christmas market Saturday night, threatening people while waving a hatchet around screaming “Allahu Akbar!” According to the police, the man was drunk and making “inappropriate” […]

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JUST IN: Huber Testimony to House GOP on DOJ’s Probe of Clinton Foundation Scheduled For Wednesday POSTPONED

The Gateway Pundit 

John Huber John Huber, the Special Prosecutor tapped by Sessions was scheduled to testify at a GOP-led Congressional hearing on December 5th on the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation. The hearing, originally scheduled for December 5th has been postponed because President Trump designated Wednesday as National Day of Mourning to honor the passing of […]

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Washington Post Executive Editor Slams President Trump at National Press Club Award Dinner

The Gateway Pundit 

The executive editor of The Washington Post used his award acceptance speech at the National Press Club’s Fourth Estate Award Dinner to go after President Donald Trump. The Post’s Marty Baron was awarded the highest honor of the evening along with Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times. “History tells is we can’t always rely […]

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JUST IN: Comey to Testify Friday in Closed-Door Deposition – Loretta Lynch to Testify ‘Later This Month’

The Gateway Pundit 

Fired FBI Director James Comey withdrew his motion to quash a House subpoena over the weekend and agreed to a closed-door deposition with the House Judiciary Committee. Crooked Comey knew he was going to lose his case in court; the Trump-appointed judge assigned to the case already showed he wasn’t buying Comey’s arguments. Grateful for […]

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Denmark Banishes All Criminal Aliens to Remote Island — Democrats in US Give Them Sanctuary (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Danish government announced its new policy to banish criminal aliens to the remote Lindholm Island in the province of Vordingborg. Lindholm Island in Denmark The new policy was an agreement between Denmark’s conservative coalition government and its anti-immigration ally, the Danish People’s Party (DF). The DF released a Twitter video celebrating the new policy. […]

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President Trump Praises Roger Stone: “Some People Still Have Guts”

The Gateway Pundit 

In a mid-morning tweet referring to Roger Stone’s bombastic appearance on ABC’s “This Week”, President Trump praised his longtime friend and advisor’s declaration that he would “never” testify against the President. Stone has said for months that he refuses to bear false witness against Donald Trump and has slammed Mueller’s investigation as a witch-hunt and […]

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BOOM! Author Jerome Corsi Files Criminal Complaint Against Robert Mueller for Attempts to Seek False Testimony

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier on Monday journalist Paul Sperry released a report accusing Robert Mueller of withholding evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the latest accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election. Mueller lied to the court! Shouldn’t he serve time for this? Now this… Author Jerome Corsi filed a criminal complaint against […]

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Lock Him Up! President Trump Says Cohen Should Serve a “Full and Complete” Sentence

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his band of angry Democrats dropped a bomb on President Trump on his way to Argentina for critical talks with global leaders. Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to the Mueller special counsel. President Trump proceeded to Argentina for the G20 where he signed the […]

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Breaking: Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence from Court to Exonerate Trump – Mueller LIED to the Court!… Will He Be Sent to Jail Too?

The Gateway Pundit 

Is justice still alive in America? Will Robert Mueller see jail time? A new report by journalist Paul Sperry says conflicted Robert Mueller withheld evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the latest accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election. Mueller withheld information to the court that would exonerate President Trump. […]

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Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal Steps Over Homeless in Seattle – Gallivants to Tijuana to Defend Illegal Foreigners (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Pramila Jayapal — A Typical Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal traveled to Mexico this past weekend to show her support for the illegal alien caravan members in Tijuana. Pramila blamed Trump for the illegal alien crisis. Democrat logic. I met with asylum-seekers who were fleeing violence and persecution. We need to find a better way […]

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Mueller Connected to Manafort, Podesta Brothers and Russian Front Group in the Ukraine… But No Recusal?

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The leader of the corrupt and criminal Special Counsel in Washington, Robert Mueller, is connected to Paul Manafort whom he is prosecuting. He is also connected to Manafort’s business partners in the Ukraine – the Podesta Brothers – who are connected to Hillary Clinton – and a Russian ‘foundation’ in […]

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Democrat Rep. Jayapal Travels to Mexico to Visit Caravan – Blames Trump for “Manufacturing” Crisis (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

This is your modern day Democrat Party! Rep. Pramila Jayapal traveled to Mexico to join an illegal alien caravan camp in Tijuana. She blamed Trump for the illegal alien crisis. Democrat logic. I met with asylum-seekers who were fleeing violence and persecution. We need to find a better way to protect and process our asylum-seekers. […]

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Ted Malloch: Brexit Deal Is “Unconditional Surrender”

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Ted Malloch author of Davos, Aspen and Yale In the darkest days of 1940 and 1941, during the Blitzkrieg and the Battle for Britain, Germany demanded one thing: Unconditional Surrender. The invasion of the British Isles was called Operation Sea Lion and it was about to commence to end democracy and the […]

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PARIS PROTESTS: Police Remove Their Helmets, Show Solidarity with Protesters – Macron Booed by ‘Yellow Jacket’ Demonstrators (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Violent protests continued on Sunday in Paris over the Macron energy taxes. Police removed their helmets and stood in solidarity with the yellow jacket protesters on Sunday. Macron says he will impose a #StateofEmergency against the #gilletJaunes. The firefighters turned their backs. Now the police remove their helmets to show solidarity with the French people […]

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Roger Stone Reaffirms Pardon Push For Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

In a fiery appearance on ABC’s Sunday hit “This Week”, New York Times bestselling author and legendary political operative Roger Stone reminded the nation that he would never bear “false witness” against President Trump. According to Yahoo News, Stone said that testifying against Trump would mean that he would have to make something up and […]

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“Ballot Harvesting” Added Over 250,000 Votes in Orange County – Flipping Four Seats Blue

The Gateway Pundit 

The Communists Democrats in California quietly passed legislature in 2016 allowing ballot harvesting. Very few people took notice when far left Governor Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago.  As a result, California lost 7 of its 14 Republican House seats this election cycle. Ballot harvesting is illegal in most states. In […]

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California GOP Lost 7 of 14 House Seats AFTER ELECTION DAY — by ‘Ballot Harvesting’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

California lost 7 of its 14 Republican House seats this election cycle. This was after the state legislature passed “ballot harvesting” laws. Ballot harvesting is illegal in most states. In Texas, New York and Pennsylvania they arrest people for ballot harvesting. But in California they passed a law two years ago that makes it legal. […]

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Duck-Nado: Illinois Duck Hunters Almost Get Blown Away by Approaching Tornado (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

This photo and video is making the rounds today after tornadoes hit in rural Missouri and Illinois on Saturday. Some buddies spent their afternoon chasing mallards…glad to see they didn’t let a little wind screw up their hunt. #CentralIllinois #Tornado pic.twitter.com/GqhCwzrVEz — Ty Bennett (@TyBennett720) December 1, 2018 The hunter’s name is Matt Stroub and […]

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MUST-SEE EXCLUSIVE: Congress Needs to Grill James Comey on Ukraine and FBI Election Interference on Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by investigative journalist Lee Stranahan Now that Congress has negotiated a deal for James Comey to testify, they need to buckle down and get ready to ask a hostile witness questions about a shocking, but undisputed, story. In August, 2016 the government of Ukraine, who were working directly with James Comey’s FBI, released […]

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John Solomon Bombshell: At Least 6 Deep State Operatives Attempted to Infiltrate Trump Camp During 2016 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

John Solomon dropped another bombshell Friday on the historic Obama Spygate scandal. According to Solomon, there were at least six different Deep State operatives who attempted to infiltrate and set up the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Recent documents also revealed the Obama deep state operatives contacted Trump campaign officials in Great Britain prior […]

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Спорт в России и мире

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Guardian: Скрипали отказались участвовать в расследовании отравления в Британии