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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 01.10.2020

Biden Campaign in Panic Mode, Launches In-Person Canvassing One Month Before Election After Mocking Trump’s Ground Game

The Gateway Pundit 

After criticizing the Trump camp’s ground game as ‘outdated,’ Biden’s camp has announced they will resume door-knocking (ballot harvesting?) one month before the election. The Trump army has been working around the clock, knocking on millions of doors across the country. However, for the last 3 months, Biden’s campaign staffers have mocked Trump’s army, saying…

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Get Woke, Go Broke: Game 1 of 2020 NBA Finals Loses HALF of 2019’s Audience, According to Early Ratings

The Gateway Pundit 

NBA players take a knee during National Anthem, screen image Get woke, go broke. Americans are fed up with politics in sports. Apparently overpaid spoiled athletes kneeling during the National Anthem while shoving Marxism down their fans throats isn’t a successful strategy. Game 1 of the NBA Finals lost half of 2019’s audience — and…

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American Cyclist Suspended by Team Over Pro-Trump Comments on Social Media

The Gateway Pundit 

Quinn Simmons American cyclist Quinn Simmons, 19, was suspended by the Trek-Segafredo team on Thursday over his pro-Trump social media posts. “Regrettably, team rider Quinn Simmons made statements online that we feel are divisive, incendiary, and detrimental to the team, professional cycling, its fans, and the positive future we hope to help create for the…

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ZING! Kayleigh McEnany Drop Kicks CBS Hack Paula Reid, “You Claim to Be So Outraged and Offended by Trump Interrupting Biden But That’s All You Do Here” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The mainstream-liberal media has a record now of perverse disrespect for President Trump and his administration. Their double standard is obvious and their hatred for President Trump and his voters is revealed on a daily basis. On Thursday anti-Trump CBS hack reporter Paula Reid continued to interrupt White House Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany with racist attacks…

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Black Salt Lake Proud Boys Leader Publicly Denounces White Supremacy — Angry White Twitter Leftists Hurl Racist Attacks at Him Anyway

The Gateway Pundit 

Do you ever get the feeling the liberal mainstream media is lying to you?! Salt Lake City Proud Boys leader “Thad” denounced white supremacists in an interview this week on local TV. Thad is a black Proud Boy leader and America First patriot. Thad: The Proud Boys as a whole, I will say this on…

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WATCH: Comey Claims To Know ‘Nothing’ About FBI Lawyer Who Admitted To Doctoring Email (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Ex-FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the Senate about inaccurate court filings made by the FBI connected with the probe into President Trump’s campaign. Senator Ted Cruz stated, “This investigation of the president was corrupt. The FBI and the Department of Justice were politicized and weaponized. And in my opinion, there are only…

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CIA Director Gina Haspel Personally Blocking Declassification of Remaining Explosive Russiagate Documents

The Gateway Pundit 

CIA Director Gina Haspel is blocking the declassification of remaining Russiagate documents according to Sean Davis of The Federalist. DNI John Ratcliffe earlier this week declassified and released bombshell intel revealing Hillary Clinton hatched the Russia hoax on July 26, 2016 in order to pin the DNC ‘hacking’ on Donald Trump. The Obama-Biden White House…

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FOX News Hack John Roberts LOSES IT! Whines over Twitter Attacks After He Refuses to Accept President Trump’s Denunciation of White Supremacists

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier today FOX News reporter John Roberts asked White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany if President Trump would denounce white supremacists which she did. Then John Roberts asked her the same question two more times refusing to shut his mouth and listen to her response. The media are so desperate to paint @realDonaldTrump as a…

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Lying Democrats Now Trying to Tie Trump to Russia Because of His Taxes – Ignore Biden Family’s Millions from Moscow and Russian Hookers

The Gateway Pundit 

Fired FBI Chief James Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. During questioning Senator Dick Durbin suggested that President Trump is a likely target for Russia and Vladimir Putin because as a billionaire businessman he holds debt. And then on Wednesday Democrat Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) asked DNI John Ratcliffe and his…

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Trump Exposes Debate Commission Hacks: No Calls for Mic Cuts After Biden Heckled, Interrupted Ryan 82 Times in 2012 Debate

The Gateway Pundit 

The Commission on Presidential Debates issued a statement after Tuesday’s debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden that said the commission was looking at making adjustments as a result of moderator Chris Wallace losing control of the debate to Trump and Biden who interrupted and talked over each other and Wallace…

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Joe Biden is So Exhausted From His Train Tour Yesterday That He Started Off the Morning By Calling a Lid and Shutting Down For the Day

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden is so exhausted from his ‘whistle tour’ yesterday that he called a lid and shut everything down before noon on Thursday. The Biden campaign officially called a lid for today at 11:03a ET for in person events. Biden will participate in a virtual fundraiser this afternoon. — Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) October 1, 2020…

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Ex-Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale Steps Away from Campaign Following Weekend Hospitalization

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale is stepping away from his business and the Trump campaign to focus on his family. Parscale released a statement following his arrest and hospitalization over the weekend. Parscale’s wife later said it was not true that he abused her. MSN reported: Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale has tendered…

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MUST SEE: Senator Josh Hawley Absolutely DESTROYS Fired FBI Director James Comey in Hearing on Deep State Corruption (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Finally “Cardinal” Comey meets his match. Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri destroys Comey in yesterday’s hearing before the US Senate. Fired FBI Director Jim Comey, who was right in the middle of the coup to remove President Trump from office, was in front of the US Senate yesterday.  He spoke from home while the Senate…

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“I Haven’t Heard Anything Coherent from Him” – Black Billionaire Robert Johnson Slams JOE BIDEN and the Democrat Party’s Plans for America (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

BET founder Robert Johnson went on CNBC on Wednesday following the first presidential debate between Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden. Johnson told CNBC, “Where I come out as a businessman, I will take the devil I know over the devil I don’t know anytime of the week.” He went on to…

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

Philadelphia’s Horrible Record of Democrat Voter Fraud Hits New Low – Voting Machine Laptop and Memory Sticks “Stolen”

The Gateway Pundit 

The City of Brotherly Love is notorious for Democrat voter fraud.  Now the situation just got worse – this is an emergency. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported yesterday: A laptop and several memory sticks used to program Philadelphia’s voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls, officials confirmed Wednesday, setting off a scramble…

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TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Hunter Biden’s First Drug Bust Among Several Incidents was at 18 and Just Last Week He Was Linked to a Russian Human Trafficking Ring

The Gateway Pundit 

Hunter Biden’s first arrest may have been when he was 18. Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore related to drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged. Many years later and after several stops into drug treatment facilities Hunter joined his father the Vice President on a trip to China in 2013 where Hunter…

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THAT’S WEIRD: The Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two LA Deputies is Taller than the Shooter in the Video

The Gateway Pundit 

The man arrested for shooting two LA police officers in September may not be the right guy.  Either that or his arrest record is incorrect. Two weeks ago on September 14, 2020, we reported that Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced that the Board of Supervisors authorized a $100,000 reward for information leading to…

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Leftist Former CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo Wants to Watch His Political Opponents Get Lined Up Against a Wall and Shot in the “Revolution”

The Gateway Pundit 

Former Twitter CEO and multi-millionaire Dick Costolo admitted on Wednesday night that he wants to murder those people he doesn’t agree with politically. Costolo tweeted this out on Wednesday night. This is a direct threat of murder posted on Twitter. So will they shut down his account? Mike Cernovich weighed in. This isn’t a nobody.…

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