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The Gateway Pundit

Новости за 25.10.2020

VIDEOS: Leftist Thugs Hurl Eggs or Rocks at Jews for Trump Caravan (One Idiot Filmed Himself Egging the Cars)

The Gateway Pundit 

The abuse heaped on Jewish supporters for President Trump during their massive car caravan through New York City has been astonishing. A liberal mob attacked the supporters and threw paint on their cars, apparently near Trump Tower. The liberal mob screamed at the Jews, “We don’t want you here!” One video from earlier in the…

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US Senate Votes 51-48 to Proceed to Final Vote to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett on Supreme Court — Murkowski and Collins Join Democrats

The Gateway Pundit 

The US Senate voted 51-48 on Sunday to proceed to confirm Amy Coney Barrett on the US Supreme Court. Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-MN) voted with Democrats on Sunday. Kamala Harris was out campaigning and did not vote. The US Senate will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the US…

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Antifa Thugs Harass, Assault Black US Veteran – Steal His American Flag in Los Angeles

The Gateway Pundit 

Antifa-Black Lives Matter goons were filmed harassing and assaulting a black US veteran in Los Angeles this weekend. According to Breitbart the skirmish broke out during a Say Their Names Graveyard Protest in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon. The veteran was surrounded and pushed down the street. At one point the leftist goons took his…

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Kamala Harris Channels Hillary Clinton, Musters Fake Accent in Detroit Speech to Paltry Crowd (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Kamala Harris traveled to Detroit, Michigan on Sunday while Joe Biden hid in his basement with 9 days until Election Day. Just look at this enthusiastic crowd gathering for Kamala Harris’s speech! VIDEO: Crowd beginning to gather for today’s Kamala Harris speech in Detroit #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2020 #Detroit pic.twitter.com/FkGr63wJr9 — Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) October 25, 2020…

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Jewish Trump Supporters Attacked in New York City (Video)

The Gateway Pundit 

Jewish Trump supporters in New York City holding a massive car parade as part of a day long show of support for President Trump’s reelection that included a stop at Trump Tower were attacked by anti-Trump protesters who screamed, “We don’t want you here!” as they ripped flags off and threw red paint on the…

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WATCH: Trump Plays Biden Hairy Legs Video at New Hampshire Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

President Donald Trump’s campaign played the infamous and creepy video of Joe Biden talking about children playing with his leg hair on the jumbotron at his New Hampshire rally. The ‘Make America Great Again’ rally took place at the crowded Pro Star Aviation in the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. Last December, Biden, a 77-year-old grandfather, was…

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“Right on, Trump!” – Duke Tanner Releases Second Powerful Video in Support of Trump After His Release from Federal Prison

The Gateway Pundit 

On Wednesday President Donald Trump granted clemency to former Gary, Indiana boxer Charles “Duke” Tanner. Tanner was serving a 30 year sentence on federal drug and conspiracy convictions. The Chicago Tribune reported: Tanner said Thursday he found out he was getting released after the prison’s 4 p.m. stand up count Wednesday. After his release, he…

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WOW: Massive Miles Long Jewish Trump Supporters Car Parade Crosses Brooklyn Bridge in New York City

The Gateway Pundit 

A massive car parade organized by Jewish supporters of President Trump shocked liberals as they headed across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan in New York City. Video clips posted by activist Mark Kennedy to Twitter show cars festooned with US flags and Trump banners being jeered by liberals and at one point being egged. Kennedy…

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Joe Biden Campaign Releases COMPLETELY DISHONEST Ad Targeting Black Women that Misrepresents EVERY SINGLE TRUMP QUOTE — Will Twitter Flag This?

The Gateway Pundit 

The floundering Joe Biden campaign released a COMPLETELY DISHONEST ad on Sunday targeting black women. In the ad the Biden campaign claims President Trump called black women as a group such names as “low I.Q.”, “unhinged” and “crazy.” The ad continues… He compared us to a dog and told us to go back to where…

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WTH? Biden Campaign Is Promoting Rallies at Florida Polling Stations After Kamala Harris Campaigns to Voters in Line in Ohio

The Gateway Pundit 

The Biden campaign is not having much success at their campaign rallies. Even Barack Obama couldn’t bring in more than 80 people to his rally yesterday in Florida. Big “O” Has Lost His “MOJO” – Obama In Miami Holds Event and Almost No One Shows Up – Only 70 People Watch Online! So the Biden…

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Twitter-Facebook Censor and Suspend Hunter Biden Drugs and Sex Video After Letting Giuliani-Borat Alleged Sex Video Trend on Platforms 2 Days Earlier

The Gateway Pundit 

This isn’t bias. This is electioneering. Way back on Wednesday Facebook and Twitter allowed salacious video and photos of former New York City Mayor and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani to go viral on their platforms. As reported earlier — A 24-year-old actress requests an interview with Rudy Giuliani in a hotel suite, where she offers…

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UPDATE: President Trump Adds Maine Visit to Sunday Schedule; Campaign Stop to Follow New Hampshire Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

(UPDATE at end) President Trump is not letting a moment go to waste as he campaigns for reelection. Turning what was supposed to be a day of (some rest) after three rallies on Saturday, the Trump campaign has reportedly added a follow-up visit to Bangor, Maine immediately after a 12:30 p.m. rally at the Manchester-Boston…

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WAYNE ROOT: This is the Michael Dukakis Election of 2020

The Gateway Pundit 

By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve been calling this the Michael Dukakis election of 2020 for months now. All through the summer with Biden up by double digits, just like Dukakis. That was before Rudy Guliani announced he had the infamous Hunter Biden laptop with a treasure trove of emails implicating Biden in a massive pay-for-play…

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Developing: Endangered House Democrats Distance Themselves from Joe Biden and His Plans to Eliminate Oil Industry

The Gateway Pundit 

Thursday was a rough day for Democrats and their confused presidential candidate Joe Biden. During the final debate Joe Biden claimed that he was not against fracking then later said he would end the oil industry entirely — not just fracking. Because the world only has 10 years. Even the far left debate was stunned…

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Never Trumper Doxxes MAGA Nuns Seen at Trump Ohio Rally

The Gateway Pundit 

The three sisters who captivated the Internet Saturday when they were seen seated directly behind President Trump at his rally in Circleville, Ohio were doxxed by a Trump hating former Republican who used a photo posted by this writer to track down the sisters online and post about what he found. I posted the photo…

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Новости России

Топ-5 самых ярких зарубежных архитектурных проектов на первичном рынке Москвы

“Just Vote Again”: Ballot Shenanigans Rampant In Oregon; Residents Report Receiving Multiple Ballots, Some From Old Addresses

The Gateway Pundit 

Earlier in the year The Gateway Pundit launched a series of stories chronicling the ballot scandal in Oregon, in which untold scores of voters were seemingly switched from their party of choice to non-affiliated, effectively denying them the right to vote in the primary. As we head closer to the general election, we’re seeing more…

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Chelsea Handler Scolds 50 Cent For Supporting Trump: “I Had To Remind Him That He Was A Black Person” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit 

You rarely get to see a better example of the liberal mindset than this. Hollywood progressive Chelsea Handler recently admitted that she scolded her former boyfriend, rapper 50 Cent for supporting Trump. She actually said she needed to remind him he was a black person. She clearly thinks she knows what’s best for black people.…

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Chinese Group Behind Release of Biden Tapes Claim Bidens Offered Up CIA Agents Who Went Missing in China in 2010 -2012

The Gateway Pundit 

It really can’t get much worse.  Now the individuals who are releasing the Biden tapes and documents claim the Bidens were responsible for offering up CIA agents in China. As we’ve previously reported, the Chinese government murdered or imprisoned 18-20 CIA sources from 2010 to 2012. From the Business Insider: China killed or imprisoned 18…

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New Text Messages Show Joe Biden Reaching Out to Hunter’s Associates for Financial Help for His Son — After He Said This Never Happened

The Gateway Pundit 

The Hits Keep Coming– The Steve Bannon War Room released an email from China’s Communist Party operative Xin Wang to Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin from 2018 regarding a loan agreement. In the email Xin Wang offers to extend the loan agreement to December 13, 2019. This raises several questions including was this agreement with…

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“Go F*ck Yourself” – Jim Biden Lashes Out at Tony Bobulinski When Confronted About His and Hunter’s Shady $5 Million Side Deal With Chinese Energy Firm

The Gateway Pundit 

Tony Bobulinski Hunter associate and whistleblower Tony Bobulinski found out in the Senate report that Jim Biden and Hunter Biden went behind his back and did a shady $5 million side deal with Chinese energy firm CEFC. Tony Bobulinski is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman…

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