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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 20.10.2020

A Party of Street Thugs: Creepy Democrat Adam Christensen Posts GOP Opponent’s Home Address with Map on Social Media

The Gateway Pundit 

They want us dead. Democrat candidate Adam Christensen recently posted his Republican opponent’s home address on Twitter. Christensen even included a map to her house. This is the modern day left. Violent, unhinged and dangerous. The Free Beacon reported: A Democratic congressional candidate posted the home address of his Republican rival on Twitter hours after…

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Biden Defector Bevan Cooney’s Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Viewed Direct Pipeline to Obama Administration as “Currency”

The Gateway Pundit 

Hunter Biden’s business associate Bevan Cooney flipped after being imprisoned for being the “fall guy” and he has since handed over his Gmail password to various investigative reporters. According to another tranche of emails from Bevin Cooney’s Gmail account, Hunter Biden’s associates viewed his direct pipeline to the Obama Administration through Joe Biden as “currency.”…

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WATCH: Trump Attends Church In Las Vegas, What Happens Next Is Unbelievable! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump attended a church service in Las Vegas and gave an inspiring speech to the congregation. The pastor’s wife shared, “Why don’t you pray for our president right now. Just pray, yes.” Pastor Paul stated, “Mr. President, please step right there. Come on, church, pray! Come on, church, pray! Come on. Mr. President, Second…

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President Trump Absolutely Savages Reporter: “Joe Biden is a Criminal… and You’re a Criminal For Not Reporting It” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump absolutely savaged a lefty reporter on Monday as he was boarding Air Force One in Phoenix en route to his Tucson rally. The President on Monday took Marine One from Prescott, Arizona to Phoenix International Airport to board Air Force One for his second rally of the day in Tucson. Trump decided to…

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Why Facebook’s Far Left, Activist “Fact-Checking” Groups, Like “Science Feedback” Should Scare The Hell Out Of Every American

The Gateway Pundit 

Why are leftist, third-party “fact-checkers” being allowed to control the news cycle and to unfairly impugn conservative publishers on Facebook? In 2016, only 9 days before the election, and without warning, the popular conservative, 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page received a notification from Facebook that their page with almost 1 million followers, (they now…

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Huge Crowd of Trump Supporters Honk Horns, Chant “Four More Years!” Outside of Kamala Harris’s Orlando Drive-In Rally (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris traveled to Orlando, Florida on Monday for a drive-in rally as Joe Biden hid in his basement. Of course reporters didn’t ask her any questions about Hunter Biden’s laptop as she deplaned in Orlando. Kamala held a drive-in rally and barely anyone showed up. According to a local Orlando…

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BOOM! Rudy Giuliani Announces New Documents to Be Released Wednesday Will Show Financial Crimes and Personal Crimes by Biden Family (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

During his career Rudy Giuliani jailed mobsters, dirty cops and corrupt politicians. As Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the streets, reduced crime and led the city following the 9-11 Islamist attacks. And as counsel to President Trump he represented the president through the Russia collusion sham investigation. And now Rudy Giuliani…

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Helpful Notes for President Trump’s Next Debate: His Many Accomplishments versus Biden’s Record of Failure and Corruption

The Gateway Pundit 

President Trump will again be placed in a horrible position this week in the Presidential debate.  He will have to contend with the moderator, Lying Joe Biden and the far-left Presidential Debate Commission.  Here are some thoughts on the debate. Overall The fact that Joe Biden didn’t agree to a blood test or to being…

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DOJ to File Landmark Antitrust Case Against Google for Abusing Its Online Dominance and Stifling Viewpoints

The Gateway Pundit 

In late July Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust. Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these…

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Despite Being Responsible for Thousands of COVID Deaths in New York Nursing Homes, Crazy ‘Killer Cuomo’ Releases Book Claiming His Efforts Were Mostly Successful

The Gateway Pundit 

Back in May we reported that New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD and Executive Deputy Commissioner Sally Dreslin’s actions led to thousands of deaths in New York state. In response Cuomo is releasing book lauding his COVID accomplishments. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer shared that these New York politicians are…

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UPDATE: Police Arrest Anti-Semitic Antifa Goon after Assault on Black Trump Supporter at San Francisco Free Speech Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

On Saturday black Trump supporter Philip Anderson attended a rally for free speech in San Francisco. Philip was attacked by an Antifa street thug while escorting a fellow conservative from the rally. Philip Anderson did not see the punch coming. He was sucker-punched by an Antifa thug and lost both of his front teeth while…

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Rockland, New York Officials Will Begin Patrolling Streets and Handing Out Fines Up to $15,000 for Violating COVID Regulations

The Gateway Pundit 

Rockland County announced this week that local officials will begin patrolling streets and handing out fines to individuals up to $15,000 for violating coronavirus regulations. News 12 reported: Beginning today, members of the new task force will begin patrolling Rockland’s red zone areas. Ramapo town employees are joining forces with the state to crack down…

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Exclusive: The ‘Commission on Presidential Debates’ Has Secret Donors Providing Millions in Dark Money and a New 3rd Board Member Who Pushes Socialism Around the World

The Gateway Pundit 

  The clearly-corrupt and rigged Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is a private and secretive charitable nonprofit (NFP) corporation which has had a monopoly upon the presentation of Presidential debates to the American public for 32 years, since the 1988 debates. A February 19, 1987 New York Times article, citing Paul G. Kirk Jr., the…

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“Maybe You Just Like Gettin’ Your Ass Whooped”- Black Trump Supporter Posts Epic Takedown of Black Biden Supporters

The Gateway Pundit 

Wow – this was incredible.  A black Trump supporter, who’s also the US House candidate in CA-3, tells it like it really is.  Many black Americans are waking up to the fact that their vote really counts.  They realize that President Trump has done more for the black community than any President since Abraham Lincoln.…

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Новости России

Московский аэропорт Домодедово и Всероссийское общество инвалидов заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве

50 Former Intel Officials Including Clapper and Brennan Sign Letter Saying Hunter Biden Emails Story is Russian Disinformation — Despite DNI Ratcliffe’s Statement

The Gateway Pundit 

Far-left Politico released a report yesterday claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story is Russian disinformation.  50 former officials signed a letter saying it was Russia. What can you say… Politico writes: More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging…

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COWARDS: GOP Senate Panel Led by Lindsey Graham Will Delay Vote to Subpoena Twitter and Facebook CEOs — Refuse to Defend the Right to Free Speech

The Gateway Pundit 

These people MUST be replaced. The tech giants Google, Twitter and Facebook have eliminated Freedom of Speech in the United States. Republicans never lifted a finger to stop them. Our nation suffers because Republicans are too weak to stand up for what is right. And the GOP won’t issue any subpoenas. So whatever. Who cares.…

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“I Won’t Be Intimidated. I Can’t Wait to Fill the Seat” – Lindsey Graham Confronted by Hostile, Unhinged Women as He Lands at DC Airport (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Senator Lindsey Graham seems to do his best work during Supreme Court nominations for some reason. On Monday Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was ambushed when he landed at the Washington DC airport. Two unhinged and hostile women stalked him as he made his way through the airport. One of the women told Lindsey she was…

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Biden Supporter Arrested For Firing Shotgun at 2 Trump Supporters Who Honked at Him While Driving by His Property

The Gateway Pundit 

Kingsville, Maryland – A Biden supporter on Saturday was arrested and charged for firing a shotgun at 2 Trump supporters driving by his property. The Biden supporter, 50-year-old Douglas Kuhn, was reportedly putting up a Biden 2020 sign on his yard when a father and son drove by in a truck with Trump 2020 flags…

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UPDATE: Proof That Michigan Governor Whitmer Deliberately Displayed ‘Kill Trump’ Symbolism in Background During Sunday Interview

The Gateway Pundit 

Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer in an interview on national TV yesterday portrayed symbols in the background that can be interpreted as ‘Kill Trump’. Some individuals on Twitter shared their observations from yesterday’s interview with nasty Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer: Governor @gretchenwhitmer has the gall to go on @MeetThePress this morning complaining about President @realDonaldTrump‘s…

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