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Новости за 28.07.2020

HORROR: Elderly White Nursing Home Patient Seen on Video Being Brutally Beaten by Black Man Dies After Attack

The Gateway Pundit 

Michigan – 20-year-old Jaden Hayden posted a video of himself beating an elderly white nursing home patient back in May. Jaden Hayden posted multiple videos of himself beating nursing home patients to Bitchute and YouTube. He filmed himself beating 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe on the head until he was bloodied. Norman Bledsoe never recovered from the…

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“You’re A Real Class Act” – AG Barr Says What Americans Have Been Thinking for Years about Democrat House Chairman Nadler

The Gateway Pundit 

After hours of abuse, slander and rage from Democrats, AG Bill Barr asks for a 5 minute break.  When Chairman Nadler refuses, AG Barr says what we’ve been thinking for years about Nadler: AG BARR: “Could we take a 5 minute break, Mr. Chairman?” CHAIRMAN NADLER: “No..” pic.twitter.com/DGYpAYwS8P — Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 28, 2020 Rep.…

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“WE NEED YOUR HELP” – Brave Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Asks Patients Who Have Been Cured by HCQ to Speak Up (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Stella Immanuel How many Americans have died of COVID-19 because the Democrat-media complex lied about Hydroxychloroquine? Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out on Monday and said that she has personally treated over 350 patients suffering from COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Zithromax and they have all recovered. The doctor also disclosed that she put…

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UPDATE– VIMEO TOOK DOWN THE VIDEO… LIVE VIDEO: Day 2 of “White Coat Summit” of Frontline Doctors Discuss Media Misinformation on Treating Coronavirus – UNTIL TECH GIANTS REMOVE IT!

The Gateway Pundit 

Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus. Day two of their summit is going to kickoff today in front of the US Supreme Court. The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in…

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BREAKING: Twitter, Google, YouTube, Facebook REMOVE Videos on COVID-19 “White Coat Summit” — Now Squarespace REMOVES ITS WEBSITE!

The Gateway Pundit 

WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE? Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube censored and removed video from yesterday’s “White Coat Summit” in Washington DC. THIS IS COLLUSION! Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus. Day two of their…

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Will You Be Getting $1,200 From The Feds In New Stimulus Plan?

The Gateway Pundit 

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are moving along with negotiations for another stimulus package that will deliver money to millions of Americans hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday released the Republican version for a second round of stimulus, calling it the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS)…

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Tyrant Nadler Pounds Gavel, Yells at GOP Lawmakers For Not Wearing Masks, Tells Them “It is Not Permissible” to Sip Water (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

US Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday appeared before the House Judiciary Committee. As expected, Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) lied about the Portland riots and attacked Bill Barr. At one point, tyrant Nadler pounded his gavel and scolded GOP lawmakers for not wearing masks during the hearing. Nadler yelled at GOP Rep. Jim Jordan and…

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“Why Should I?” AG Bill Barr DESTROYS Trump-Hating Hack Eric Swalwell During House Testimony (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is such a hack. On Tuesday Swalwell tried to impugn Attorney General Bill Barr’s integrity during his testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee. It totally backfired. Swalwell looked like a bitter, small man as Bill Barr continued to swat his accusations down one after another. When asked if he…

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Hack Reporter Andrea Mitchell Whines on MSNBC After Jim Jordan Plays Video of Far Left Antifa-BLM Violence in Portland and Across the US (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

On Tuesday Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, played video of the continuing violence and leftist rioting on the streets across America. This was devastating and revealing. Following Jordan’s remarks and video MSNBC hack reporter Andrea Mitchell complained about the use of this revealing video on MSNBC. What a…

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Rep. Nadler and Democrats Reveal They Don’t Care About Truth — They Only Care About Power at any Cost

The Gateway Pundit 

Jerry Nadler began today’s hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr with disgusting comments about the AG and the President of the United States Donald Trump.  Nadler’s comments show that the Democrats are not after the truth but are all-in on the destruction of the United States. Democrats do not want the truth but rather want…

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“Shame on you, Mr. Barr!” – Nadler Accuses Barr of Sending Federal Officers to Portland to Get Footage For Trump Campaign Ads – Then Wouldn’t Let Barr Respond! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

US Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday appeared before the House Judiciary Committee. As expected, Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) lied about the Portland riots and attacked Bill Barr. A few days ago, Nadler was asked by a conservative filmmaker to denounce the Antifa terrorists torching Portland and several US cities. Nadler’s response, “That’s a myth.”…

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BRUTAL! Jim Jordan Opens AG Barr Hearing with DEVASTATING VIDEO on Leftist Violence, Looting and Rioting in the Streets of America (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Attorney General Bill Barr is set to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning. Chairman Jerry Nadler opened the hearing with several baseless attacks on Attorney General Barr. Next up was Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Jordan was ON FIRE! Rep. Jordan opened his…

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STUNNING! Twitter Suspends Donald Trump Jr. After He Posts Viral Video on Successful HCQ Treatment for COVID-19

The Gateway Pundit 

Tech censorship and leftist intolerance is the biggest threat today to America’s future. On Monday Twitter censored President Trump for posting video of Dr. Stella Immanuel discussing her success with hydroxychloroquine in treating coronavirus patients. Dr. Stella Immanuel said on Monday that she has personally treated over 350 patients with COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and…

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Carter Page Sues Yahoo and Huffington Post in Delaware Court for “Campaign of Lies” Against Him

The Gateway Pundit 

Maybe this time Carter Page will receive justice.  Page sued Huffington Post and Yahoo today for their campaign of lies against him for supposedly being a Russian spy.  A charge that the biased gang from the Mueller Special Investigation couldn’t even prove. Law and Crime reported today: Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to…

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HERE WE GO: Notre Dame Withdraws From Hosting Presidential Debate Due to Concerns Over COVID-19

The Gateway Pundit 

Notre Dame on Monday withdrew from hosting a presidential debate scheduled for September 29 due to concerns over COVID-19. Notre Dame announced: After consultation with Dr. Mark Fox, St. Joseph County deputy health officer, and with the unanimous support of the Executive Committee of the University’s Board of Trustees, Father Jenkins made what he called…

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Larry C. Johnson: The Curious Silence of the Traitors

The Gateway Pundit 

Guest post by Larry C. Johnson Remember when John O. Brennan–Obama’s CIA Director–and disgraced FBI agent, Peter Strzok, were regularly spewing anti-Trump diatribes on Twitter? Well, Strzok went silent on 11 July 2020 and Brennan did the same a week later (18 July 2020). I do not think that is a coincidence. I have now…

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SHOWDOWN: Revolt is Brewing as Bernie Sanders Delegates Prepare to Rebel if Biden Doesn’t Cave to ‘Medicare For All’ Demands

The Gateway Pundit 

At least 360 Democrat delegates, mostly Bernie Sanders supporters, have signed a pledge to vote against a Democrat national platform that does not include medicare for all. According to Politico’s delegate tracker, Biden has 2,632 delegates and Sanders currently has 1,076. The Dems are holding a ‘virtual’ DNC in Milwaukee in just three weeks and…

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Republican Luke Negron Slams Rioters And Looters, Proposes Innovative Police Training Technique

The Gateway Pundit 

Luke Negron is a 27-year-old Republican congressional candidate for Pennsylvania’s 18th district who stands against riots and looting, while also understanding the need for police reform. In a viral video, Negron proposed an innovative form of police training known as “immersion training.” Luke Negron is running to unseat Democrat Michael Doyle, the elitist 26-year-year incumbent.…

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Brave Frontline COVID Doctor Calls Out Fake News, Challenges CNN’s Chris Cuomo to Take a Urine Test to Prove He Isn’t Taking Hydroxychloroquine (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Dr. Stella Immanuel How many Americans died of COVID-19 because the Democrat-media complex lied about Hydroxychloroquine? Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the Coronavirus. The fake news media, including CNN, NBC, CBS, WaPO and NY Times all waged…

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