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Новости за 31.07.2020

Bill Clinton’s Spox Releases Statement in Response to Witness Alleging Clinton Was on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island with “2 Young Girls”

The Gateway Pundit 

Bill Clinton’s spokesperson on Friday released a statement after Ghislaine Maxwell documents unsealed Thursday night contained statements from a witness who told a lawyer that she saw Clinton on Epstein’s pedophile island in the Caribbean. Clinton’s spokesman told Newsweek that the former US President “never” went to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. In a statement on…

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Portland’s “Peaceful Protesters” Plant Severed Pig’s Head on American Flag and Light It on Fire Outside Portland Justice Center

The Gateway Pundit 

Peaceful Portland protesters are now using severed pigs’ heads in their ongoing attempt to takeover the Hatfield US Courthouse. Last night they cut off a pigs head and lit it on fire on a US flag outside of the federal courthouse. Antifa protesters dumped a bloody severed pig’s head on an American flag outside the…

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Ontario, Canada Govt Medical Official Warns Against Mass Coronavirus Testing– ‘Will Not Actually Achieve Anything’, False Positives ‘Almost Half’ in Low COVID Areas (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

As Ontario, Canada prepares to open schools for children in September, Ontario’s Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe warned against mass testing for the COVID-19 China coronavirus, saying it takes resources from other needed areas and does not “actually achieve anything.” Dr. Yaffe also said that in areas with low incidences of…

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“You Won’t Be Safe in Joe Biden’s America” – Trump Campaign Ties Joe Biden to the Radical Left in Hard Hitting Ad (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

“You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America” The Trump campaign rolled out a new hard-hitting ad tying Biden to the radical left. The Democrat party has gone full-blown radical left and Joe Biden embraces it. Biden agreed to cut funding from police and redirect the money to social justice programs. The media paints Biden…

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BREAKING: Seattle City Council Moves to Abolish the Police Department and Replace it with ‘Community-Led Public Safety System’

The Gateway Pundit 

First Minneapolis, now Seattle. Seattle City Council on Friday moved to abolish the entire police department and replace it with a Marxist “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.” In the proposed legislation, the city council asserted that the Seattle Police Department perpetuates “racism and violence” and upholds “white supremacy culture.” “The Council…

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Esteemed French Dr. Didier Raoult Testifies Person Behind Death Threats He Received Is Top Doctor Linked to Gilead Pharmaceuticals

The Gateway Pundit 

Way back in late March Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult that was able to repeat his findings from a previous study. This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for…

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FAUCI EXPOSED: Jim Jordan’s Grilling Proves It’s All Political (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before a House subcommittee on Friday on a national strategy for combating the Coronavirus. Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) grilled Fauci on whether the protesters and rioters are increasing the spread of COVID-19. Rep. Jordan asked Fauci if the government should “limit” the protesting. Fauci danced around the question and didn’t condemn…

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BREAKING: Documents Released in Epstein Case Last Night Contain Redactions – THAT CAN BE UNREDACTED WHEN COPYING TO NOTEPAD

The Gateway Pundit 

OMG!  The documents released last night by the DOJ were presented in a format that can be unredacted by copying to Notes.   It’s being reported that you can uncover the content behind the redactions, in at least one file released yesterday, related to the Epstein case: https://twitter.com/SullengerCheryl/status/1289056641531478017?s=20 This appears to be the case as of…

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HUGE DEVELOPMENT: 51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective in Treating COVID-19 — 16 Find HCQ NOT Effective — But 10 of Those Are Late Treatment Studies!

The Gateway Pundit 

How many tens of thousands of Americans must die because of Dr. Fauci’s mistakes? It is becoming more and more apparent with each new day and as more information is accumulated that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, the CDC and the FDA failed in their response to the China Coronavirus. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx…

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Black Conservative Launches Campaign To “Expose Racist Joe Biden”

The Gateway Pundit 

CJ Pearson, an up-and-coming teenage black conservative who has gained international attention for his outspoken support for President Donald Trump, just announced on Twitter the formation of The Free Thinker Project, which aims to produce a series of ads addressing Joe Biden’s racist past. “The Free Thinker Project is a fact-based movement committed to bringing…

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Pot Calling the Kettle Black – Radical Leftist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Claims Conservative Judges Are Biased

The Gateway Pundit 

Obama appointed radical left Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who never votes against a far-left leaning position no matter how unconstitutional the argument, claims the conservative Justices on the court are biased.  What a horrible joke. Law and Crime reported yesterday that Justice Sotomayor is disgusted with the actions of the other Supreme Court Justices:…

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AMAZING! Trump at 50% Approval Rating — Three Points Higher than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating surged to 50% on Friday. This is despite the continued media onslaught and the outrageous smears over his handling of the coronavirus. Barack Obama had a 47% approval rating at the same point in his presidency. And, as Rasmussen reported earlier, Obama had a 95% positive media. Trump has a…

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VOA Under Investigation for Election Interference After Promoting Pro-Biden Ad with Noted Anti-Semites Linda Sarsour and Ilhan Omar

The Gateway Pundit 

Voice of America is under investigation after promoting a video ad for Democrat Joe Biden. The pro-Biden video ad in Urdu language features Joe Biden along with noted anti-American, anti-Semites Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour. VOA is a taxpayer funded organization. It was well known that Barack Obama filled the communications organization with anti-American hacks…

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The Real Trump-Epstein Relationship – While Former President Clinton Partied with Epstein on Orgy Island – Citizen Trump’s Relationship Was Mostly Adversarial

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Joseph Dugal The liberal media would like to portray President Clinton’s and citizen Trump’s relationships with Jeffrey Epstein as similar in nature.  Nothing could be further from the truth. The real Trump-Epstein relationship is purely adversarial – Donald Trump has been fighting Jeffrey Epstein since before, during, and after the time George…

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Disgruntled Democrat Volunteer Returns to Party Headquarters and Destroys Building in Massive Fire

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat arsonist Matthew Egler Police arrested a former Democrat volunteer Matthew Egler for torching the Democrat Party headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona on July 24th. Local Democrats blamed the arson on Republicans before the arrest of the disgruntled Democrat Party volunteer. ARREST MADE: 29-year-old Matthew Egler has been arrested in connection with the fire set to…

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Florida Couple Arrested For Refusing to Quarantine – Property Manager Videotaped Couple Walking Their Dog and Gave Footage to Police

The Gateway Pundit 

Jose Interian, Yohana Gonzalez A couple living in the Florida Keys were arrested Wednesday morning for refusing to quarantine after testing positive for the Coronavirus. Jose Interian, 24, and Yohana Gonzalez, 26, are now facing second-degree misdemeanor charges for violating isolation rules for a quarantine. The Miami Herald reported that a neighbor caught the couple…

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Liz Cheney Snaps Back at President Trump After He Tweets About Moving Election Date Due to Democrat Election Fraud

The Gateway Pundit 

On Thursday morning President Trump suggested in a tweet that the November 3rd election should be postponed until Americans can vote in person. The president clearly tweeted this after Democrat governors have been pushing for mail-in voting knowing it is easier for the party to cheat that way. President Trump: With Universal Mail-In Voting (not…

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