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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 23.12.2018

WOW! More Sketchy Lies from Kamala Harris – TSA Employees Will Be Paid For Hours Worked, Kamala

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Kamala Harris is shooting her mouth off again without thinking. Harris claimed in a very confused tweet on Saturday that TSA workers, Coast Guard employees, law enforcement, corrections officers and Forest Service firefighters will “be forced to work without pay.” Sorry Kamala. The Republican Party ended slavery in December 1863. The federal workers will […]

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Trump Arms Kurdish Allies After US Pulls Out of Syria

The Gateway Pundit 

Last week Trump shocked many with his announcement that the mission was won in Syria against ISIS and he would pull out the 2,000 US troops there. Democrats, their mainstream media and neocons were outraged. General Mattis resigned in disgust. But Trump did assist the Kurdish fighters in Derik and Qamishi Syria. He sent them […]

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: A Very Merry Trump Christmas

The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root I give thanks for Merry Christmas blessings. Actually, it’s two Christmas blessings in particular. It’s the powerful, relentless, one-two punch of President Trump and conservative talk radio and television. Let me interrupt the nonstop blitz of negative news in the mainstream media meant to destroy the Trump economy and Trump administration. […]

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Enough Is Enough: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Trolls “The Anti-Semitic Dictator Erdogan”

The Gateway Pundit 

Apparently, Isreali Prime Minister is getting tired of the continual filthy attacks coming from Turkish President for life Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Netanyahu had enough of Erdogan’s attacks. Prime Minister Netanyahu: I was just exposed to the daily trolling of the anti-Semitic dictator Erdogan. He is obsessed with Israel. He knows what a moral army is […]

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It Gets Better–> CNN’s “Reporter of the Year” Claas Relotius Embezzled Donations Away from Syrian Street Children

The Gateway Pundit 

Top German reporter at the liberal mag Der Spiegel was fired last week. Claas Relotius at Germany’s far left Der Spiegel magazine fabricated his stories. He got caught after he trashed Trump supporters in a recent piece. It was a completely made up story. Claas Relotius won CNN’s journalist of the year award in 2014. […]

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LinkedIn Cofounder Funded Democrats’ ‘Russia-Inspired’ Smear Campaign Against Judge Roy Moore in Alabama — And Facebook Allowed It

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats ran a smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race in 2017 and Facebook allowed it. Democrat activists took what Russia did on a minute scale in the 2016 election and ramped it up by a thousand. PLEASE NOTE: Russia’s 2016 disinformation campaign targeted both pro-Trump and pro-Hillary supporters. The liberal […]

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The Fed Mandate Is to Ensure a “Healthy Economy” – Instead in 4 Mos. Fed Destroyed Historic Trump Economy and Working Americans’ Life Savings

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft The Fed and its Head – Jerome Powell – have mandates to”promote stable prices” and “maximum employment” and to ensure a “healthy economy”. However, the Fed’s recent radical and consistent rate hikes are destroying the economy and doing nothing close to their mandates. The Federal Reserve states on their website […]

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BREAKING–> TRUMP BLASTS CRAZY MAN JEROME POWELL! — Jackass DESTROYED Economy, Crushed Middle Class, Raised US Debt $500 Billion a Yr

The Gateway Pundit 

SINCE OCTOBER JEROME POWELL HAS SINGLE-HANDEDLY DISMANTLED THE US ECONOMY. Since his careless comments and promises to continue rate hikes in his October 3rd speech the economy has plunged 4,500 points — 1/6th of the US economy has been wiped out. The Trump tax cuts at year end 2017 set the economy on fire. The […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Read the Vile Hate Mail Sent to Triple Amputee Veteran Behind #GoFundTheWall, Encouraged by Liberal Media and Celebrities

The Gateway Pundit 

Deranged leftists have been sending triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage mountains of abuse after he was trashed by the Daily Beast, Jimmy Kimmel, Alyssa Milano and other high-profile liberals. The hate mail provided to the Gateway Pundit contains appalling statements such as people asking if his brain was “amputated too,” calling him a “handicapped bitch,” telling him to […]

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Twice in One Day: Unhinged Leftist Caught Drawing Swastikas on Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California was vandalized two times in one day this week by an unhinged leftist. TMZ caught the lunatic on camera Thursday vandalizing Trump’s Hollywood star. A man dressed in all black took a black marker and drew a bunch of swastikas on Trump Hollywood star […]

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TRUMP Campaign Team Announces “Official Build the Wall Membership Campaign” …But it Looks Like It’s a Donation Gimmick?

The Gateway Pundit 

The US government is in the midst of a partial shutdown. Democrats are not budging on border security. Democrats insist no border security barrier will be allowed in any spending bill. President Trump stayed in Washington DC on Saturday during the shutdown. The crisis of illegal activity at our Southern Border is real and will […]

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More Good News! Obama Appointee and Adviser behind Iraq Disaster and ISIS Nightmare Resigns (Two Months Early) Over Mean Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Media outrage hit another 10 out of 10 on the outrage scale today when Brett McGurk, the special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, abruptly resigned. Now here’s the rest of the story… McGurk was a long-time Obama adviser on Iraq which turned out to be an historic failure and complete global […]

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NO DEAL: Trump Holds Strong on Border Wall Funding – Senate Will Reconvene After Christmas

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump is holding strong on border wall funding and wouldn’t back down to Chuck Schumer’s tantrum on Saturday. A partial government shutdown began last night at midnight ET after the House adjourned without a border wall funding solution from the Senate. On Friday, McConnell rejected using the nuclear option to pass the bill with […]

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