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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 06.12.2018

Grassley Shuts Down ‘Da Nang Dick’ Blumenthal – Refuses to Call in Don Jr. For Questioning Over Fake News Articles

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal Democrat Senator Richard “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal cited fake news stories from NPR and CNN in an effort to harass Don Jr. and drag him in for more questioning. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) destroyed minority Committee member Richard Blumenthal in a letter this week. Grassley called out Blumenthal for […]

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BREAKING….. Ecuadorian President: Enough UK Assurances for Julian Assange to ‘Leave’ Embassy

The Gateway Pundit 

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno said that the UK has provided written assurances that they will not extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to any country where he will face the death penalty. Moreno claims that this is a sufficient guarantee for Assange to be able to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been […]

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Julius Malema: White Privilege and Racism Prevents Whites From Giving Up Property without Compensation — Calls for Black Unity

The Gateway Pundit 

In 2011 South Africa youth leader Julius Malema told his supporters that the white farmer’s land must be shared by all black Africans. Malema was arrested for playing “Kill the Boer (white man)” song at his rallies. Julius Malema later founded the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party. In February Malema called for […]

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ITALY Reduces Migrant Landings by 96% in Only Two Years

The Gateway Pundit 

In a bold move the new Italian government barred several migration ships from Africa this year. Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini also demanded that the Netherlands recall their two Dutch-flagged NGO migrant ships that transport migrants from the African coast to Italy. For years a fleet of leftist NGO ships worked around the clock to […]

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BREAKING: Chinese Commerce Minister Announces Immediate Implementation of Details of US Trade Agreement (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce released a statement on Wednesday morning on the Trump Xi dinner meeting in Buenos Aires on Saturday. The Chinese Government released a very positive statement on the meeting. A reporter asked: We know that the Chinese economic and trade team has returned to Beijing. What is your comment on this […]

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Nicholas Capaldi: The Collapse of Free Societies

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Nicholas Capaldi, c0-author of Liberty and Equality in Political Economy Nicholas Capaldi is Legendre-Soulé Distinguished Chair in Business Ethics at Loyola University, New Orleans. He also serves as Director of the National Center for Business Ethics. Starting in the 1960s, intellectuals (including most journalists) began accepting the view that all perception is […]

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Migrant Beats Priest to Death with Metal Crucifix then Jams Umbrella Down his Throat

The Gateway Pundit 

Lois Sindbad admitted this week to murdering Father Alain-Florent Gandoulou in Germany with a metal crucifix. Sindbad then jammed an umbrella down the priest’s throat. The killer says he is a Christian but also believes in witchcraft. Father Alain-Florent Gandoulou was also from Africa. Voice of Europe reported: Lois Sindbad a 27-year-old asylum seeker from […]

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It’s Official: Now There Is Proof Corrupt and Fired Former FBI Director James Comey Lied to the FISA Court to Spy on Candidate Trump

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joe Hoft Yesterday it was reported that a long email chain was uncovered that provides evidence that former FBI Head James Comey and others in his inner circle signed and sent a FISA warrant application to the FISA Court and that they knew the FISA warrant was fraudulent. Since the emails are […]

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Laurentiu Rebega: The EU’s Green Cage

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Lauerntiu Rebega, Member of European Parliament for Romania. Laurentiu was on Varney and Co. this week to discuss the future of the EU. On Thursday Laurentiu discusses the future of the EU’s green cage. Elections for the European Parliament are scheduled to take place in May 2019. Subsequently, the European Council will […]

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SAD. Never-Trumper Ben Shapiro Can’t Help Himself – Trashes Trump at George H. Bush’s Funeral

The Gateway Pundit 

It was supposed to be a day without politics. The country was hoping former President George H. W. Bush’s funeral would be a reprieve from partisan politics. Democrats did remarkably well. They kept their attacks on President Donald Trump at a minimum. Hillary Clinton tried her best to cover her bruised ego. That didn’t work […]

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Judge Napolitano: I Expect Mueller to Indict Donald Trump Jr.

The Gateway Pundit 

FOX News contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano joined ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams on his SiriusXM show on Wednesday. The ABC host asked Napolitano if anyone in President Trump’s inner circle is going to get indicted. Judge Napolitano pointed to Donald Trump Jr. If crooked Robert Mueller arrests the President’s eldest son — it […]

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Senate Judiciary Committee Delays Votes on Trump’s Judicial Picks Thanks to RINO Jeff Flake

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate Judiciary Committee has delayed votes on nearly two dozen of Trump’s judicial picks because RINO Jeff Flake is withholding his vote amid a Mueller standoff. Six circuit court nominees and 15 district court nominees were expected to be voted on, reported The Hill. Last month outgoing Arizona Senator Jeff Flake vowed to withhold […]

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DAG Rod Rosenstein Trolls President Trump at DOJ Conference

The Gateway Pundit 

DAG Rod Rosenstein delivers remarks in Kansas City, MO Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein trolled President Trump Wednesday while delivering remarks at the Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. “You let the President know that his favorite Deputy Attorney General was here,” a snarky Rosenstein said to the crowd, referring to Trump’s scheduled […]

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What Hypocrisy?… Hey Tim Cook: Apple Is Banning “Hate Speech” but “F*ck White People” and “Suck My D*ck Hoe” Are OK?

The Gateway Pundit 

Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke earlier this week and announced Apple will not permit ‘hate’ speech on its platform. And by “hate speech” he means anything not liberal. Cook was speaking at the former human rights group, the Anti-Defamation League. At one time the group defended Israel and Jewish causes. Today the ADL just trashes […]

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John Solomon Bombshell: FBI Email Chain Involving Comey May Be Most Damning Evidence of FISA Abuses Yet

The Gateway Pundit 

Republican lawmakers have discovered a new email chain between the FBI and DOJ that may be the most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet. The emails are classified and lawmakers are asking President Trump to declassify them along with other pertinent Russia docs. Former FBI Director James Comey is reportedly in this long email chain […]

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Новости России

За прошедшую неделю подмосковные росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность более 200 мероприятий

WHAT A JOKE: DOJ Ramps Up Probe Into Podesta Group… Can You Guess the Outcome? (Hint: They’re Democrats)

The Gateway Pundit 

Tony Podesta Justice Department prosecutors are ramping up their investigation into foreign lobbying by the Podesta Group and Mercury Public Affairs according to the Associated Press. Is this just a ploy to make it look like Mueller is bipartisan? AP reported: In a flurry of new activity, Justice Department prosecutors in the last several weeks […]

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Bill Requiring Colleges to Provide Abortion Pills to Students Reintroduced in California After Being Vetoed

The Gateway Pundit 

A bill mandating college health centers provide abortion pills to students has been reintroduced in the California Senate after being vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown. Brown previously struck down the bill in September. The bill, The “College Student Right to Access Act,” or SB 24, was reintroduced on Monday by Democratic State Senator Connie Leyva. […]

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Ungrateful Honduran Illegal Migrant Who Complained About Mexican “Pig Food” — Is Seen Dining in Dallas, Texas

The Gateway Pundit 

In November ungrateful Honduran migrant “Lady Frijoles” upset her Mexican caretakers when she complained to reporters about the free beans and tortillas provided to the members of the caravan camping out in Tijuana, Mexico. The Honduran woman interviewed by the reporter described the free meals given to her as ‘pig food.’ “The food that they’re […]

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Census Data Reveals That Majority of Illegal Immigrants Are On Welfare

The Gateway Pundit 

A study published this week revealed that the majority of illegal immigrants and green card holders residing in the United States are on welfare. The Center for Immigration Studies report used the latest Census Bureau Data to determine that 63% of non-citizen households reported being on welfare. The report explains, “63 percent of households headed […]

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