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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 12.10.2020

CDC First Said Not to Wear Masks, Then to Wear Masks, Then Masks Were Better than Vaccines – Now New Evidence Shows Masks Are Ineffective

The Gateway Pundit 

Six months ago Dr. Robert Redfield told the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee that healthy people should not wear face masks. CDC Director Robert Redfield on masks, 6 months ago, prior to the “new science”: pic.twitter.com/idEfQ2RpYF — Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) September 16, 2020 Dr. Redfield even tweeted about it. CDC does not currently recommend the use…

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Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

The Gateway Pundit 

Texas School Boards have had enough of remote learning.  The main complaint is that the children are for the most part failing in their schooling. It’s being reported across Texas that School Districts are getting rid of remote learning.  Many are like the Refugio School District: The Refugio Independent School District announced Monday they will…

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Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally in Sanford, Florida (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump is holding a rally Monday evening at 7 PM ET at Orlando Sanford International Airport. This is President Trump’s first MAGA rally since recovering from Covid and his supporters are lining up in the sweltering Florida heat several hours ahead of the event! WATCH: MAGA rally in Sanford Florida night. 8 hrs before…

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Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

The Senate Judiciary Committee began its SCOTUS confirmation hearing for Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Monday. As expected, the Democrats used this hearing as an opportunity to abuse Amy Coney Barrett. Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic and mother of 7, stood strong and her statement to the Judiciary Committee was powerful. “I would…

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After Saying He’s Running For Senate, A Confused Joe Biden Tells Ohio Voters to go to a Website That Doesn’t Exist (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday traveled to Toledo, Ohio to deliver remarks on the economy. On his way to Toledo, Biden forgot Mitt Romney’s name and called him “some Mormon guy, the governor.” Then he said he’s “running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.” At the end of his speech, Biden told voters to go…

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What is Wrong with Old Joe? – Biden Tells Ohio Crowd, “I’m Running as a Proud Democrat For the Senate” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

What is wrong with Joe Biden? 77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday once again said he’s running for the Senate. This man is unfit for office. Biden traveled to Toledo, Ohio on Monday for a campaign event. On his way to Toledo, Biden forgot Mitt Romney’s name and called him “some Mormon guy, the governor.” Then…

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NO ONE LIKES A LIAR: Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

The Gateway Pundit 

At the first presidential debate Chris Wallace joined Joe Biden to tag-team on President Trump. It was a disgusting display. Chris Wallace did everything he could to interrupt, condemn, correct and even lecture the President of the United States! Wallace, a DC elitist, consciously attempted to flip the election to Joe Biden and the radical…

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Phony Kamala Harris Appears to be Reading From a Teleprompter For Her Virtual Opening State in Supreme Court Hearing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Vice Presidential nominee and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) appeared to be reading from a teleprompter Monday during Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS confirmation hearing. Kamala Harris appeared virtually for Monday’s Senate Judiciary hearing and seemed to be reading her opening statement from a teleprompter. Kamala Harris is in her office which is in the same building…

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WATCH: Black Congressional Candidate Harassed Over His Support For President Trump (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

A woman and her 15-year-old daughter approached Billy Prempeh, who is an Air Force Veteran running for Congress in the 9th Congressional District of New Jersey. The woman repeatedly shouted at Prempeh and the other campaigners because he supports Trump and is running as a Republican. Campaigners told the woman, “He’s running for Congress. He…

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MUST READ: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia to Disrupt 2020 Election

The Gateway Pundit 

Once again we are republishing this analysis by John L Kahselman, Jr. 2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago! Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and…

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Biden Forgets Mitt Romney’s Name: “I Got in Trouble When We Were Running Against the Senator Who Was a Mormon, the Governor” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

77-year-old Joe Biden forgot Mitt Romney’s name on Monday while speaking to reporters on a tarmac before he boarded a flight to Toledo, Ohio. Biden was asked about SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith and if it should be considered during her confirmation hearing. Joe Biden couldn’t remember Mitt Romney’s name — he’s just…

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“Nooooo!” Mark Meadows Tells CNN Reporter to Pound Sand After She Flips Out on Him For Taking Off His Mask When He’s 10 Feet Away (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Mark Meadows White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows wasn’t having it Monday after a CNN Covid Karen flipped out on him when he took off his face mask. Mark Meadows was more than 10 feet away from reporters when he took off his face mask. CNN’s Kristin Wilson flipped out, “Noooooooo!” So Mark Meadows…

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Pool Reporters Unable to Join Biden in Toledo, Ohio Today After Campaign’s Charter Plane Has “Mechanical Issues”

The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden on Monday morning traveled to Toledo, Ohio for a campaign event. The charter plane for Joe Biden’s campaign was having ‘mechanical issues’ so the pool reporters were told it’s unlikely they will be able to join Joe Biden in Toledo. How convenient. Charter plane for the @JoeBiden campaign that was to take reporters…

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“When You Tell Someone They’re Too Catholic – That’s Bigotry!” – Senator Josh Hawley STOMPS on Democrat Religious Bigots at Barrett Hearing (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s first day before the Senate Judiciary Committee is on live this morning. During this morning’s testimony Senator Josh Hawley DESTROYED the radical Democrats on the committee for previously pushing a Catholic test on the court. Senator Josh Hawley: “When you tell somebody that they’re too catholic to be on the bench,…

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California Governor Forces Churches to Close — But Massive Street Riots after Lakers Win is Totally Acceptable — And Police Assaulted (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Churches are not allowed to hold regular services in California. But massive street riots and celebrations are completely acceptable after the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Final. The celebrations included fireworks and assaulting police. What COVID? Los Angeles is taking to the streets outside of Staples Center after the the Lakers win championship No.…

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Outrageous! Senator Leahy Accuses Judge Amy Coney Barrett of Destroying Healthcare in the US — Pulls Out Smokey the Bear Photo (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Well, this was outrageous! Senator Leahy Accuses Judge Amy Coney Barrett of Destroying Healthcare in the US before she has even voted on the issue. Leahy also accused Barrett of hurting women and gays. Again, she is not even on the court yet! And for some reason he brought out a photo of Smokey the…

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North Korean Tyrant Kim Jong Un Breaks Down in Tears While Delivering Speech at Military Parade (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

So, the rumors were wrong. The little fat tyrant is not dead. North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un cried during his speech at the regime’s annual military parade. Kim Jong Un apologized for failing the people. Via The Washington Examiner: Speaking at a military parade meant to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the country’s ruling…

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Amy Coney Barrett and Family Enter Capitol for First Day of Senate Confirmation Hearings (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Supreme Court nominess Amy Coney Barrett and six of her seven children entered the US Capitol Building moments ago for the first day of her US Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Amy Comey Barrett’s youngest child with Down Syndrome stayed at home today. Judge Barrett has just arrived in the hearing room. #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/W5Ji1Bg0w1 — Shannon…

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‘Day of Rage’: Portland Militants Topple Statues of Roosevelt and Lincoln, Smash Oregon Historical Society (VIDEOS)

The Gateway Pundit 

Portland’s indigenous faction of Antifa militants toppled statues of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on Sunday, before vandalizing the Oregon Historical Society. The destruction was part of a “Day of Rage” promoted by the militants, who said that no cameras or livestreamers would be allowed. The extremists urged people who attended to wear all black.…

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EXCLUSIVE: Police Say Denver Killer Is Security Guard and Is Not Antifa – But All Evidence Suggests This is Not the Case

The Gateway Pundit 

Initial reports came out yesterday that a local news producer and their bodyguard were taken into custody for the fatal shooting of a Trump supporter during dueling rallies in Denver on Saturday. All initial reports had indicated that it was a conflict between Antifa and conservatives, but the Denver Police later issued a statement saying…

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South Africa Sets Rules for Confiscating Land from White Farmers without Compensation

The Gateway Pundit 

In December 2018 South African lawmakers passed a proposal to change the country’s constitution to make land grabs legal. The government voted in agreement to take land from white farmers without compensation. This same plan turned South Africa’s neighbor Zimbabwe from a state of plenty to a starving failed state. The parliament sang before voting…

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