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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.12.2018

President Trump Tweets Video of Him Singing Green Acres With ‘Will and Grace’ Star to Celebrate Farm Bill Signing

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump has tweeted a hilarious vintage video of him dressed as a farmer and singing a duet of the Green Acres theme song with Megan Mullally who played ‘Karen’ on Will and Grace in celebration of the signing of the Farm Bill. The video is from his appearance at the Emmys during the height […]

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OMG! Fashion Don’t: Michelle Obama Flaunts Thigh-High Sequin Streetwalker Boots on Book Tour

The Gateway Pundit 

No. Just no. Former First Lady Michelle Obama wore $3,900 sequin Balenciaga over-the-knee boots Wednesday night on her book tour at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn. And people are talking about them. “Sex and the City” star Sarah Jessica Parker greeted Michelle Obama when she walked out on stage Wednesday evening. Obama flashed her $4,000 […]

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Rep. Steve Scalise Confirms House GOP Will Now Add $5 Billion in Funding For Border Security

The Gateway Pundit 

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) confirmed Thursday that the House will add $5 billion in funding for border security plus additional money for disaster relief to the current interim bill after President Trump refused to sign the bill that came from the Senate last night. Ryan Nobles: Steve Scalise confirms House GOP will add […]

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BREAKING: Paul Ryan Says Trump WON’T SIGN Spending Bill to Keep Govt Open – Cites Dispute Over Border Wall Funding

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump interrupted outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan during his weekly Republican caucus meeting. Rep. Mark Meadows, VP Mike Pence, Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Paul Ryan were all seen entering the White House for a meeting. According to FOX News reporter Chad Pergram, Paul Ryan emerged from the meeting and said President Trump will not sign […]

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Soros Spent $1.35 Million Funding Organization That is Flooding President Donald Trump With Lawsuits

The Gateway Pundit 

A “nonpartisan” organization in DC that has been inundating President Donald Trump with lawsuits received $1.35 million dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros. According to a new report from the Free Beacon, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the “nonpartisan” organization, also shares employees with Media Matters for America, an organization that was founded by […]

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BREAKING: President Trump Interrupts Paul Ryan During GOP Meeting – CALLS HOUSE GOP LEADERS TO WHITE HOUSE FOR MEETING (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump interrupted outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan during his weekly Republican caucus meeting. PRESIDENT TRUMP CALLED GOP LEADERS TO WHITE HOUSE FOR MEETING Rep. Mark Meadows, VP Mike Pence, Rep. Mo Brooks, Rep. Paul Ryan were all seen entering the White House moments ago! Trump warned this morning that he will veto a spending bill […]

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Merry Christmas! President Trump Declares Christmas Eve a Holiday

The Gateway Pundit 

Merry Christmas, America! President Trump gave federal workers a gift this year. Christmas Eve is now a federal holiday. KRON4 reported: President Donald Trump is giving federal employees a special gift for the holidays. Trump on Tuesday night signed an executive order declaring that “all executive departments and agencies of the federal government shall be […]

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BREAKING: Acting AG Matt Whitaker CLEARED to Take Over Mueller Probe — SHUT IT DOWN!

The Gateway Pundit 

Matthew Whitaker was appointed acting Attorney General in November after Jeff Sessions was fired in disgrace. Whitaker immediately took over the Mueller investigation, bumping DAG Rod Rosenstein from the role and the Democrats went crazy calling for him to recuse himself. Three Senate Judiciary Democrats then sued to block Matthew Whitaker from serving as Attorney […]

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Neocon Sen. Lindsey Graham 1.0 Tries to Pass Resolution Saying US Should Remain in Syria, Sen. Rand Paul Blocking

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Rand Paul is blocking a resolution from the perpetually war-hungry Senator Lindsey Graham which condemns President Donald Trump’s decision to pull our troops out of Syria and get them home for Christmas. Graham has been relentlessly attacking the president since he made his Syria announcement. The resolution would not stop or impede President Trump […]

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WOW! Even CNBC’s Jim Cramer Agrees! – Fed Chair Powell “Trump’s Worst Nightmare” — Who the Hell Raises Rates w/Dow Down 12% in 3 Mos.?

The Gateway Pundit 

Since October The Fed has single-handedly dismantled the US economy.  The Trump tax cuts at year end 2017 set the economy on fire. The US stock markets set numerous records. So the Fed had to step in and kill the economy or Trump might get re-elected in 2020! The Fed announced on Wednesday afternoon that […]

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“We’re Ready to Fight!” -Mark Meadows and Freedom Caucus Release Statement: President Trump, Veto the Bill, Fund the Wall!

The Gateway Pundit 

“We’re Ready to Fight!” House Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Mark Meadows took to the House Floor on Wednesday night. Meadows encouraged President Donald Trump to veto legislation that does not include border wall funding. The Freedom Caucus is listening to the voters! Defend this country, Mr. President! Build the border wall! Tonight after votes, around […]

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HUGE! TRUMP Border Wall GoFundMe Page Passes $3.3 Million in Donations in 3 Days

The Gateway Pundit 

A Florida-based triple amputee veteran has created a GoFundMe push to fund President Trump’s border wall through donations from the public. Brian Kolfage, who launched the GoFundMe, has also been an active free speech advocate who has spoken against censorship on digital media platforms. Kolfage promises that he will make sure the United States government will be legally […]

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Rush Limbaugh: President Trump Should Veto Spending Bill, Shut Down Government, Go to Mar-a-Lago and Golf (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

While Paul Ryan was out filming his series on tax legislation he once again abandoned his duty to push border wall funding as he promised numerous times. Paul Ryan promised repeatedly to fund the border wall but never had any intention of fulfilling this promise. Now it looks like the Republican Congress will once again […]

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Новости России

Первый Международный фестиваль «Мир классического романса»

“It’s Bullschiff!” – Roger Stone Responds to Latest Media Attack, “It’s Adam Schiff’s Wet Dream”

The Gateway Pundit 

The liberal media continued their attacks on conservative author and Trump adviser Roger Stone. The Democrat-media complex is hoping Roger Stone will be the missing link between Trump and Russia in their ongoing collusion conspiracy. This is despite all of the evidence to the contrary. On Wednesday news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked […]

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Stunning! Islamist Screaming “Allahu Akbar!” as He Attacked Cops with SWORD Found Not Guilty – Did Not Mean to Hurt Anyone

The Gateway Pundit 

Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was found not guilty of a terror charge after attacking police officers with a 42-inch Lord of the Rings-style sword outside Buckingham Palace. Chowdhury was captured with a samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace said the Queen was the enemy “that Allah tells us to fight.” He was screaming “Allahu akbar” during […]

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Confirmed: McCain Associate David Kramer Gave Junk Trump-Russia Pee-Pee Dossier to Jim Comey and Buzzfeed

The Gateway Pundit 

David Kramer, an associate of Senator John McCain, invoked his Fifth Amendment right to not testify to Congress in connection to his role in distribution of the fake Russia dossier to the FBI. Kramer was briefed by the Russian dossier author Christopher Steele in London in 2016. The Russian dossier was paid for by the […]

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Lawmakers: Loretta Lynch Forthcoming in Closed-Door Interview – Answered More Questions Than Comey on Certain Topics

The Gateway Pundit 

Loretta Lynch arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch finished up a 6-hour closed-door interview with lawmakers Wednesday evening. Loretta Lynch arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning as part of a joint investigation with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committees into the handling of the Clinton email investigation and her […]

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