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Новости за 17.07.2020

Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp Sues Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms Over Her Mask Mandate

The Gateway Pundit 

Mayor Keisha Bottoms Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) sued Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms over her mask mandate. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is a Marxist and marched with Black Lives Matter militants last month. Kemp’s lawsuit alleges the Democrat Mayor lacks the authority to implement and enforce a face mask mandate and that she must obey…

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Lessen 864 on How the Left Is Full of Idiots — #FacistTrump

The Gateway Pundit 

This is what happens when you replace reading and math with social justice studies. On Friday the hashtag “#FacistTrump” started trending on Twitter. Not “#FascistTrump” but “FasistTrump” #FasistTrump was retweeted over 12,000 times! These Marxist idiots want back in power so they can take more of your money, pass out reparations and defund police. Good…

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Miss Swimsuit UK Stripped of Title For Posting ‘All Lives Matter’ on Facebook, Questioning if George Floyd Was Innocent

The Gateway Pundit 

Miss Swimsuit UK Jasmine Archer-Jones, 23, has been stripped of her title for posting that “All Lives Matter” and questioning the innocence of leftist martyr George Floyd. The swimsuit model is also under attack over her boyfriend’s Facebook posts, including a meme that said “white guilt is real, white privilege is a leftist lie.” Archer…

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BREAKING REPORT: Health Officials in Numerous States ‘Mistakenly’ Included Positive Results From Antibody Tests When Reporting New COVID-19 Cases to CDC

The Gateway Pundit 

Health officials from numerous states have ‘mistakenly’ included positive results from antibody tests when reporting new Coronavirus cases to the CDC, ultimately inflating new cases. The Trump administration announced new guidelines on Wednesday. Starting this week hospitals will be ordered to bypass the CDC and send ALL COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington…

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Noose Hoaxer Bubba Wallace Booed at NASCAR All-Star Race Qualifier, Cheered After Crash (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Noose hoaxer Bubba Wallace this week was booed as he was introduced at the NASCAR all-star qualifier and cheered after he crashed. The media exploded last month after NASCAR released a statement revealing that a ‘noose’ was reportedly found in top driver Bubba Wallace’s Talladega garage stall. The FBI unleashed 15 agents on the case…

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Suspect Arrested for Beating Cops Bloody on Brooklyn Bridge Is Released without Bail

The Gateway Pundit 

Quran Campbell, one of the men who was arrested this week for beating New York Police Officers, was released from jail without bail. Campbell beat NYPD Chief of Department Terence Monahan this week while crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. These are the injuries our officers sustained. pic.twitter.com/KI9wQKywHH — NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) July 15, 2020 ABC7 reported:…

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BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reveals Her Liver Cancer Has Returned

The Gateway Pundit 

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed Friday that her liver cancer has returned. The 87-year-old revealed in a statement on Friday that she began a course of chemotherapy to treat a recurrence of cancer on May 19. “Immunotherapy first essayed proved unsuccessful,” she said. “The chemotherapy course, however, is yielding positive results.” Ginsburg said…

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EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Fundraising Machine ‘ActBlue Texas’ Caught Paying Out Small Sums to Hundreds of Individuals for Unknown Purposes

The Gateway Pundit 

The Gateway Pundit reported on May 30th the recent riots in Democrat-led cities around the country were coordinated and related to three main groups: 1) US based Islamist Organizations, 2) Domestic terrorists, and 3) Others related to the Democrat Party. There clearly was no reason for the mass riots taking place around the country after…

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South Dakota Governor: There Were No New Outbreaks After Trump July 4th Event – Coronavirus Numbers are Dropping (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

  South Dokota Governor Kristi Noem was blasted by the liberal mainstream media for holding a 4th of July celebration at Mount Rushmore with President Donald J. Trump. The media warned Noem that coronavirus numbers would explode following the event where most of those in attendance chose not to wear masks at the historic event.…

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Perfect! First Woman Veep! Caitlin Jenner Wants to Be Kanye West’s Vice President

The Gateway Pundit 

Caitlyn Jenner wants to be Kanye West’s running mate. She would then wear the title of first female Vice President. Perfection. First woman Veep!! It would serve feminists right. https://t.co/aNDWIUM2aj — Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) July 17, 2020 TMZ reported: Caitlyn was walking back to her car after grabbing some Starbucks in Westlake Village, CA when…

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SICK MONSTERS: Police Still Looking for BLM Protesters in Columbus, Ohio, Who Attacked Disabled Man with Cerebral Palsey Stuck in Traffic (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Columbus, Ohio, police are still looking for the violent Black Lives Matter protesters who attacked an elderly man with Cerebral Palsey during their May riots. Columbus police released video this week that documents people engaging in violent behavior directed at a victim with Cerebral Palsy and his vehicle as well as others who actively came…

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DHS Head Chad Wolfe Visits Portland, Rips Officials, Day After Rioters Attempted Another Autonomous Zone Takeover

The Gateway Pundit 

On the 98321048973242th consecutive night of protests in Portland, the demonstrators attempted once again to set up an “autonomous zone” similar to the debacle that transpired in Seattle. The Portland communists must be losing their touch, because they’ve unable to match their counterparts to the north, as the police repeatedly dismantle the zones and send…

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DEVELOPING: Ilhan Omar’s Primary Opponent Raises a Staggering $3.2 Million to Omar’s $471,000 — Is Upset Brewing?

The Gateway Pundit 

Is there an upset brewing in Minnesota? Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent Antone Melton-Meaux raised seven times as much money as Omar, scoring $3.2 million against Omar’s $471K. The Star Tribune reported: Melton-Meaux, a mediation lawyer who emerged on the DFL scene late last year to challenge Omar, told the Star Tribune he raised a staggering…

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“Unconstitutional Abuse of Power” – Three California Churches Sue Gavin Newsom Over Singing Ban

The Gateway Pundit 

Gavin Newsom Three Northern California churches are suing Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom for banning singing in houses of worship. Newsom on July 1st closed churches, gyms, hair and nail salons, indoor malls in Los Angeles and 29 other counties including Orange County, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Diego and all other counties in Southern California. There…

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Новости России

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

HERE WE GO: Biden Campaign Wants Fact Checkers For Presidential Debates Because Joe Biden Is Incapable Forming Coherent Arguments (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden Campaign Chair Cedric Richmond joined FOX and Friends Thursday morning to discuss the current state of the Biden campaign. During his discussion with Brian Kilmeade Richmond compared Trump voters to David Duke voters in the United States. When he was asked about this comparison he said, “Well, I’m using it as an example…

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WOW! Mary Trump, the Latest Grifter to Write Anti-Trump Book, Has NO PHOTOS with Donald Trump, May Not Have Met Him – But Heard Him Say the N-Word?

The Gateway Pundit 

The worst kind of grifter – A family grifter. Mary Trump told Rachel Maddow she heard her uncle Donald Trump say the N-word and use anti-Semitic slurs. .@realDonaldTrump's niece, Mary Trump, says she has heard the president use anti-Semitic slurs and the N-word. pic.twitter.com/bYgp7G8wuG — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) July 16, 2020 It is unlikely the…

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NOT MAKING NATIONAL HEADLINES: Black Mass Shooter Kills Two Random Men in Indiana Before Being Gunned Down by CCW Holder (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday 22-year-old black male Joshua Hayes  traveled a few miles outside Indianapolis to Brownsburg, a neighboring community. Joshua Hayes stopped his car, got out and started shooting at the first people he saw – two white males working at a cemetery. One victim was hit, and fell in the road.  Shooter Hayes walked up…

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Spot the Liar: President Trump’s Niece, Mary Trump Tells Rachel Maddow She’s Heard Trump Use Anti-Semitic Slurs and the N-Word (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, has been on the fake news circuit peddling her new book titled, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” Mary Trump is another grifter using Donald Trump’s presidency to make money and become famous. Mary Trump on Thursday told conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow…

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