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Новости за 01.07.2020

HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely

The Gateway Pundit 

The CDC is over counting the number of China coronavirus cases in an apparent effort to keep the country shut down throughout the summer.  This fraudulent activity was uncovered by the far-left Atlantic proving even a dead clock is right twice a day.  On May 21, 2020, the Atlantic reported that the CDC was over…

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BREAKING: Democrat Tyrant Gavin Newsom Closes Down all Indoor Dining, Museums, Theaters in California After Allowing BLM/Antifa to Riot

The Gateway Pundit 

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday announced he will be rolling back the state’s reopening due to the surge in Coronavirus cases. On Wednesday, Newsom shut it down. Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and Orange County were ordered to close indoor operations at restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, zoos and museums. #BREAKING L.A., Riverside,…

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The Trump Recovery Train Is Rolling – America Is In Its Greatest Recovery Ever – DOW Set Record for Largest Point Increase in a Quarter Ever in Q2

The Gateway Pundit 

Shhh – the MSM is not reporting this but the greatest economic recovery in US history has already begun. The DOW is up more than 7,000 points since March’s low. This is record breaking. The DOW is up more than 7,000 points in the last three months. The DOW has never gone up more in…

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“This Is Not a Victory. The Fight to Defund Policing Continues” – Idiot AOC Blasts NY City Officials After They Fail to Disband Police

The Gateway Pundit 

This is your future under Democrat control — No cops. Democrat Party leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted the New York City Council after they failed to abolish the police. AOC is the thought leader in the party. Democrats have gone from being elitist idiots to dangerous lunatics. The Indy Star reported: As calls to defund the…

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NYC Mayor De Blasio Defends Ban on Religious Gatherings, Says Black Lives Matter Protests OK Because of ‘Profound Meaning’ (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Christians and Jews are being openly persecuted against in the United States while Black Lives Matter militants are given special treatment. There is zero equality under the law. This is pure Marxism. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday defended his decision to ban religious gatherings while allowing Black Lives Matter militants and Antifa domestic…

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OUTRAGEOUS: Last Week Judge Emmet Sullivan Was Ordered to Dismiss General Flynn Case – What the Hell is this Corrupt Judge Waiting For?!?!!

The Gateway Pundit 

A week ago today the DC Appeals Court dropped all charges against General Michael Flynn Case! The Appeals Court ordered: —Sullivan to dismiss the case —Gleeson’s appointment as “amicus” immediately “vacated”. THIS WAS HUGE NEWS! President Trump weighed in almost immediately! Great! Appeals Court Upholds Justice Departments Request To Drop Criminal Case Against General Michael…

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“You’re a F**king Black Judas” – Topless NY BLM Protester Attacks Police for Being Uneducated, Illiterate, Working Class Rubes (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

De Blasio’s New York– Black Lives Matter activists abused New York police last night at City Hall as the city council gathered to vote to cut one billion from the NYPD. One topless trans activist was filmed abusing police officers calling them uneducated, working class, illiterate idiots. Trans activist: “You know a hairdresser has to…

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CURL: Mainstream Media Go All In With ‘Panic Porn’ Over COVID-19

The Gateway Pundit 

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has a perfect name for the mainstream media’s coverage of COVID-19: Panic Porn. Take this headline: “COVID-19 hospitalizations in Texas hit another record Monday.” “Hospitalizations of patients with the novel coronavirus in Texas reached an all-time high Monday after breaking records for nearly every day the previous two weeks,”…

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St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones Labels Catholic Prayer Rally a KKK Meeting – Then Three St. Louis Christians Beaten, One Knocked Out by Leftist and Kicked in the Head (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Last Wednesday The Gateway Pundit announced a prayer rally on Saturday at the iconic St. Louis Statue on Art Hill in Forest Park. We planned the rally because there is currently a petition by local leftist and radical Umar Lee to remove this beautiful landmark in St. Louis City.  And these radicals want to change…

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‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’: Police Storm Into CHAZ After Seattle Mayor Orders ‘Occupied’ Area Cleared; 13 Arrested So Far

The Gateway Pundit 

Seattle police stormed into the city’s protest zone early Wednesday morning, shortly after Mayor Jenny Durkan issued an executive order that demanded protesters leave the area, which has been occupied for more than two weeks. As police flooded into the zone, protesters responded with chants and calls for them to leave. The protesters had erected barricades…

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FOX News’ Tucker Carlson Sets Record for Largest Audience in Cable News History by Calling for Equal Justice Under the Law and Free Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

FOX News cable television set a new record this past quarter.  The Tucker Carlson Show set the record for the largest cable news show audience during a single quarter in cable news history.  He did this by calling for equal justice under the law and for free speech.  These are two issues the Democrats cannot…

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Seattle Mayor Calls For Investigation And Possible Expulsion Of Unhinged Socialist Councilperson Kshama Sawant

The Gateway Pundit 

After initially passing off CHAZ/CHOP as an innocuous dance party, Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan is now calling for the communist utopia to be dismantled after a series of shootings have taken place there and citizens are pursuing legal action against the city for letting the cesspool grow. The mob, of course, is now turning their…

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Новости России

Участники Молодежного сообщества ВЫЗОВ взяли интервью у выдающихся деятелей России

Woke Harvard Senior Claims TikTok Video of Her Saying She’ll Stab and Watch Bleed Out the Next Person with ‘Caucasity’ to Say All Lives Matter is a Joke

The Gateway Pundit 

A Black Lives Matter TikTok video by Harvard Senior Claira Janover in which she threatens to stab and watch bleed out “the next person who has the sheer nerve, the sheer entitled caucasity to say ‘all lives matter'” went viral Tuesday in spite of a disclaimer Janover posted under the video stating “for legal reasons…

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SICK. NY Times Pervert Paul Krugman Smears Florida Seniors as “White Supremacists” as COVID Numbers Climb in State

The Gateway Pundit 

New York Times hack reporter Paul Krugman, who once proclaimed that markets would “never recover” after Trump’s election victory, posted a bizarre tweet earlier this year on the child porn found on his phone. Mike Cernovich wrote about this fishy story earlier I’ve seen a lot in my life – stuff I hope others don’t.…

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St. Louis Homeowner Mark McCloskey Dunks on CNN Hack Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo with Epic One-Liner (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

St. Louis homeowner and attorney Mark McCloskey appeared on CNN Tuesday evening to discuss his confrontation with Black Lives Matter militants who broke through a gate onto a private street in his neighborhood. A livestream of the militant mob clearly shows they entered through a gate into a private community. Mark McCloskey and his wife…

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BREAKING: Trump’s 2016 Arizona Chair Jeff DeWit Will Join Campaign as Chief Operating Officer

The Gateway Pundit 

There have been rumblings in conservative circles that big shake-ups were coming in the Trump Campaign. Tonight Axios broke the story that 2016 Arizona Trump Campaign Chairman Jeff DeWit will join the 2020 Campaign as Chief Operating Officer. According to Axios DeWit is a Jared Kushner ally. Axios reported: Michael Glassner, the man who organizes…

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EXCLUSIVE: Politicians Throughout the US Need to Look at the COVID19 Data and Stop the Panic Porn and Insanity

The Gateway Pundit 

After months of panic porn and fraudulent projections and statistics about the China coronavirus and horrible unconstitutional mandates from corrupt politicians, it’s long past time to look at the data and manage according to the facts.  This is what successful business people and leaders do in the real world. Since the world was first introduced…

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Москвичи переводят городские баллы «Миллиона призов» в поддержку бойцов СВО

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